Reveries of Truth

10/3/06 A/N Hey guys, this is my first fanfic! I read them on here all the time and only tonight I got the bright idea I should write one myself. So, I just started writing furiously in my notebook and now I have a chapter! I'm kind of nervous about revealing it, since I've never really written anything before and so far I don't have much of an idea of where this is going, but hopefully some people will like it! Basically, my story is set before the end of the series. I haven't really designated a specific time yet for it, but that will probably come later. Anyway, I would really appreciate reviews and constructive criticism of any kind, please let me know how I'm doing and if I should continue! Well, on to Chapter 1!

10/6/06 Edit: Hey I just made some adjustments with the language and grammar in this chapter…hopefully I'll write Chapter 2 either tonight or tomorrow, so give me some reviews to fuel my metaphorical fire!

10/7/06 Edit #2!: Hey again, when I started writing this fic I really had no idea where I was going with it, but now I have a few ideas and at least I have a general direction to go in so I changed some things. Originally this was supposed to take place somewhere during the series, but I decided it's now taking place a year after the movie occurred. I tried to edit it as best to my ability so everything still fits together and I hope I did it successfully, so please leave your reviews and criticism so I know how I'm doing! Next chapter probably(hopefully!) will be up sometime tomorrow. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Winry bolted awake. She was shivering and drenched in sweat. Still partially in a dream state, she desperately ran her hands through her hair and over her body. Certain that she was all in one piece; Winry exhaled a sigh of relief.

Eventually her harsh ragged breathing slowed to an even pace. As she became more awake from the nightmare, Winry swung her legs over the side of her wooden bed and glanced at the clock. Through the thin beam of moonlight peeking through the curtain she could discern that it was 2:00 in the morning.

Sighing, Winry stood up and walked to the window. Peeling the curtain aside she glanced out into the peaceful countryside. The full moon shone brightly, revealing grassy hills gracefully rising and falling like the chest of a person deep in slumber. Everything was as it should be and as it always had been, quiet and serene. The beautiful scenery still took her breath away even though she was used to this setting after living in Risembool all her life.

Quietly, Winry tiptoed across the room, opened the door, and stealthily made her way down the stairs careful not to wake the house's other occupants. Her bare feet padding against the cool wooden floor were the only audible sounds in the gentle summer night with the exception of the soft crickets lullaby.

Opening the front door, Winry took in a large breath of fresh country air. It was nights like these that made her feel like she was the only person on earth. It was an exhilarating yet lonely feeling. She quietly closed the door behind her and sat down on the porch.

The moon was large and beautiful, hypnotizing to the sight. Winry shook her head slightly, allowing tendrils of silky golden hair to fall in her face. She had to remind herself that the objective of coming outside wasn't to stare at the moon; it was to organize her mingling confused thoughts in regards to her nightmares. The concentrating Winry dropped her head into her hands and squeezed her eyes shut tightly trying to remember her most recent nightmare, but it was like trying to cup water in her bare hands, the details were slowly trickling away. She was positive it had been like all the others…about Ed and Al.

As a sharp pain pierced her side, Winry suddenly experienced a jolt of recollection with vivid clarity. In the terrifying dream it was as if she was watching a play, the events were occurring but she had no control over what was happening and the actors couldn't even hear her scream out in horror.

There were two figures in her hazy nightmare, they were only mere suggestions of shadows but she still knew in her heart without a doubt that they were Alphonse and Edward Elric.

The two silhouettes were fighting other more menacing shadows. The familiar movements of battle were almost like a smooth and fluid dance between the two parties. They ducked, blocked, and attacked almost to an indiscernible rhythm.

The fight progressed like this for a few minutes, and the helpless Winry could only watch in suspense while pangs of fear and panic gnawed away at her insides. Finally after what seemed like ages, one of the evil shadows broke the solemn waltz with a harsh and abrupt attack.

The shadow Edward crumpled to the ground almost in slow motion as his side was pierced with a sharp blade. Winry collapsed to her knees, suddenly weakened by her ignored screams of horror and disbelief.

