Author's Note: Sequel to New Friend or Old? I hope you like it!

Massie Block: After her dad loses his job, she's poorer than Kristen used to be! She can't even afford to shop at Old Navy. Will her popularity shoot down faster than laxatives or will OCD become Wal-Mart's biggest customer?

Claire Lyons & Kristen Gregory: Their dads took Massie's dad's job. Now that they're as rich as the old Massie and both living in Chesterfield, a high-rise that's more exclusive and wealthier than the Montador, will they become BFF's and team up to trash Massie?

Dylan Marvil: She gained weight after not sticking to her diet. She's totally on Massie's side, but she's not that big of help. She refuses to shop at Meijer, and blows off Massie for Atkins' meetings. Will Massie dump her, adding another girl to the I-Hate-Massie list?

Alicia Rivera: While Massie's trying to get OCD to shop at Target, Claire and Kristen are trying to trash Massie, and Dylan's trying to lose weight, Alicia finds herself friend-less. Will she help Massie so TPC can rule once again, or will she help Claire and Kristen as payback to Massie's years of ruling?

Author's Note: please review!