"Brooke baby I'm home", Nathan shouted as he entered their three stored mansion.
"I'm in the kitchen!
She had been working on some cookies the whole afternoon. The place was a mess: ingredients scattered all over the table and the smell of something burning was filling the kitchen. Brooke was sitting on the floor trying to clean up the chocolate that seemed to be stuck to the floor.
Nathan laughed at the sight of her not so experienced wife. "May I enquire to what do I own the pleasure of these…mmm…unconventional cookies? He asked with a tone of irony in his voice while biting a cookie.
"Nate .., don't! Brooke jumped up. But it was too late. He had already put the "cookie" into his mouth. But not for long, the second he tasted he spitted it out.
"Oh shit! This is really bad! Nathan said and grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the fridge.
"I'm sorry honey" Brooke said sincerely "I just wanted to surprise you. Guess it didn't turn out exactly the way I hope", she added apologetically
"It's Ok baby", he hugged her "you don't need this to surprise me… You do it everyday" he whispered softly in her ear. She just laughed at his statement and kissed him softly on his lips.
They had been married for almost 5 years now. Nathan had run to her after finding out that Haley and Lucas were together.
Nathan ran as fast as he could.
How could she! How could he! He knew it was his fault Haley had fired for a divorce but he still loved her and she clearly didn't feel the same way about him...
He kept on running until he found himself knocking on a familiar door.
"Nathan what are you doing here?" Brooke asked "You certainly look like crap"
"Haley" was all he managed to say.
"I thought we were over that already!" she said and caressed his back reassuringly. "Just take a deep breathe… in and out"
"It's not that Brooke… She is with somebody"
"Good for her, see… she is over you… you should do the same" she added trying to cheer him up but failing miserably
"She is with Lucas!"
"Lucas as in...Your brother Lucas?" she asked surprised
Nathan nodded and Brooke just stared at him blankly. How could he! How could he betray Nathan like that! Deep inside Brooke's anger was not only due to Nathan's heartbreak but also hers. Though she and Lucas had broken up a while ago she still had feelings for him…
"You now what's the best therapy for backstabbing ex friends and former boyfriends or girlfriends? Brooke asked mischievously.
"What is it?
"Alcohol" She replied and handed him a bottle of tequila.
….Many drinks later…
Brooke was laughing hysterically on the floor and Nathan was trying to walk straight though of course he couldn't and landed on top of Brooke.
"You know what now should do now?" Brooke asked Nathan as she rolled over the floor ending up on top of him
"What?" he asked playfully trying to sound curious though he perfectly knew what she was up to.
"We should hook up" She said and laughed one more time
"You are one naughty girl Brooke Davis" He grinned and kissed her passionately.
"So… what do you prefer baby blue or white for the play room?" Brooke asked while showing Nathan the colours.
"Whatever you want baby", he answered uninterested
"Nate honey, I though we had an agreement regarding basketball during dinner" she replied pointing at the TV.
Nathan didn't say a thing; instead he grabbed the remote control and changed the channel. He was so stuck to the match he didn't realise Brooke had gotten up from the table angrily and locked herself in the bathroom.
"Brooke baby c'mon, get out!" he pleaded while knocking on the bathroom door.
He heard no reply.
"Brooke just open the damn door! I'm sorry!
Again there was no reply. Instead she opened briefly the door for him to get it.
He did so only to find his wife sitting on the floor, for the second time in the day. She handed him a positive pregnancy test without saying a word and just waited for his response.
He really didn't know what to say…
"How could? ... I mean, I… ", He babbled, "I though we said no babies" he finally blurted out.
"What? Do you think I did this on purpose? Do you think I want a baby now? She responded on her defence.
"I didn't say that, Brooke. I'm just saying we really don't need this right now"
"Maybe we do" she replied standing up. "Don't you ever want to have children?
"I guess… But not right now, maybe in couple of years" He smiled and tried to kiss Brooke but she pulled away.
"Just get off me Nathan, I can't do this right now" She rushed to their room and locked herself, for the second time in the day.
He just stood there for a moment before kicking the door and cursing himself.
Brooke laid down on their bed trying to control her sobbing. Did she really wanted a baby? Cause Nathan definitely didn't. Though they had agreed they were not going to have kids anytime soon, there was a part of her that wanted a child.
It was not the first time she had received the same news: 3 years ago she had gotten pregnant and after talking it over with Nathan they had both agreed on having an abortion: Nathan was just starting to play pro basketball and Brooke had just set up her own clothing line. Timing was not right and neither of them was prepare to take such a big responsibility
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