(Because the Beta Goddess (Heather dearest) is sleeping and the Authoress is in some desperate need of some action)
Authoress is sitting in front of computer screen typing away with click-clicks and tap-taps. Suddenly, Spike struts into the room (you know, the way he does that…really hot and sexy strut-strut-thrust-of-the-hips-cause-I'm-afreakin-sexy-undead-goodness-that-you-simply-must-try type thing). He comes over to the crappy little dorm room desk and sits on the edge of the almost entirely paper-covered corner with a flourish of black duster. The Authoress is still zoned into the screen diligently trying to recover lost files of chapters so that mutinous fans will not have reason to harm her—and she sees nothing of the strutting eye-candy. Gently, the eye-candy takes a stack of papers and brushed them over so that he can sit more comfortably. Still she does not move from her crouched position while covered with a mass of fluffy pillows still tapping away in the constant stream of typing and pecking on the small black keys of her laptop. He inched closer, but the engrossed Authoress still does not look up. (Now insert the oober sexy evil smirk that slowly spreads across Spike's narrow features.)
"Pet?" he sang the endearment close to her ear. But still no reaction—simply the echo of typing in the cell-like dorm room.
He would just have to try harder than that. (Insert another snarky grin here.)
Spike slid closer and wrapped a leather clad arm around the lop-sided chair (that indecently hates the Authoress, so when these random spurts of hatred appear—she is thrown back wards to be devoured by the evil Spanish Cockroach "Bernardo") His mouth hovered just moments away from the Authoress' ear and he whispered something meant only for her.
In an instant the Authoress' eyes sprang open and her back snapped board straight! All of the fluffy pillows were discarded onto the floor.
"Thought that'd get your attention, Pet." Chuckled a very smug and rather self satisfied Spike. Then she turned rather evil daggers towards the leathered Vampire and stood up so that she could just meet his height when he sat down.
"That was low blood-boy." Her voice was steady but he could sense her heart beating rather urgently and quite unsteady. He chanced to lean a little closer to the perturbed girl standing straight as an arrow in front of him.
"You just don't want to admit that you enjoyed it." (Insert raise-eyebrow here)
Breathless, the Authoress plops back down into the chair and sighs. So Spike moves a little closer and lets his teeth click next to her cheek. She straightens again and stares directly at the screen in front of her and croaks out "That's so not fair." She didn't even try and hide the warbled-ness at all.
"But, pet, you're not writing fast enough. I'm just trying to get you motivated. You know, speed up the process, luv. As your muse…I reserve many rights. This one is by far my favorite though, I must say."
(Insert evil glare from Authoress)
(Spike puts 'Bad-Boy' pout on)
(Authoress turns back to screen and continues to type seeing as how whenever he puts that face on, she would do anything for him)
Spike then finds that he is being physically neglected and goes to nuzzle the Authoress' neck. This causes her to turn into jelly and goes to join the forlorn fluffy pillows into a puddle of person on the crappy tile floor of the room.
(Spike turns to people who are reading this small entry and types "Works everytime like a charm….pretty much on cue if you will.")
"Goodness!" comes from the floor as a misty-eyed fantress pulls herself up and sits back into the chair. "You're evil." She leers at the undead-glory.
He smiles and merely shrugs "Vampire. I tread on the darkside luv." He looks up at her and smirks.
"I know you have a taste for the darkside luv. I've seen it. Care to show it again?"
And that's when the Authoress stops typing due to the fact that …. Well…. We're just not going to go into that here.
Thank you to all of my reviewers!
KatrinaLee : Yeah! I so totally read at 6 am in the morning. And I have been woken up with freezing cold wash-cloths…not buckets of water though. But it sounds like fun! (throwing the water I mean lol)
Willow-Wiccan: Thank you! I'm glad you like it!
All10xs: Thank you thank you! I got the idea from…well…I was thinking of what Dawn would wear for Halloween…and nothing really seemed to fit. Then I had the brilliant idea that since she really is a sentimental person at heart, she'd probably dress-up like someone she cared about! So there, that's what happened.
.Heart.: Thank you, luv! And I do hope to continue writing. I'm taking a college course in writing and I'm hoping that it will give me some tips!
Thanks you guys! And thankyou to all you others who read this. But please review so that I can thank you by name! Tah!
: Blipic to Close Plot Holes:
The rest of the night was pretty much uneventful. Though we all sis have a good laugh at Xander telling us how he decided that he had thought his eye patch was highly overrated and decided on a new magic eye. However, the eye he had purchased was slightly larger than his normal one and was a bright blue color—therefore, making it quite the attention getter. We had a moment when we all went silent while we remembered what happened those four years ago and how he had lost the other eye so viscously. But when he found a catalog in the shop selling magic eyes, it was a look that he said that he dimply couldn't pass up. And Andrew, who had found us back downstairs, said that it reminded him of 'Mad Eye Moody' (and since he was the only Harry Potter guru in the mists, we decided to bypass his "special-ness" and move on in the conversation).
Most of the people at the party I had no idea who (and on occasion—what ) they were/ it looked like a good half of them were loner-goths who only come out on Halloween and hadn't seen the sun since last year. There was a clique standing near the door looking rather unscrupulous with their black clothing and tense faces. Xander turned and nodded his head towards the group and then looked at Spike.
"Friends of yours?" he smirked. Spike rolled his eyes and shook his head while he crossed his arms and tried not to spill the liquid that filled his glass.
"Just because the wankers have blonde hair…"
"I'd say it is more of a… oh what's the word…" Buffy put a finger to her lips as if she was in deep thought.
"Platinum Peroxide?" I suggested with barely masked glee.
"Exactly!" brightened Xander. "And I'll bet they're looking for a new and belov'd 'Captain' right?" his face became solemn and he put his hand over his heart.
Spike smirked and put a hand on Xander's shoulder.
"What a shame it would be wouldn't Whelp?" Xander suddenly looked confused.
"What would?"
That bad-boy glinted I had missed so fervently sparkled back into his eye as he turned to look at Xander willing the contents of his glass to steady.
"Losing your other eye, mate." And a smile coupled with a chuckle let loose from Spike so that even "the Whelp" even had to break a grin at Spike's jest.