Chapter 3

Tarsha wiped the sweat off her forehead as she paused pitching hay from the loft and looked down as she heard people entering and spotted four companions entering first.

"Travis! Garry!" She cried in excitement and hurried down the ladder before engulfing Travis in a bear hug. "You are early." She exclaimed as she hugged Garry and grinned at Dirk and Talia. "We weren't expecting you for another week."

"Companions make better time then most horses." Travis replied with a grin, wiping a few tears from his cheeks. "Has mama given birth yet?"

"Last month." Tarsha nodded as they all began removing tack from their friends. "Two boys, Rolan and Judas." She grinned at Talia as she blinked away few tears.

"Wow every one has been busy haven't they?" Travis commented looking at the longer looking stable. "Any other changes?"

"The stables are still being finished, another four stalls are being added and Papa has added five more rooms to the inn." She nodded. "Every one is out checking the fields, except for mama she is in the kitchen." She glanced at the eight year old boy as he looked over his mare. "This must be Jemmie, it nice to finally meet you." She chuckled as he smiled shyly at her before ducking his head. "Come on everyone will be in soon for lunch, it's just us at the moment, last customer left yesterday." She told them as she led them all into the inn. "Mama, they are here early." She chuckled at the cry her mother let out at the sight of her children and wrapped them both in hugs before doing the same to Dirk and Talia and once being introduced to Jemmie.

"Tarsha, blow the horn and let them know that lunch is nearly ready." Mama said as she got every one seated. "They are only in the first field."

"Right." She ducked into the kitchen and stepped out of the side door and gave the beautifully carved horn two short blows and chuckled as she heard a few whoops from the field and saw them all turn and race for the inn. "I think they are all hungry Ma," Tarsha commented as she came back in still chuckling. "They are having a race to see who will get here first."

"Hmm and knowing Papa he is loosing." Mama chuckled as she served up drinks.

"How has business been? Last time I was here you were all being worked off your feet." Dirk asked leaning on the table.

"We still are, we've only had a few quiet days here and there since you've left." Mama replied. "Which is a little strange as the three months leading up to midwinter are usually our quietest, a week or two before midwinter and it all picks up again." As soon as the rest of the family entered through the kitchen carrying the food, talking became impossible as they were greeted.

"Where is Karen?" Garry asked looking about for his twin.

"She got an offer from a travelling bard that she didn't want to pass up." Tarsha told him. "You must have just missed her on the road, she left three weeks ago and probably won't be back until next year."

"And Daniel? I don't see him in the crowd?" Travis asked from the other side of her.

"He is apprenticed by the healing temple up the road, he'll be arriving soon" She replied, hearing her Papa tell Dirk the same thing. "Annabell is the one in the most trouble through." She glanced at her elder sister as she happily chatted away with Jazmine and James.

"Why is that?" Travis asked looking at her. "She looks fine to me."

"She is pregnant, it took Mama two weeks to get the father's name out of her."

"It wasn't just a traveller was it?" Garry asked looking a little worried.

"No, it was Deren, the trainee that Dirk had up here four months ago. It took Mama three months just to realise what Annabell's symptoms were, we all just thought that she was sick, turns out it was morning sickness."

"I'll let Deren know that he is going to be a father and see what he wants to do." Dirk nodded with a small sigh.

"I know that Heralds don't usually form attachments out side of Haven, just a letter once a year to let me know he is alive will do me." Annabell shrugged.

"Well as long as you understand that, then there shouldn't be too many problems" Talia nodded slowly. "I must admit that I am surprised at how calmly you are all taking this."

"Well around here it is the only likely way to meet a guy who is interested in marriage" Papa spoke up. "Or to meet any one at all." He glanced at all six of his eldest children. "They know the risks, they have all been taught how to prevent accidents, but I must admit that another hand around the place in a few years would be nice." He smiled. "They might not think that we realised what was going on, but we know they stay with the safest kind there is."

"And who would that be?" Dirk asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Heralds only." Papa shrugged. "We all know that they aren't going to turn around and start hitting them, it doesn't happen often but…" He shrugged again. "It is their choice"

"And knowing our family line and how well you've done you can bet that it is going to be twins." Mama chuckled.

