This is my first CSI:NY fanfic I hope you like it more then I do because I know I can write better then this but it was cute at the time I thought of it!

Disclaimer: I do not own CSI:NY or any of the other CSI shows. Nor do I own Anna Belknap, or any of the characters that she portrays. Also I unfortunately do not own Carmine Giovinazzo, or any characters that he portrays, or otherwise embodies.

Lindsay was always busy in and around the lab. Her thoughts constantly elsewhere.

What she thought was odd is she would occasionally find herself staring at Danny for no specific reason she could guess. Just something to stare at as she analyzed in her mind, each piece of evidence from her cases.

Every now and again when she had time to think of little things that amused her, Hammerback's little "crush" comment would pop into her head like a line from her favorite movie. She smirked at the idea. After all, adults didn't have "crushes" they had "interests"! And even if Danny was "interested" she would think he'd express it in a more "mature" fashion…not teasing. Of course in was Danny Messer! Not exactly the poster child for maturity! And therefore Danny calling her "Montana" was cute not exactly attractive….at least that's what she kept saying to herself when the idea resurfaced. And would Danny really be that childish as to "tease the girl he liked"? Well, to be honest, Lindsay didn't really know!

She was still fairly new, and didn't know vary much about Danny.

She would occasionally get small interesting facts about Danny when they worked together. So in return she would say something little; only hinting that she knew of something, or did something way back when.

Was this teasing? Was she just playing head games? Giving out just enough information about herself for anyone to want to know more. 'Why do I only seem to do this with Danny?' she thought, Was it intentional?

When she was with anyone else and they asked her a question about her, or what she did back in Montana, she would openly answer, and explain as best she knew how. But when Danny asked she would be more secretive, and not say so much. It's not like she didn't want Danny to know things about her. Why would working with Danny be any different then working with anyone else? Does it even matter? 'No! and there's nothing special about working with Danny!' at least that's what she managed to convince herself.

His personality just calls for childish teasing and comments back and forth amongst professionalism. 'There's no need to be thinking this intensely over something that means nothing, and isn't important!' she thought. So then, why was she? 'Why am I thinking so hard? I'm on break!'

Snapping back to reality she realized her break was almost over, and soon she would be back in the lab processing evidence with the co-worker that confused her so.

A/N well, there's my little story! Any comments and criticism is welcome! Flames, compliments, whatever! Just Please leave a review!