Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Sugar high water uma and Yusuke'sSister don't not claim ownership of any Yu Yu Hakusho character. Kiara, however, is owned by Yusuke'sSister. The plot belongs to Yusuke'sSister and sugar high water uma.

Chapter 1.

'Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Down, oh I hate push-ups so much.' This was the though running through Kiara's head as her year's worth of training was coming to an end.

"Hurry up!" shouted the sadistic, pink headed woman, as she was trying to light one of her cigarettes. "Only 96 more push ups to do."

"Evil, demonic, slave driver." Kiara grumbled. Down, up. Down, up.

"Achoo! What was that?" Down, up. Down up.

"Nothing." Down, up. Down, up.

"Good, ninety more push ups." Genkai sat down, facing away from Kiara, on a boulder about ten feet away from where her pupil was being tortur- doing push-ups. "And don't give me those half push-ups either slacker!" Down, up.

Down, up. 'She must have eyes in the back of her head.' Kiara thought, as she started doing the correct type of push-ups. 'After a year of doing this inane torture, she might think of loosening up a little bit.' Down, up.