A/N: 7/6/07: Hello readers! Did you miss me? Hopefully you all didn't forget about me already. Don't worry; I haven't been dead these past few months, just extremely busy! I feel really really bad that it's been sooooo long since I've updated. Really, the longer I put off updating the easier it is to forget. And I actually had about ½ of this chapter written in April, but for some reason or another I never got it finished. Until now. Anyway, I hope you will all forgive me for keeping you waiting for so long. The story continues! I really want to keep on writing this, now that I had a sudden brain blast of ideas, but I really need encouragement from everyone. Please read and review, let me know what you think! A lot is revealed in this chapter, also, enter: Winry! Anyway, enjoy, welcome back, R & R please!
A/N: 7/8/06 EDIT: Hey, just fixed a few things that were bugging me, etc. Wow, I haven't been on FFnet in months and months... what's up with all the yaoi? Seriously, I was checking out the FMA fics and like, all of them were yaoi, except for maybe 2 or 3 on each page. -shakes head in disappointment-
Chapter 7
In truth, Mustang had been shocked to see the Elric brothers sitting in his bare office. The possibilities of them ever returning had been slim to none, and his discussions with the other officers had resulted in the group consensus that the brothers were gone forever.
Yet there they were, staring back at him with about as much surprise as he felt. He quickly masked his astonishment with a smirk and a well placed comeback, but his mind was elsewhere.
How had they gotten back? The time and dedication it must have taken for the research and development of that advanced alchemy was mind blowing. The intellect and resourcefulness of the young boys never ceased to amaze him. Although he had been an exceptionally established alchemist at that age, called a prodigy even, his own accomplishments paled in comparison to theirs.
As he entered the room with an intrepid flourish, Mustang gave Riza and Havoc a brief nod, and they abandoned their posts by the door. The three adults, the Major General in the lead and his subordinates behind him, approached the brothers. They settled into the opposite couch, Roy and Havoc with familiarity and ease, and Riza with conservative stiffness and formality.
"I didn't expect to see you boys again." Roy conceded, with his calm commanding voice, not a hint of his previous astonishment evident. He silently evaluated their appearances. They had obviously grown and developed over the year they were gone. Al was still young, but had a look of maturity and knowledge in his eyes. Ed had visibly grown taller, at least by a few inches. What a shame... they would be around the same height, so Roy couldn't make fun of his stature any more (or lack thereof).
"We didn't expect to see any of you again either… or any of this." Ed gestured towards the expansive window which framed a normally breathtaking view, but now only showcased the destruction of the once beautiful city. He still couldn't believe all that had happened in only the course of a year.
Riza observed the brothers, still looking awe-struck out the window. She glanced at Mustang questioningly, but when he gave her an affirmative nod, she fixed her steely gaze on Edward and Alphonse.
"I'm sure you both have many questions to ask, especially with Central being in the state it is in, but it's important that you tell us first how you came to be here, everything up to the point where we met."
Ed looked like he was about to protest, but bit back his words as he exchanged a look with Al who nodded firmly.
"Alright." He sighed impatiently.
"Oh!" Riza exclaimed, her wide eyes lit up with surprise, the usual stringency momentarily forgotten. "I forgot… you boys must be hungry."
Edward's stomach growled in response as he grinned sheepishly.
"Well, we haven't eaten in awhile." Alphonse admitted.
She rose from her seat immediately.
"I'll be right back."
The quiet room echoed with the slam of the door as she hurriedly departed. The four men sat uncomfortably for a moment before Roy broke the silence.
With a knowing grin he said, "Looks like you've grown a little bit, Full Metal. I'm sure that by now you must be almost as tall as your mechanic girlfriend."
Edward flushed, but maintained his composure. He was much more difficult to anger these days, but often his temper still got the better of him.
"Looks like you still haven't managed to get together with Lieutenant Hawkeye, Sir."
He said with sarcastic emphasis.
Now it was Mustang's turn to look caught off guard as his slightly agape mouth and wide eyes betrayed his unperturbed facade. Havoc disguised a snicker with a hacking cough as Roy shot him a dirty look.
Alphonse sighed and rolled his eyes. Things really hadn't changed much.
The door opened, and Riza reentered followed by a disgruntled looking Shieska. Shieska carefully balanced a tray with drinks and various sandwiches on it. She nearly dropped it in surprise when she saw Ed and Al. Riza quickly steadied the dangerously wobbling tray with her speedy reflexes.
