Chapter 4- Yuki returns.
" I can't believe it! I don't believe it! How can Kayako and me have the same mark when we wrote totally different answers! It's just not right." I shouted out.
" Shut up Mitsuki, we're in the library. Why are you making such fuss about this anyway?" Said Riku.
" Because I want to beat him, I don't want to act like a loser in front of him." I shouted again.
" You're not a loser, you'll never be one. And try and keep your voice down Mitsuki! It's a library." Riku said as she picks up anther book.
" Oh Riku! I'm going. Can't stand silent anymore." I walked out the door.
" Why do I have to care so much? Why?" I started crying. I sat down on a bench when I walked passed the park. I sat there and started crying. Then suddenly a shadow appeared on the floor, it looked very familiar. Someone handed a me a handkerchief, I looked upon that person. Because the sun was shining behind him so I couldn't clearly see his face, but I can tell it's a he by his body shape. I looked at the boy again, the boy said: " It's doesn't matter, use it I see your tears." That voice sounded somehow so familiar to me, I held the handkerchief tightly my heart is bumming faster and faster. " Please tell me it's what I think it is, please." I mumbled under her breath looking up to that boy. " You know me don't you?" The boy said. I nodded, I tried to stand up but my legs were shacking. The boy putted his hand on top of my head, softly felt my hair. " You didn't change." Said the boy softly. I didn't know what to say, my eyes were watery I was so shocked that I couldn't move a muscle. " Mitsuki, I'm back." I had my eyes wild opened, I couldn't believe it. It's Yuki! The Yuki who I've been waiting to come back for years and years, and he is right in front of me! Right at this moment! " Oh no, oh no. This can't be happening, if this is a dream please don't wake me up." I said. I punched myself to stand up. " Yuki?" I looked at him and he putted his hand around my neck and we cried.
" Yuki is it really you?"
" Yes, I'm back."
" Please don't let this be a dream. Please."
" It's not, it's not. I came back so our promise can come true."
" I can't believe it, I can't!"
There were so much joy in that scene I couldn't have love it any better. After that I took Yuki to Rika and Riku's house.
" Hi Mrs. Yokiwa. Is Riku and Rika at home?" I walked in the house.
" Oh hi Mitsuki. Yes they're just in their bedroom, if you like to make your way in." Mrs. Yokiwa smiled and walked back into the kitchen.
" Come on!" I walked toward their bedroom and knocked. After a while the door opened.
" Hey Mitsuki, what are you doing here?" Rika asked.
" Well, actually I came here because I bought a special person to come and visit."
" What? Who?"
" Well, it's-"
" Oh is it Takuto?" Riku cut in.
" Oh did you guys made up at the end?" Rika cut in as well.
" No actually-"
" No? Who is it then? Come on share!" Riku said.
" Well if you two would give me the chance I would be delighted." I said.
" Come on in!" I shouted towards the door. The door slide open and Yuki was standing there. Riku opened her mouth and Rika dropped her cup of tea in her hand.
" Y-Yuki-kun?" Rika said.
" Oh my god! What is he doing here?" Riku said.
" Hi guys, long time no see!" Yuki smiled.
" Yuki! Oh thank god your back." Rika ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
" Yuki! I can't believe it. You're back. I missed you so much." Riku ran up to him and did the same.
" I missed you guys as well." We had a laugh and cleared up the mess Rika has made. The next day I bought Yuki back to our school, which is Yuki's old school as well. Everyone was so amazed to see Yuki, but things got a little bit out of hand when we went to see Takuto.
" Takuto, Takuto!" I ran to Takuto when I saw his back at the classroom he was in.
" Hi Mitsuki, what's wrong?" Takuto asked, seeing me out of breath.
" You'll never guesses who's here."
" Who?"
" It's YUKI!" I shouted out happily. Takuto was shocked.
" Y-Y-Yuki-kun?" Takuto had the same impression as everyone else-SHOCKED.
" Yah, he came back from Canada, all the was from Canada!" I sort of screamed that sentence out.
" W-where is he now?" Takuto asked.
" He is in our classroom where everyone is." After I said that sentence Takuto ran to the classroom. When he saw Yuki, he could hardly believe he was there.
" Hi Takuto, haven't seen you in years." Yuki smiled kindly at Takuto.
" Yah, long time no see." Takuto smile with confusions.
" How are you?"
" I'm fine. Perfectly fine." Takuto seems to have lost his words.
" What's wrong with you Takuto? Are you not happy Yuki is home?" I asked.
" Of-of course I'm happy his home. Why wouldn't I be?" Takuto drew attention to the whole class by saying that, ever I am an idiot everyone went silent. Then suddenly the teacher ran thought the door, it was vesting. Higo (our from teacher from year 1-13).
" I heard the news!" Mrs. Higo ran in the classroom with tears.
" Mrs. Higo! I've missed you so much!" Yuki was one of Mrs. Higo's favorite pupils in the class, when Yuki left Mrs. Hugo's heart seems to be broken. Now Yuki is back, of course it will be another tear scene but the only different is that this scene involves lots of joy. But it all changed when Yuki and I had our first date. Yuki asked me out the day he came back; of course I'm going to say yes no matter what. The boy who I've been waited for at least 7 years asked me out! Is there a reason to say no?
"Yuki, I'm so glad you're back. Now I know yourpromises don't break." I said happily.
"Well, it would be if I finished the last and most important thing." Yuki said, I was a bit puzzled.
"And that is?" I asked him.
" Well, you know the letter I left, the one I left it with Riku." I nodded.
" You know where I said the music box is a sysmble of friendship and love." I nodded again
" Well we had great friendship, but I still don't see enough love going on here." Yuki smiled. I looked at him. I didn't say a word. But I did know what he ment.
" I'll tell you tommrow." I smiled. Yuki lened forward and gave me a soft kiss on the head, then he left.
I went home with joy...sort of. Not sure if it was a good thing that Yuki returned...What about Takuto? He was..strange a point, and it was scary! Very scary...I've got to talk to Takuto! One way or anther!
Hey! PPL! I'm back, with my new chapter! Sorry for not updating! I've got stuff like test to worry about but hey! Now I'm back, we should be gald! So wait for the fifth chapter, also sadly the last...