"You know for sure?"

"Meren confirmed it." Annabell chuckled as she began collecting up empty plates.

"Meren?" Talia frowned.

"He is the head healer at the temple, he has delivered every one of my children and said he would be honoured to deliver the second generation." Mama smiled happily. "He would have been about twenty and new to the temple when James and Devid were born."

"So let me guess he keeps track of how many years he has been at the temple by the age of your kids?" Dirk chuckled.

"That he does" Papa nodded. "How much of a holiday do you two want?" He asked his two visiting children.

"Honestly Papa, we've been bored at the Collegium, they don't work us as hard as you do so we were looking forward to some work." Travis replied ignoring Dirk and Talia as they burst out laughing.

"Well in that case you can go back to your old chores, I'm sure I don't have to remind you what they are." He replied chuckling.

"Frost tonight" Tarsha commented as she poured herself and Travis a cider. "And hail." She added before turning back to her conversation with Travis about his time in Haven.

"Did I just miss something?" Dirk asked with a small frown of confusion.

"I think we've proved that gifts are strong in this family Dirk." Mary smiled as she poured out another round of drinks. "Tarsha has a weather gift that she can use when she isn't thinking about it, most of the family is like that, which is why we don't question it, we just take precautions."

"Has she ever been wrong?" Talia asked out of curiosity.

"No I don't think so." Mary shook her head.

"Once a few years ago." Jacob nodded. "She said it was going to rain, it hailed instead. But she has gotten better; she can tell us with in three candlemarks of when it is going to happen."

"That's better then some weather gifts I've heard about." Talia nodded, slightly impressed. "Most of them deal with the long term."

"Tarsha can, but only if it is going to be a bad storm." James spoke up and then his eyes went distant. "Merchant caravan coming in, two marks before they get here." He blinked and then sighed. "So much for finishing the stables before it hails tonight."

"Foresight?" Dirk chuckled. "Any gift you don't have in this family?"

"A few actually." Mary grinned at him. "A few that I am glad we don't have." She turned to Garry. "So what do you have Gar?"

"Empathy, Talia is teaching me, as there are no empathy teachers." He replied wiping cider off his upper lip.

"And you Trav?" Mary called over the conversations.

"Fetching, Dirk is my primary teacher." He called back.

"You know we could test all of the children, see if there are any gifts that need a bit of training up or precaution." Dirk offered. "Between us Talia and I can identify nearly any gift."

"We know what most of the children have." Jacob smiled. "Annabell, Jessica and the newborns are the only ones we aren't sure of."

"Well maybe when the babies are a little older we can test them." Talia chuckled. "They are a bit young to tested. Have the girls shown any kinds of talents for anything?"

"You mean besides getting into trouble?" Jacob grinned as both girls turned from their conversations and pulled faces at him. "Jessica gets on real well with animals, just like Tarsha does so I am guessing she has animal speech but she may not be aware of it, I have no idea how strong most of them are." He glanced at his wife for a moment. "Annabell is good at getting the fire and lamps to light when no one else can."

"You are going to have to be careful with that one." Dirk warned.

"Always are, with any gift." Jacob nodded. "Why don't you kids see if you can finish off the stables with every one helping, us adults will be out in a bit."

"Yes sir." James nodded, as one all the children stood and took their dishes in the kitchen before heading out to the stables, with Jemmie in tow.

"You are also going to have to watch out for companions my old friend." Dirk added leaning on the table. "Most of the gifts you have here are rare, empathy, Fire starting, weather gift and foresight. Besides the mage gift they are the rarest of all gifts." He sighed and looked over at his wife.

"We will be honest, Jacob, Mary. Valdemar has lost a lot of heralds over the years and we are slowly getting back to full strength but there are still unpartnered companions. There is a good chance that most of your children could be chosen, we might be wrong but we could also be right."

"We've know that for years, I'm a little surprised that some of them didn't get chosen earlier, but I am glad that they didn't." Mary replied setting her mug down. "I have a feeling that with Travis chosen Tarsha won't be far behind him, it may be a few years or it could be a few days."