"Edward…. Alphonse!" Shieska's face lit up with joy as she clumsily hobbled to the table in front of them where she set down the tray. Lacking Riza's appropriate dignity and formality, she grabbed the brothers in a tight embrace.
"Shieska!" Alphonse choked as her hug cut off his breathing.
"Sorry!" She apologized with a huge grin on her face as she released them.
Getting a good glimpse of her for the first time in a year, Edward noted that while there were some differences in her appearance, she overall looked the same. She sported a standard blue female military uniform, with a knee length skirt and shoes with a slight heel. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and she still wore the same thick square rimmed glasses. The main difference was how haggard she looked. In fact, all of the military personnel he had come in contact with so far looked run down and tired. They must be facing an especially difficult time.
Her eyes lighting up suddenly, Shieska said partially to herself, looking away in thought, "They're back! I'd better go call…" She trailed off and gave Riza an inquiring look, as if searching for confirmation.
The older women shook her head no.
"Don't call… send Ross and Brosh out immediately."
"Yes Sir!" Shieska saluted proudly before exiting the room. Before completely closing the door behind her she turned back towards the boys and flashed them an ecstatic smile.
Riza looked faintly amused as she faced Edward and Alphonse again. They had begun to shovel food in their mouths, obviously starving, barely leaving time to chew. After letting them eat for a few minutes, Roy finally spoke.
"Are you ready to tell us how you got here?"
Ed wiped his mouth and swallowed before beginning their long and arduous story. The brothers took turns recounting the long chain of events that occurred since they were both trapped on the other side of the gate. They described to an enraptured audience the countless months they spent researching and calculating, and then finally their journey back to Amestris. The military officials listened attentively as they narrarated their shocking discovery of the city, and finally their encounter with the rebels and Havoc. Edward took a swig of water to ease his sore throat from all the talking.
"And so, here we are." He concluded, his voice slightly hoarse.
The adults were hushed, all sharing a pensive silence. Havoc summarized their thoughts with a communal unrefined "Wow". Riza gave him an annoyed look, but Mustang only nodded in taciturn agreement.
Edward leaned back against the sagging couch, finally making himself comfortable. After sharing a brief moment of eye contact with his brother, he raised his eyebrow expectantly at the officers.
"Well? Aren't you going to tell us about the city now?"
Riza glanced shiftily at her superior before he just shrugged as if granting permission. She finally relaxed slightly, assuming a comfortable position similar to the men sitting next to her, though still lacking their degree of ease. Taking a deep breath, she began.
"The two of you obviously know what happened the day of the attack." The boys both nodded.
"After the gate was destroyed and the enemies returned, the city was still in panic. There was chaos everywhere and no sense of order whatsoever, which was probably the military's biggest mistake immediately after the invasion. The people of the city were angry and distressed, naturally. Buildings were in ruin, there were craters in the streets, and many many people were killed. Those who had witnessed the attacks saw the alchemy used and became immediately suspicious.
There was looting and rioting everywhere, and the military was still also part of the confusion and could do little to stop it all. Eventually Central headquarters became a target as the people became more and more convinced that the state alchemists were responsible. Rising rebel factions sprung up all over the place, and we did the best that we could, but it was never enough.
There was no way we could rebuild and repair the city while we were simultaneously being attacked. The higher ups believed things would calm down, so we were ordered to wait it out and do our best to keep the peace, but as the days passed things only got worse. They became bolder and bolder, and refused to listen to peaceful negotiations or even hear proof of the military's innocence in the matter. Finally, the only way to stop the violence was by force."
Riza looked down at her hands, thoughts lost in memories long past, recalling a similar situation many years ago.
"We were given orders to take out the rebel groups at whatever cost. Anyone disobeying orders would be court-martialed." She faltered. "It was…. Hard. We had to fight against our own people; our friends, our family.
After several weeks, the uprisings had almost all died out. At that point, many of the civilians had vacated the city to avoid the danger. By the time things had finally calmed down, the city was a wreck. The military leaders relocated to other cities, believing Central to be a lost cause. They left only a small group here to take care of any remaining opposition. That's us." She said her last sentence with a firm finality.
Mustang continued smoothly from where she left off, his voice low and rumbling.
