Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket
WARNING: I warned you before, if you love Yuki dearly I would not recomend reading this story!
School was over. Tohru had gone to work early, and Kyo was no where to been seen, or heard. Walking home from school was mundane. Walking home from school alone was uncommon, but not unheard of.
Caution had not been apart of his thoughts. Fear and wisdom seemed irrelevant.
The day was so peaceful. The air was refreshing and sweet. It was a perfect day reflecting in the puddle on the ground near Yuki's hand. The birds were chirping so loudly, and cheerfully it was almost hard to notice the yelling that echoed from the alleyway.
The sun was shining so bright, that it glistened on Yuki's wet silvery eyes. The streaks running down his face looked like diamonds on a day like this. The dark patches on Yuki's arms were almost the colour of the sky. The sweet smelling roses growing in a box under a nearby window matched the crimson stream that trickled from his mouth. The earth seemed so alive on a day like this that even the soil on Yuki's uniform was rich in colour.
As he staggered to his feet, he mimicked a newborn faun learning to stand for the first time.
He could still hear the sound of many soft shoes in the faraway distance that sounded like galloping. Yet the sight would have been like a flock of birds that were scattered by a toddler who ran through an infested courtyard.
As the wind blew hard through Yuki's hair, he shivered in the cold like an autumn leaf still clinging to it's limb.
Children could be heard playing on a jungle gym across the street. One looked over to see the strange sight of Yuki; someone who had once seemed perfect in appearance now battered and pathetic even to a child.
When Yuki walked through the pools of water, and sweat on the ground it was like ocean waves crashing on an asphalt beach. He left ruby streaks that sparkled on the walls as he used his arm to lean against the buildings to keep himself up. When he fell, the force of it shook through his head like a thunder storm. But the sun shone bright on his pale moistened face outside.
He brushed against cherry blossoms still lingering on the trees. The petals blew everywhere when the wind picked up. Yuki didn't notice the flowers falling onto his broad shoulders and then cascading down his back. He also didn't notice the concerned voices calling out to him. He watched his own feet stumble along the sidewalk. Tripping and falling over every little rock and twig that happened to be in his path.
Up in the distance a familiar sight could be seen. Sweet relief came over him as the place he called home came into view. Walking up to the front door, Yuki could feel water rolling down his cheeks. Not a cloud could be seen in the intense blue sky. He wiped away the salt stinging his face as he slid open the door. Only a few steps in he collapsed to his knees like a cliffside avalanche. All was quiet. The beautiful day had finally been shut out. The stale indoor atmosphere consumed his breath. Only the faint sound of peaceful chirping could be heard from outside. Clutching his side, he rose to his feet, breathing in the stillness of the moment.
All he would ever choose to remember was the perfection of a day like this.
A/N: Okay so this was a little scary to write. I must add that I do not hate Yuki in any way! He's just easy to have play the victim. I love Yuki! I just find him creepy and overrated!