"Just because one twin is chosen doesn't automatically mean that the other will be." Dirk reminded her.

"But there is a good chance."

"Yes there is." Talia nodded. "But while we are here we will do what we can to stop gifts going rogue. Annabell's is the one that could do the most damage."

"She'll have to be taught, I've taught control on that gift before, it should only take a few weeks, but if things haven't gone up in flames she may have instinctual control."

"But you are only here for a week." Mary pointed out.

"Two actually if you can put up with us for that long." Talia grinned. "She can have all the basics down by then, enough not to be a danger, depending on the strength of it."

"Well do what you can; we will be grateful for any help you can give us while you are here." Jacob nodded. "Now shall we go and see if we can get this stable finished?"

"Be happy to give you a hand." Dirk nodded.

"I'll give you a hand in the kitchen if you want, Mary." Talia offered.

"Glad to have you. Oh take some advice try not to wear your whites while you are here." Mary said. "You'll be harassed by every traveller if you do."

"We brought normal clothes." Dirk smiled. "I remember what it was like last time we came."

"Then get changed, customers come at the most inappropriate time sometimes." She grinned before disappearing into the kitchen with Talia right behind her.


Tarsha paused in her grooming and looked around the lantern lit stable before heading for the entrance and glanced up at the sky, her eyes unfocused.

"Problem sis?" Travis asked looking up from his own grooming.

"Hail." She murmured. "Bad." She turned to face him blinking to refocus her eyes. "Close up the stalls leading outside, I'll warn Pa." She bolted across the yard and stepped into the inn, her breath coming out in small white clouds in the cold air. She looked around and spotted her father at the bar and signalled that hail was on the way before ducking out the door again and began struggling with the collapsible veranda's. A few moments later James, Devid and Jazmine hurried out to help.

"How soon?" James yelled over the strong wind that was starting to blow.

"No long now, no more then half a mark. Why?" Tarsha called back.

"Meren and Daniel are on their way in, they are still a mark away, and they are taking it easy." James replied.

Tarsha cursed before looking in the direction of the road, she had only ever managed to reach a long distance once and that was when Travis had fallen in the far field and sprained his ankle and couldn't walk, she had managed to call Jona to her to help them back. She touched every animal's mind that she found warning them of the storm and how little time they had. "They are coming." She said panting a little as she wiped the sweat off her brow. "Meren and Daniel are going to be really angry when they get in though, their horses knew it was coming but thought they had enough time so they are ignoring the riders."

"Daniel will know what that means." James assured her, giving her a quick hug. "Anyone else out there?"

"Four travellers, but they are already coming as fast as they can, and four heralds." Tarsha nodded.

"More Heralds?"

"They are all heading home for midwinter, they live around here." She nodded. "Their companions heard my warning and picked up the pace, they should be here any moment."

"I'll warn Pa." Devid said slipping back into the inn.

"Good thing that Pa added more rooms." James grinned at her before he entered the inn.

Tarsha shook her head, chuckled before hurrying back to the stable. "Incoming travellers." She told Travis as she checked over the stalls made for companions before checking over the vacant normal stalls.

"How many?"

"Ten, including Meren and Danny." They both looked towards the entrance as they heard horses canter into the yard, and smiled as four Heralds rode into the stables.

"Any room left?" A trainee about sixteen asked.

"Plenty of rooms both here and in the inn." Tarsha nodded. "You are best settling your friends down fast, the storm will drop soon."

"I've lost touch with the weather up here, what do you think it will be tonight?" He asked as he and his friends dismounted.

"Bad hail storm followed by frost." Travis replied with a grimace.

"Hope the family got all the crops in." A girl trainee replied look worried.

"All surrounding farms were warned last week." Travis nodded.

"Try three weeks ago." Tarsha corrected him with a shake of her head.

"Plenty of time for the crops to be brought in then." She smiled in thanks.

Tarsha turned as more hooves were heard. "Do me a favour either get to the inn or in a stall with your friend." She asked as six more horse men rode their horses straight into the stable.

