Authors Note: Isn't Dan just the rudest? I wonder if it's possible if a male ghost could be PMSing. Dan better watch out, Samantha has a bad temper. Now Vlad's turn and he's (Somewhat) pleased with us.

Dearest "fanfiction" Authors,

I just want to say thank you. I have found many corrupted Daniel stories. I found your concepts pleasing and workable. But what is the deal with the Samantha breaks though to Daniel and turns him good again! And the frequent mentioning of me needing a cat and me being called a fruitloop! I also believe there is a story called 105 ways to annoy Vlad Masters! Sheer lunacy! To think me getting a cat named Fruitloop!


Vlad Masters/Plasmius

Authors Note: Heh, I'm tired so they are getting less funny, I just thought we needed this after Dan called us stupid.