Just a little idea that I had. I haven't listen to my POTO soundtrackin forever, so I when I put it on today, I was inspired.

Say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime ...
say the word and I will follow you ...
Share each day with me ...
Each night, each morning ...

I looked back once more at the broken man that I was leaving behind. I forced myself to look away and focus on my fiancée, but the image of the Phantom was burned into my mind. Years passed, Raoul and I married, much to the discontent of his family, and moved to the country, far away from Paris. After I gave birth to our first child, a son, his family finally accepted me. More years passed. Springs became summers and summers became falls. Raoul and I welcomed four more children, three strapping boys and a beautiful little girl. We watched our children grow in to fine young adults. We celebrated their marriages. We celebrated the births of our grandchildren. On the exterior, we were the perfect family. I was the perfect wife. But what was unknown to everybody, my husband included, was that I dreamt of another man, the broken man that I left alone that night. I never knew became of him. Shortly after that night, all of the newspapers announced his death. Erik's death. That was when I first learned his name. I know that the Phantom…Erik…was too strong willed to perish at the hands of the mob. But I never knew what became of him. Madame Giry claimed to know nothing of his whereabouts. I had a feeling that she knew something about him, but I never inquired further. In the year 1917, Raoul and I took an extended holiday to Paris. I knew that my time was soon and I wanted to find out what became of Erik. Unfortunately, I became very ill and I never was able to finish my investigation. My last night in the hospital, after Raoul returned to the inn to rest, I received a late-night visitor. I was far to ill to speak, but he told me stories of the places he had traveled to, the people he had met, operas and plays he had seen, but most importantly, operas that he has written. Shortly before dawn came, I left this life with Erik by my side. I should've wished that it was my husband by my side, but I knew that this was how I supposed to go. The last thing that I felt before I passed was Erik, my Angel, pressing a kiss to my forehead. It was a kiss that I will remember for all eternity.

It's over now, the music of the night