"Iruka," said a silver haired man sing-songily. Said silver haired ninja was the only one awake in the bedroom that night. Nighttime was when cunningly daring plans were hatched.

Hatake Kakashi had just such a cunningly daring plan.

His plan revolved around certain facts. One fact was that his apartment was easily able to accommodate two grown men comfortably. Another fact was that his apartment was mere moments from the center of Konoha where, coincidentally, the shinobi academy was located.

There was however one monumentally important fact that Hatake Kakashi relied on: Umino Iruka agreed to everything in his sleep, with very little prompting ever necessary.

"Iruka-koi," Kakashi prompted once more, again in his sing-song voice.

The man beside him stirred this time, and swatted an arm into the air, disgruntled. An unintelligible grumble followed.

"Koishi," Kakashi said softly, and in the sickliest sweet manner he could muster. "How would you like to move in with me?"

Iruka's eyes didn't open, however Hatake Kakashi, feared and revered ninja, was not deterred. He leaned closer to Iruka's ear.

"It'd be closer to the academy, Iruka," Kakashi taunted into his ear. "And Iruka my apartment is a lot roomier…Iruka that means a larger kitchen to cook in…"

Iruka snuggled closer to him and Kakashi grinned. He was a ninja, he was not afraid to use underhand means such as these. He was near triumph.

"Iruka, move in with me," pleaded Kakashi right into the tanned man's ear.

It took a moment and then—

"Yeargh," came Kakashi's awaited reply.

Hatake Kakashi finally went to sleep with world like accomplishments filling his ego.

He really didn't take into consideration that said ego was probably going to be beaten rather fiercely when his underhanded trickery became known to the man beside him. However the night was rewarding and Iruka had said yes, in a way.


Kakashi has to amuse himself some way doesn't he?