"How soon until it drops?" Danny yelled over the nose of the horses and the chaos of the riders dismounting.

"Ten minutes." She yelled back trying to sooth one horse that spooked as the wind howled by. She chuckled at how fast every one grabbed their saddle bags and hurried for the inn, leaving only family in the stable with Meren. "Head inside Meren, we'll take care of Star." Tarsha offered as she saw the middle aged healer shiver.

"How bad is it going to be?" Meren asked as he grabbed his saddle bags.

"Bad, large hail storm followed by frost and probably the first snow too." Tarsha replied as she began stripping tack from horses. She looked up in surprise as the four trainees came back out wearing their thick cloaks talking worriedly with each other. "I thought I told you to head in?"

"Companions come first." Travis told her with a shake of head before one of the trainees could reply. "Hey Gerri, Tomas." He greeted two of the younger trainees.

"That you Travis?" The girl grinned. "I didn't realise you lived out here."

"Travellers rest is my home." He grinned in reply as they all looked at him before chuckling.

"Now some of the comments you've made at the collegium make sense." A boy who looked about seventeen replied with a laugh. "If you've worked here all your life a lot of what we do at Haven would seem tedious and boring." He gestured to the elder two boys who looked about eighteen. "This is Mark and Hammil, don't bother trying to tell them apart, no one can."

"Telling twins apart is easy, once you know who is who." Tarsha laughed. "Especially when you grow up with them making trouble. How's the eye Mark?" She asked with a sly look.

"Fine." He murmured pulling out grooming brushes from his pack that he had left in the stall.

"Pa still hasn't forgiven him for what he did." The other twin replied with a grin.

"What did he do?" Gerri asked look up over her companions back.

"Got in to a fight with Tarsha here, over our bull grazing in their crops. Mark was supposed to be on watch and dozed off." He chuckled. "Tarsha let him have it when he bad mouthed her for wearing trousers."

"Last chance to get into the inn with out bruises." Tarsha called as she walked to the entrance of the stables and rang a heavily made bell and rang it four times. "Storm is about to drop." She warned.

"What about you guys?" Danny asked as they trainees quickly packed up after a quick word to their companions.

"We are on stable duty all night." Travis shook his head. "We are sleeping here tonight, the noise might panic the horses."

"Guess I'll see you guys in the morning then." Danny waved and hurried towards the inn after the trainees.

"Let's get it closed up." Tarsha said as Trav joined her at the entrance. "And pray there isn't any one out in this." Together they heaved the first half of the door closed. "Did you close the loft shutters?" She asked as they began closing the second half.

"I'll check in a minute." He promised as they got the second side closed and wedged in place before scuttling up the ladder. She heard the shutters close and barred before he slid back down the ladder. "Good thing we brought out blankets and food." He commented as they both jumped as the first hail fall began.

"Good thing I got James to install a small privy in here too." She grinned at him as he whooped with glee. "So we don't have to go out in that."

"Well nothing else to do other then finish grooming and make sure they all have water and food." Trav gestured to all the work they had in front of them.

"Something is wrong." Tarsha frowned and reached out her mind towards the road. "Oh Gods, there is another companion out there." They rushed to the closed doors and managed to get them open and tried to look out towards the road. "Their rider is injured, probably thoroughly bruised, maybe concussed. They are just at the turn off now, come on, hear me for once." She cursed. "Damn it. Some one tell her to hurry up the hail will be bigger in a moment." She yelled over her shoulder at the other companions. They all heard the worried whiny from the companion and the pounding of her hooves. "Back away." She yelled pushing Travis out of the way of the open door as the mare cantered and skidded to a stop, she was followed in by what looked like a stray dog that was limping. "Get that door closed." She ordered as she did a quick mind sweep. She hurried to the injured herald's side just as he started to slip from the saddle.

With Travis help they got him onto a blanket thrown over straw and wrapped him a stove heated blanket. Tarsha looked him over quickly and winced at the colour of the bruising that was already showing under his clothing and his face.

"We need Meren, that Hail is coming down hard, enough to break bones." Travis said, glancing towards the door.