"Our job here is to keep the peace, but I believe we can do more than that. The city is only dead when there are no more civilians. You've walked through the streets; you've seen how alive it still is. Things are rough right now, and they will be for awhile, years and years probably, but we can still resurrect this city. Not everyone has given up yet."
Edward had a strange sense of déjà vu as he recognized the familiar sense of assurance and comfort by the older man's words. The brother's had only relied on themselves and each other for so long, it was nice to hear a soothing word from someone else.
"I really can't believe so much has happened while we were away." Al replied, amazed by the account.
"It's unbelievable." Edward agreed for once.
He brought up something that had been weighing on his mind since their homecoming.
"So… what now for me? I mean, do I have to assume military duties or whatever?"
Mustang thought for a moment before responding with a sly grin. "As much as I'm sure you'd love to immediately rejoin our cause, I'm afraid you are required elsewhere right now."
With a smile broadening even more at Edward's guarded look of bewilderment, he continued. "I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people who would be very happy to hear of your return, a certain mechanic in particular."
"Winry!" Al exclaimed happily, while Edward's cheeks turned a pleasant shade of pink, something that didn't escape from Mustang's notice.
"Yeah…" He said rather awkwardly. "How… how is she?"
Riza answered this time, a knowing warmth in her ruby eyes. "I'm sure she'll be extremely pleased to see you both again."
"We should leave for Risembool tomorrow, brother." Al was grinning from ear to ear, completely devoid of the melancholy presence he had accumulated over the past year.
"Actually, that won't be necessary." Riza cut in. "I've already arranged for her to meet you here, she will be on the first train out of Risembool tomorrow morning." The boys looked astonished at her efficiency.
"Although it will take her a little bit longer to get to Central since the trains no longer run here." She added as an afterthought.
"Thank you." Al bowed his head slightly.
"Yeah …thanks." Ed replied, still looking somewhat taken aback.
"Now." Riza folded her hands together. "Shall I secure some lodging for you boys?"
"That would be great." Al beamed.
Riza rose from the couch and hastened to the phone on the opposite side of the room, immediately making quiet phone calls. Edward noticed Roy's appreciative gentle gaze on his subordinate as she talked animatedly into the mouthpiece. He caught Mustang's eye and smirked, while the former only gave him a scowl in return.
The Lieutenant Colonel returned momentarily with news that the boys would have their own quarters in the military dorms. She glanced outside and noted the dark sky.
"It's been a long day; you boys have been through a lot. Shall I show you to the barracks?"
They both nodded gratefully and followed her out of the room, waving goodnight to Havoc and Mustang.
Once situated in their room and both in bed, the brothers were left alone to their thoughts, to contemplate all that had happened to them over the course of the day. The day that had felt as if a whole lifetime had passed.
Edward broke the relaxed silence and sat up, letting his warm blanket fall, uncovering his bare torso. "I wonder if Winry's any different."
Alphonse sat up on his elbows in his creaky bed, surprised.
"Of course not, brother. No matter what happens, Winry will always be Winry."
Comforted by the thought, Edward lay back down and promptly drifted off into a deep sleep filled with peaceful images of Risembool and its specific occupants.
Winry's heart leapt as she saw the two approaching figures outlined by the bright moonlight. Could it be? Was it the Elrics? She had let her hopes rise many a time only to be let down and receive a harsh reality slap. But regardless, her heart sped up all the same. As they drew nearer she thought the pounding organ would explode in her chest from anticipation mixed with hope and fear.
She didn't have the patience to wait while they casually strolled down the country road, Winry was done with waiting. Without a second thought, she took off running in her bare feet and nightgown, hardly feeling the damp grass beneath her feet, or the cool summer breeze in her hair.
But she slowed to a halt as the gap closed between the two parties. She could recognize immediately that they weren't her childhood friends. Her hopes were dashed ruthlessly, like waves crashing against a craggy shore.
As she regained her composure and the couple cautiously came nearer, she distinguished a man and a woman, both wearing military uniforms.
"Winry?" The woman called out, sounding slightly unsure.
Winry took a step closer, recognizing the perplexed but familiar faces of Maria Ross and Denny Brosh.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I would really really love it if you'd take a few seconds to review and let me know what you thought. You know how equivalent exchange works. P You review, I'm motivated to write more, that's just how it works.