Disclaimer: Unless you want a quarter, a dime, 9 pennies, and some pocket lint, don't sue me. I don't having anything worth taking. In case you're too stupid to understand what that meant, it means I don't own Charmed. If I did do you really think Prue would be dead and Phoebe the selfish bitch she is now?
A/N: Sorry for the delay but I unfortunately have a life out side of my lovely puter. Also huge thank you's to all those who have reviewed. I love you all! This is my first fan fic so I'm glad it's getting good feedback.
Miss Hellfire – Take Two
Chapter 2: Save Me?
Tears formed in her eyes but she didn't dare let them fall. She clasped her hand over her mouth, uttering a muffled "What have I done?" She took a few steps back from where she stood. The only sounds that could have been heard were her sister's quiet sobs and the soft blow of the wind.
Again the events that just took placed flashed in her minds eye and slammed into her again and again like the waves of an angry storm. She finally let the hot tears fall down her pale face. She dropped to her knees and screamed. It was a sad scream filled with anguish.
She got up off her knees and sat on the cold concrete in a fetal position. She covered her face with her hands and rocked back and forth. She cried. She cried for Phoebe, for what she had done, for Piper, for the life she was going to go on living. She let the tears fall until she had none left to cry.
She took her hands away from her face and wiped away the wetness of her tears. She then weakly stood up and walked slowly to where her sister held her other sisters limp form in her arms. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She tried again and stuttered not knowing what to say.
"Piper… I… I didn't… I didn't mean to. I was… under a… spell…"
Her sister's sobs came to a halt. Piper sniffed a bit, wiped her eyes, and cleared her throat. Her voice was raspy as she spoke.
"I know. And I don't blame you. I blame Barbus. It's just that…" She let out a heavy sigh. "I can't look at you right now. Even if it wasn't really you, you still have our sister's blood on your hands. I can't handle that right now. I need time to deal."
When Prue heard those words she felt one lonely tear fall from her eye. She knew she couldn't undo what she had done.
She suddenly remembered one important thing: Barbus. He was still roaming about waiting for her to return. She knew that she had to put all that had happened and what she was feeling on hold.
"P-Piper, we need to go va-vanqish Barbus or else he, he wins. He may have won the battle but he can't win the war. We need to do it, for Phoebe."
Piper knew she was right; they needed to finish Barbus off. She too put her feelings on hold. Piper gave Phoebes body one last squeeze and whispered "I'll be back for you." She let a couple more tears fall before gathering herself and standing up on shaky legs.
As they excited the roof and walked to where Banes room was located Prue looked at Piper. She wouldn't look at her and kept her eyes planted firmly on the ground before them. Prue felt tears welling in her eyes, hurt by the fact that her own sister couldn't bare to look at her. But she pushed it down; there were more important matters at hand.
When they reached the door Prue pushed it open and strut in with Piper in tow. In both sisters' eyes you could see the same burning fire of anger. Barbus' eyes lit up and his mouth quirked into smirk as he saw a sister was missing.
In a mocking tone he said, "Ah, missing a sister are we?" He chuckled. "Kill them."
Bane pulled out his gun ready to shoot but Piper was too fast for him and froze him and the room. Prue let out a sigh of relief at the fact that they still had their powers. She hadn't even thought about the power of 3 being broken. She walked over and took the gun out of his hand.
"Do you think you can unfreeze just him?"
"I don't know I've never tried."
Piper took a deep breath trying to get her emotions in check. She waved her hands and he unfroze. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was giddy she had that good of a control on her power.
As Bane shook of the fuzziness he noticed his gun was gone and the two remaining sisters were in different positions than before.
"Looking for this?" Prue waved the gun in his face.
"What's going on?"
Without thinking Prue replied, "Witchcraft as its best."
She flicked out her arm and as a result Bane went flying onto the other side of the room. A moment later Barbus unfroze and the clock chimed a new day. His smirk disappeared and was replaced with a look of damning. He started to spin in circles crying out "NO!" until finally he was gone… again.
Prue walked over to Bane and yanked him up off his feet. She pulled her arm back and punched him as hard as she could in the face. He was rendered unconscious. She dropped him back on the floor.
"Why'd you do that?"
"We have to figure out what to do about Phoebe before calling the police and I couldn't let Bane see or risk the police finding her."
Piper knew she was right and nodded her head. She walked back to the roof with Prue behind her. She reached the roof she slowly walked up to her younger sister with Prue 5 steps behind. When Piper laid her eyes Phoebe lying there limp and cold something happened inside of her.
She felt a pain form in her heart as reality slammed into her. Phoebe was gone. Dead. She would never be able to hug her, talk to her, smile with her, or even vanquish demons with her, ever again. It was too much for her to handle and whether she liked it or not she needed Prue right now, more than ever.
She turned and looked at her older sister for the first time. Prue looked like a wreck with her hair messed up, her eyes bloodshot, her face deathly pale and tearstained. She had no doubt in her mind she looked the same way.
Piper took a few steps forward, threw her arms around Prue, collapsed onto her, exhausted and cried. Prue wrapped her arms around Piper and held her as her tears soon joined Pipers. Together they sunk onto the floor and cried their hearts out.