Four months had gone by and Lucas and Haley's relationship was better than ever. Haley had moved to Lucas's house. She had to quit school and now was working full time at Karen's cafe.
Lucas´pov: I don't think we were ready to be parents, but we were willing to learn. And I have to admit we were also a little excited.
We had each other and we were... I don't really know what we were, we just were something, more than friends…
Lucas and Haley were on the way to the hospital to their 4 month appointment.
L: So, we are really doing this, huh?
H: yeah, is not like we have a choice now.
Lucas rubbed slightly her now growing belly and she smiled.
H: Lucas...
L: What is it?
She leant and kissed him slowly first but more passionate later.
L: what was that for?
H: I don't know, it just felt like it.
Lucas just stared, he didn't know exactly what she meant.
Haley´s pov: What was I thinking about? Kissing had already got us into trouble. I guess I was confused and... Stupid hormones!
Lucas´pov: What the hell was that, did she just kissed me, or was I dreaming...
They were looking at each other, none of them knew what to say, they stayed in that awkward silence until they entered the hospital and the doctor called them:
Doc: Haley James...
At the doctor's office
The doctor put a cream (the cream or substance or whatever they put to pregnant woman for the echography)
Haley stirred as the doctor applied the cream.
H: It's cold..
Doc: Ok, what do we have here...? He turned the screen on and both, Lucas and Haley stared at the tiny thing that was in front of them.
Doc: Here is the head (he pointed), the arms. It's little now, but is growing healthy.
H: Oh my god! It's so small!
L: I know.
Doc: So, do you wanna know the sex of the baby?
L: Yes. H: No (at the same time)
The doctor looked at both very confused.
H: If you want to, then It's OK.
L: No, but, you wanted to wait.
H: No, really, I don't think I can.
Doc: mmm... Let me see... It's a boy!
L: Oh my god! It's a boy!. It's a boy! (louder the second time)
At Lucas car
L: So, It's a boy!
H: I know...
L: And you don't seem really happy with it
H: I'm happy, but, I wanted a girl
L Maybe next time.
Haley looked at him in amazement.
L: I shouldn't have said that.
H: No. Is not like we are going to have another...I mean... we... (Haley started to babble)
L: Maybe we should leave it that way...
H: yeah.
I´m having a block so if you guys have any ideas... please let me know...