"Ahrodie tell Dirk that we need Meren out here, a herald came in after the storm dropped, he is badly bruised and I think he is badly concussed, but I don't know enough to let him sleep." She called over her shoulder over the thunder of the hail stones dropping on the roof. "Gods know how we are going to get him out here with out him getting battered." She muttered under her breath. "Keep him awake, both of you." She said to Travis and the herald's companion as she stripped off the wet tack and checked the mare over for bruising. She hurried to the stable door and opened the smaller door that was only big enough to let in a person and grinned as Danny, Meren and Dirk entered the stable carrying a wide plank of wood over their heads to protect them from the large hail stones.

"Dan, see to the companion while I see how bad our foolish herald is." Meren ordered as Dirk helped Tarsha close the small door against the wind that was trying to keep it open.

"Who do we have Ahrodie?" Dirk called over the storm as he made his way to his friend. "Companion Seren and Herald Teven, they left Haven a little late, neither of them noticed the storm brewing but Seren picked up the pace half a mark ago when she heard your warning." Dirk looked thoughtful for a moment. "Teven are you supposed to be on circuit down south?"

"I came in a few hours after you left." Teven replied a little groggily. "I thought I might as well see how my brother was doing; I haven't seen him in twelve years. I heard that I had a few more nephews and nieces so when I came in I decided to take my three months off with his family." He looked to be in his mid to late forties, but something about the way he looked was familiar.

"Uncle Tev?" She spoke quietly, looking a little uncertain and came forward to get a better look at him. "Renni?" She looked back at the companion who dipped her head.

"Jazmine?" Tev blinked trying to focus his eyes. "No you are too young for her…Tarsha? That you?"

"Well Papa said he wanted a family holiday." Tarsha snorted, smothering down laughter. "all we need now is for the other six brothers to show up."

"I didn't realise that Jacob had any family that were Heralds." Dirk blinked in surprise.

"If they weren't chosen by the time they were sixteen they joined up with a mercenary group." Tarsha replied pouring a mug of hot chocolate and helped her uncle to drink. "Pa has no sisters, just seven brothers, which is why he always knows what my brothers are up to…all of them."

"Gods how many of you are there now?" Tev asked his eyes widening. "Last I heard Daniel and um…Jessica had just been born."

"Well Daniel is looking over Renni, he has just begun learning how to heal a few months ago." She grinned at him as his eyes widened, she knew he was surprised, Daniel was nearly as tall as she was and he was nearly fourteen. "We have four more, the newest set is only two months old."

"Any one keeping with family tradition?" He asked with a smile.

"Two heralds and counting." Tarsha nodded, "One Healer and one bard…so far." She chuckled as he shook his head. "There are Twelve of us at the moment, but Annabell is carrying twins."

"Annabell? Bloody hell last time I saw her she was only five…how old is she now?"

"Seventeen, she'll be eighteen before she drops." Tarsha shrugged. "I'll fill you in on the rest later."

"It'll keep him awake." Meren spoke up as he came out of his trance. "He needs to stay awake for at least a few marks before he can sleep, he should have checked in with the collegium healers before he left to get his healing leg checked out." He glared at him. "You've put too much strain on it; you'll have a limp for a few weeks until it heals again." He looked over to Daniel. "How's his companion?"

"She could use a good feeding for a few weeks, nothing strenuous for just as long, a few bruised muscles but nothing that won't heal in a few days." Daniel replied.

"I'll make up some mush…I got to feed everyone anyway." Tarsha replied as she moved over to a stack of barrels that were near by. She quickly made up a half barrel of mush and slopped it out into buckets, listening with a half ear as Travis and Daniel talked to Tev about everything that he had missed over the last twelve years. She fed the companions first and then the horses.

"Do you know how long this is going to last?" Dirk asked her quietly while she worked, knowing from what her father had said that she was most receptive when she was working or eating, because she wasn't concentrating.