Shadow blood pooled around Shadow Edward's rigid and unmoving form. Without even knowing how she knew, Winry suddenly understood that Ed was dead.

She broke down sobbing. Opening her eyes and jerking upright, Winry realized there were real tears coursing down her cheeks. With a sigh and a suppressed sob she wiped away the tears with the back of her calloused hand.

Even though it had seemed so real and terrifying, she had to remember that it was only a dream. Winry wondered to herself how much longer these reoccurring nightmares would last. She hadn't seen Ed or Al in a year and had suffered from constant nightmares since then.

Waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and panting heavily had become a familiar action to her. These nightmares always involved Ed and Al and they were always in danger.

She knew she couldn't go on like this and that these stressful dreams were taking a toll on her both mentally and physically, but she couldn't think of any solution. Winry hadn't yet told Granny about her nightmares, but the old women knew something was wrong when Winry would appear in the morning, restless and just as tired as she had been when going to bed the night before.

Winry was worried and lonely for her two oldest friends, she didn't even know if they were alive or dead. Her last time seeing them was about a year ago when they both left the world of alchemy to seal the gate between Amestris and whatever dimension lay on the other side.

After they disappeared again after only a brief reunion she felt confused. No, confused wasn't an accurate word to describe her thoughts, it was more than just being confused, the usually confident Winry was unsure. Since as long as she could remember, she was always confident in everything she did, but now she just didn't know anymore. She was unsure about the mixed feelings that were welling up within her.

After Ed had disappeared without a trace 3 years ago while restoring his brother to his body, Winry had been shocked and bewildered. To even consider the notion that Edward could possibly be dead was just too overwhelming and unbearable for her to comprehend. It was only shortly after Alphonse had appeared once again with the memories of his 11 year old self and no recollection of his years in the suit of armor that he left once more to go study alchemy with his teacher, Izumi.

Winry had felt empty. There was a gaping obtrusive hole in her heart that no one could fill except for the two brothers, her only family left after Granny.

For a period of time Winry thought of as her "dark days" she was sad and confused, she just wasn't the same cheerful Winry everyone had come to know and love. She secluded herself from others and became somewhat moody and withdrawn.

While she tried to keep up a cheerful front, those who knew her well observed her overly enthusiastic efforts and could feel the palpable misery radiating from the lonely girl. But eventually, little by little, Winry came to terms with her losses and through the grieving process began to slowly heal. The young mechanic came to accept the fact that Edward was gone and that Alphonse had lost 4 years worth of memories and was once again a child instead of the mature teen he had become.

But after two years of internal struggle, her newly stable being was once again shocked when she found herself face to face with Edward Elric after finally coming to terms with the fact that he would never return.

Winry had felt a torrent of conflicting emotions; she was relieved, happy, curious, bewildered, and once again confused. But she was mostly just happy that he was back. This feeling was short-lived though, almost immediately after returning, Edward left again to seal the gate between the two worlds and Al had accompanied him.

She only took comfort in the knowledge that wherever the brothers may be, they were together, and the hope that they had gotten back to that other world safely.

Winry didn't want to be selfish, but still she wished that the boys could be back in Risembool, beside her once again. Although she had gone through much emotional distress in the past few years, it had only made her stronger as a person, though she still experienced weak moments of fear and despair that were subconsciously played out in her habitual nightmares.

Sighing heavily, Winry glanced up to the large bright orb in the sky, the light illuminating her beautiful face as a single crystal tear slowly fell down her cheek.

Why did it have to be like this? Although she was much stronger now, this constant worrying she still endured was truly putting her heart through a fierce tug of war. As she wiped away the remaining tear, she noticed a slight movement in the far off gently sloping hills. Contrasted by the brilliant moon, she could see dark silhouettes in the distance slowly approaching on the meandering country road.

It was so surreal and almost unbelievable, but just like in her dream, although she could not see the figures, somewhere deep in her heart she knew exactly who they were.

A/N Soooo how was it? Please review and let me know! If I get good reviews, then hopefully I'll come up with another chapter within the next couple of days, but if no one reviews I probably won't continue. Let me know what you thought of it, good or bad!