Summary: After "Forever Charmed", the girls and their men decided they wanted to get away from the city. In fact, they wanted to get away from the west entirely. So they moved to the small town we all know and love, Stars Hollow. Totally AU. Luke & Lorelai are together. No April or Anna. Oh ya, Coop & Phoebe are already married.

Brand New Life

Introductions, Part 1

A/N: Wow, I was surprised at the number of positive reviews I got between this story and its Gilmore Girls twin "New Friends".

Disclaimer: I own everything to do with Charmed and Gilmore Girls. Ya right. Seriously, you've gotta be an idiot to think that's actually true.

The morning after the Halliwell-Wyatt-Matthews-Mitchell-and-whatever-Coop's-last-name-is clan arrived in Stars Hollow was a day for exploration. Phoebe and Paige voted for going to that interesting place that has two signs. Piper, however, being the chef of the family, thought she would go to that charming little place called Doose's Market. Now that Chris had his powers, Wyatt and Chris just wanted to stay home orbing around anywhere they could. They thought it was fun to have Daddy frantically chasing them. Coop and Henry decided to go along with Phoebe and Paige.

"Do you think it's a diner or a hardware store?" Paige asked as she, Phoebe, Coop, and Henry walked into the square.

"I don't know, but I'm hoping it's a diner. Without a coffee pot, I am in a serious need for coffee!" Phoebe replied.

"I, for one, hope it's a hardware store," Henry said. Coop was undecided. Neither of the two were really something he was in to. The four of them reached the two-signed place and entered. Once they walked through the door, they were sure it was a diner. They sat down at a table, picked up a menu, and waited for someone to come take their order.

About two minutes after they sat down, a woman came up to their table. At first they thought she worked there, but she seemed to business-y for a diner. "Hi, I'm Lorelai Gilmore," The woman, now know as Lorelai Gilmore, said. "You must be new in town. This is such a small town everybody knows when somebody moves here."

"Yes, we just moved here from San Francisco. I'm Paige, and this is my husband, Henry, my sister, Phoebe, and her husband, Coop."

"Nice to meet you," Phoebe, Coop, and Henry said.

"So, San Francisco? That's a long move. What brings you to the east?" Lorelai inquired.

"Well, we just wanted to start a new life where nobody knows us, in a small town," Phoebe replied.

"What, there aren't any small towns in California or even Nevada?"

"Of course there are. Just not any with cable and great customer service. Eh-hem. What does it take to get a cup of coffee in here?" Phoebe said sarcastically.

"Oh, my God; you want coffee? A girl after my own heart! LUKE! WE NEED COFFEE OVER HERE!" Lorelai screamed. Then to Phoebe, Paige, Henry, and Coop, she said, "That's Luke; he's my fiancé. He owns the diner. I'll tell you: this guy makes the best coffee in the whole entire world! Of course, I haven't tasted coffee from every single coffee place, but I'm QUITE confident that it is the best. You will think you have died and gone to heaven when you taste it."

Been there, done that…a few times, Paige thought, giving Phoebe a look. "Good to know it has such a great fan base. So, I'm curious: Why does a diner have a sign that says 'William's Hardware'?"

"Oh, that; this place used to be a hardware store, back when Luke's father was alive. When he died, Luke turned into a diner, keeping everything the same. It's his way to remember his dad," Lorelai explained. Right after Lorelai finished, Luke came up to their table.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"Black coffee, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Oh, and lots of sugar to go in that coffee," Phoebe said.

"Quite an appetite, just like you, Lorelai," Luke said. Then he asked Paige, "And for you?"

"I'll have 'The Special Omelet' and decaf coffee," Paige said. Henry told Luke he would have the same.

"Did you put them up to this?" Luke asked.

"Of course not! That was years ago Luke!" Lorelai said, remembering when he got a new special. He had told her that she wouldn't like it, but she insisted on trying it anyway. However, with all the changes she made, it was basically a regular omelet.

"Ya, but it's not like you wouldn't do it again," Luke replied.

"Y'know what? Why don't we just let them finish ordering, okay, Mister?"

"Fine. What about you?" Luke asked Coop.

"I'll have eggs, a fruit dish, and a glass of orange juice."

"Good choice. At least you got something healthy," Luke said, heading into the kitchen. About a minute later, he came back with three coffees. Then he said, "This stuff takes off ten years of your life."

Phoebe replied, "Shouldn't you be saying good things about your own products?"

"Luke is a totally healthy eater. He disses his own stuff all the time. Isn't that right, Lukey?"

"Aw, jeez! Please don't call me that in public In fact, please don't call me that at all."

The five laughed. They went on eating their breakfast and talking with Lorelai. When they were done, Paige said, "It was great talking with you. Maybe we can do it again? But next time we'll bring our other sister, Piper, along with her husband Leo, and my beautiful nephews. They take after me, you know."

"Wow, you guys are a lot like me. Anyway, how about we get together tonight for dinner. I own the Dragonfly Inn. My best friend Sookie is our fabulous chef. And I can invite my daughter," Lorelai said. Then, with a sigh, she added, "I guess Luke can come too."

"Wow, your right; we do have a lot in common. Piper is a chef too. Or was; now she just cooks for us, but she does it very well," Phoebe said.

"You have a daughter?" Paige asked.

"Yes, Rory. She's twenty-one. I had her when I was sixteen. She goes to Yale. She's a journalist."

"Wow, I'm an advice columnist. Back in San Francisco, I was 'Ask Phoebe' at the Bay Mirror. I was transferred to the Stamford Gazette," Phoebe replied.

"Oh, my God! That's where Rory works. She'll be happy to show you around when you start," Lorelai replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Ya; I mean, I gave her life, I can take it away too!"

"Cool. So we'll see you tonight at what time?"

"How about seven?"

"Seven's great. After all, what else would we do?"

"Great, then see you at seven."


A/N: Wow! That was longer than I expected. So I know Coop and Henry didn't say much, but in this kind of situation, it seems like most guys just sit back and pretend they're not there. Review please! No flames, but criticism is welcome. Oh, and I put that "I gave you life, I can take it away too" thing in there because it is a GREAT LINE! It's so funny.