So here's chapter 9, none of the characters belong to me except Jake. Hemrione's thought are in bold and Ron's are in Italics everything else is in the normal print. I have to warn you, this one isn't as eventful as the last chapter but please review at the end! Ps this won't be the last chapter!
Do You?
Chapter 9
'Great, now I feel stupid for getting my hopes up. What am I going to tell everyone back at the house." Ron thought as the burrow came into view, 'But what hurts the most is that Hermione probably likes Jake. And knowing that makes me feel so much better.'
As Ron reached for the door handle to enter his house the door swung open, and Ginny appeared she instantly knew something was wrong by the look of his face and his tear streaked cheeks. "Oh, no, Ron what happened?" she asked him sympathetically.
"What?" Harry said as he stood up and moved behind Ginny. "Ron are you ok?" he asked his friend awkwardly.
"I don't want to talk about it." Ron said so fast thet Ginny and Harry barely caught it.
"Ok." Ginny responded first as Ron swiftly walked past her and up the stairs.
'What am I going to do?' Ron panicked as he jumped every other stair.
Before he know it he was at the top of the stairs. George walked out of the washroom and over to Ron blocking his way.
"Hi." he said as if he knew something was horribly wrong.
"Hi" Ron said in response.
"How did everything go?" George asked after neither of them said anything else.
"It didn't!" Ron said as he tried to push pass George but was stopped by Fred entered who had just entered the hall.
"Ron, hey how'd you make-" Fred suddenly stopped as he saw George shake his head to stop.
Ron suddenly heard the back door open and close again. He quickly looked up, weaved through Fred and George, and turned to his room and quickly disappeared.
"Hermione," Fred said extra loudly so the Ron would hear it.
"Hi" Hermione said while looking down at her feet. "Have you seen Ron? I think I just made a huge mistake!" Hermione said as she glanced up at the twins tears slowly filled her eyes.
"Yes we have, but he wasn't in any mood to talk." Fred said quietly so the Ron wouldn't hear him.
George pointed towards Ron bedroom door. "He's in there." He said as he lightly patted her shoulder before wishing her luck.
"Thanks." she said as she slowly walked over towards Ron room and the twins walked down the stairs. 'what have you gotten yourself into? What are you going to say to him? You can be so stupid sometimes Hermione.' she slowly began talking to herself
Hermione rolled her hand into a fist and reached out to knock on the door but froze half way there. 'What the bloody hell am I suppose to say to him!' she began to panic 'listen Ron I just wanted you to know that I love you, or Ron I'm sorry I love you I mean I could easily just open the door and reach in and kiss him but I don't think that would be right I at least owe him an explanation.' she began to sit down in front of his door but was to deep in thought to notice.
Ron had conjured up a punching bag and was just about to wail on it when the heard something softly hit the door, he choose to ignore it. Instead he rolled his hands tightly into a fist and let his hurt and anger go. Once he had worn himself out he sat down on his bed. "Hermione" he heard Ginny say.
Hermione's head flung up and the sound of her name. "Hermione are you ok?"
"Ginny" she said beginning to stand. "I feel horrible!" she finished as she wrapped her arms around her friend.
"Tell me what happened," Ginny asked, she was dying to know the whole story anyway. Jake had told her a but of it, but how he knew she'll never know.
"Ok well, this morning Ron came to find me by the willow tree I was so happy, I knew he'd be the only one who would be able to find me. But then Jake comes over the hill and pushed Ron aside and started to talk to me. Once Ron had had enough he began to yell and before I knew it Ron had hit him."
"Whoa, no way Ron hit him!?" said Ginny completely flabbergasted.
"Yeah, then Jake started to throw some punches and after I had gotten sick of it I pulled Ron off of Jake. But Jake couldn't seem to get a handle on himself and hit me instead of Ron."
"Wait back up! He hit you!" Ginny said with her mouth hanging wide open.
"Yeah, I don't exactly know what happened next but when I woke up I was in Ron's arm and Jake was gone. Then I brought up what happened last night and he told me just to sleep and we'd talk about it later, so I slept and woke up in his arms, it felt so good and he looked so adorable while he was sleeping I couldn't wake him, so I just laid there until he woke up." she suddenly stopped as Jake walked up the stairs. "Ginny can we talk about this in your room?" Hermione suddenly asked.
Ginny turned around and realized the reason, "Yeah sure no problem."
'Damn it, now I'll never know the rest of the story.' Ron thought to himself 'after hearing what Hermione had said and I want to know the rest.'
Once Hermione and Ginny had entered the other room she continued to talk "ok, so once he woke I told him we needed to talk and then Jake came up from over the hill and was watching us." Hermione got up and moved over to the door once she saw Ginny clench her fists. "I started telling Ron the truth but then Jake appeared and I completely lost my nerve and told him that Jake was just rambling and what he said wasn't true. Then Ron and got up and left. I could've been wrong but I thought I tears in his eyes."
"You did, he came into the house with a tear streaked face. You really hurt him" Ginny said, making Hermione feel even worse.
"Did he say that to you?" Hermione asked anxiously.
"No, but I can tell, he's my brother, and I know exactly how he feels about you?"
"What do you mean?" Hermione asked completely oblivious to what Ginny was trying to say.
"Come on Hermione your smarter than that. You must have had some idea that Ron liked you, I mean he did make it kind of obvious when he walked away with tears in his eyes."
Hermione quickly moved across the room and sat down on Ginny's bed. "Ron, Ron," Hermione had a hard time trying to her voice through all of the shock but she managed, "Ron actually likes me!" she said with a small smile. "I honestly had no idea, now I have to talk to him!" she practically shouted as she stood and began to walk towards the door.
She quickly arrived a Ron's room and knocked, no one answered. She knocked again, no one answered. She quickly decided that she would open the door, Ron would eventually have to talk to her eventually. As she opened the door she found Ron asleep on his bed. 'He looks so peaceful, I'd hate to wake him' she thought. So instead she simply sat down against his door and would wait until he woke up.
There you go chapter 9, I left it kind of open ended I know I just love to end it that way it makes it so much easier to start the next chapter! Do you think Hermione will tell Ron the truth or will he find out from everyone else, or maybe he'll hear the really story about Jake standing on the hill! let me know in your review! The more reviews I get the faster I'll update!