Disclaimer: My loving public. Don't be stupid. I own nothing.

Chapter 22! PHASE THREE

Dan raised his hand once again, "Shut up." An ecto blast formed in his palm as Spectra held her breath.


Dull green eyes widened as, out of nowhere, Danny jumped out of the hovering helicopter and landed directly on Dan. Lightly tanned arms wrapped around him, the impact stealing his air. Dan gasped, eyes glazed and dark, and then coughed. He thrashed and flailed, trying to get Danny off and regain his breath.

"Dan! Please stop!" Danny grunted as he was elbowed in the face. Grabbing the smaller boy's arms, he hugged him with desperation, a strange strength aiding him. He hid his sore face in Dan's back, panting with the effort of holding the boy down. "Dan... just... stop..."

Vlad floated down, glancing at the twins before turning to Spectra. He raised an eyebrow, covering how concerned he was, "Plasmic goo?"

Rosy cheeks clashed with flaming red hair, "SHUT UP!"

Vlad shook his head, turning back to Dan and Danny. The smaller boy was now able to breathe, dull green eyes now some what brighter. He still struggled against Danny's hold, but it was stronger now that he wasn't panicing. Blue eyes turned to Vlad for help.

"Hold him tightly, this will only sting."

Danny's eyes widened, "What?!"

"I'm going to knock him out. Then I want you to head back to your family with Kyle," Vlad explained. Before Danny could protest, a small ray of ecto energy zapped Dan's neck, causing him to loose consciousness. "Go!"

"NO!" Freakshow, who had been in the back, charged at Vlad in anger. The ghost, not expecting that, did not react in time and was thrown to the ground with Freakshow on him. "You! You will pay for that!"

"Vlad!" Spectra grunted as the goo held her in place, struggling to help her friend. "Damn it!" Ignoring the problem, she raised her hands and shot numerous blasts at Freakshow, successfully riding Vlad of his burden.

"Daniel, go!" Vlad pressed, spotting Lydia helping Freakshow up. "Now!"

Once again, a rope ladder dropped to the ground and Danny grabbed it, carefully craddling Dan in his arms.

"Take care of him!"

Danny watched with confused eyes as Vlad turned the goo trapping and leeching off of Spectra intangable. Red eyes glared up at him and Danny immidiently nodded in confermation. He had no idea who that ghost was, but he was worried about Dan. Somehow, that made knocking him out alright... well, mostly.

When they touched down, Maddie bursted into tears, a smile on her face. Jack rushed over, questions spilling from his mouth. Jazz breathed a sigh of relief, hugging Danny and Dan with a smile, "You're safe, little brothers."

"Well, mostly."

As Kyle stepped out, he raised an eyebrow, "Desiree?"

The curveous women grinned, her form appearing from puffs of smoke. She nodded, flying over to Danny and Dan, "Oh, the effects haven't worn off yet. Almost, but not quiet."

Concerned eyes traveled to Dan, murmers filling the area.

Danny groaned, "Now what?"

Freakshow gave a pained cry as he was smashed into the wall yet again. Vlad sighed, watching Spectra and Bertand grin in satisfaction; 'The school will need to be remodeled...'

That aside, this was a very un-eventful battle. Freakshow was powerless and Lydia was out cold on the ground, trapped in a modified version of Freakshow's own green goo (now purple).

Vlad floated in between Spectra and Bertrand, glaring at Freakshow, "It's over, now. Your ghosts are gone and you have nothing left."

The other ghost glared at him, "I am not defeated yet. Dan is still under my control. As soon as he wakes up, he'll come here."

Vlad frowned, glacing at Spectra. It was possible, Vlad never was able to knock the boy out for too long...

"He will come. And you can't do a thing!"

Spectra growled, blasting Freakshow. As she was taking care of the other man, Vlad floated out of hearing range and pulled out his cell phone.

This is my December. This is my time of-

Kyle flipped open his phone and greeted, "Yeah?"

"Ky, Desiree is with you all, right?"

Kyle glanced at the genie, nodding, "Yeah. Why?"

"I need you to get her on the phone."

Kyle grunted, heading towards the woman. He waved, catching her attention and held the phone up, "Vlad!" All heads turned, eyes of all kinds following the curvy figure. Desiree picked up the phone.

"What is your wish?"

Eyebrows raised, confusion filling the minds of everyone. Was it just a way of greeting or...?

"Desiree, I'm sure this can't be taken any other way."

"Then I can't have fun," the woman sighed.

"Good. Desiree, I wish..."

Everyone tried to remain quiet, tried to hear what was being said. Desiree grinned, "Your wish is my command."

Completed: May 20
Posted: May 20