"Until morning at least, one the hail stops it'll snow." She replied absently as she checked a horses hoof that she had seen him favouring. "once the snow stops there will be a cold snap that will freeze everything, it should last a week or so, snowing on and off, snow will stop for two weeks after that, it should be safe to travel in a week or two, it'll stay that way for two weeks before snow starts again…but that could change." She set the hoof down and looked up at him, stretching her back. "The weather feels a little uncertain; ask me again a few days before you leave."

"Are you actually starting to remember when you are discussing weather now?" He asked with a small smile.

"Bit by bit, yes." She nodded. "Winter weather is hell to predict, especially in the first few weeks. I usually can only predict a few days at the most."

"Well that is about all I can do for now, try and keep him warm for tonight." Meren declared as he stood up with his bag over his shoulder. "We can move him in the morning when the worst of the storm is over; he is too unsteady on his feet to be moved now."

"Alright we can do that easily, tell Pa that he is here, He'll no doubt drop in before breakfast to see how he is doing." Tarsha nodded, she noticed that Daniel had knelt down and was looking over the dog…well was trying to as the dog was snarling at him. "Easy there fella." She said soothingly as she joined her younger brother and smiled as he licked her fingers. "He isn't going to hurt you; he just wants to make sure you aren't badly hurt." She stroked his head as Daniel placed his hand on his neck.

"Bruised paw and hungry." Daniel reported with a smile as he pulled some jerky out of his pocket and watched as he gobbled it down. "I'll bring a bone in the morning."

"Bring something hot when you do." Tarsha called out as they all huddled under the plank of wood again as she stood up and opened the door for them and slammed it shut against the wind. "something tells me that tonight is going to be a long night." She muttered under her breath before joining Travis and Teven in a quick meal.


Despite the late night and the extra work that Tarsh and Trav did before hitting the sack they were both up a candle mark before the sun, checking over the horses to make sure that they were warm enough and to look for any damage from the hail.

"I'll go get us some hot food or at least some more hot Chava." Travis said as he headed for the door.

"You have half a mark before the frost and snow starts." Tarsha called out as he slipped out the door. She shook her head at his nonchalant reply and started dishing out grain to the horses and added apple pieces to the companion grain. "If any of you wish to step out for a moment then you had best do it now, you won't get another chance until after nightfall." She warned them all before opening up the backs of their stalls to who ever nodded. "Be back in twenty minutes, no more." She added glancing up at the different shades of grey in the clouds and chafed her hands together to warm them up a little before walking back slowly to the pile of hay that Teven was sleeping on and turned to what looked like a metal barrel and threw in some more wood. She looked up at the sound of foot steps and smiled as Pa and Travis came in both carrying baskets.

"Brought you food that you can keep warm near the stove." Pa said quiet as they set the baskets down. "Any damage?"

"None that I could find." Tarsha shook her head. "Is there a bone with a bit of meat on it?"

"Yes, it from the roast we had a few nights ago." Pa nodded and pulled it out and handed it to the dog, who grabbed it greedily and settled down in the straw before he started gnawing at it. Pa turned to the sleeping Tev and shook his head. "I was beginning to think that he had forgotten his family, I haven't even gotten a letter from him in five years."

"From what he told me last night he has been on permanent circuit for the last six years, and he hasn't had time to write much more then reports to send back to Haven." Tarsha replied with a shake of her head. "Believe me he looks like he has been working too hard, he is nearly all skin and bones under that uniform." She took the mug that Travis handed her with a smile of thanks and held it tightly in her cold hands. "I was hoping that he would wake before the storm started up again so we could get him inside where it was warm."

"I'll wake him and get him inside." Pa assured her.

"Watch out for reaction, Pa." Travis warned.

"Teven you no good bandit wake up." Pa yelled and smiled as Teven's eye flew open, blinked around sleepily before grinning at Pa. "Come on, let's get you inside." He bent down to help him to his feet and hugged for a moment before slowly heading out of the stable, talking softly.

"Trav, take his packs in, you should have enough time to get back before the snow starts." Tarsha added nodding to the packs in the straw as she stood up and moved down to the companion stalls and closed the outside doors of the ones that had already come in and sipped at her drink while she waited for the last three to come in, keeping an eye on the sky. "Some one please call in the others, it'll snow in a few moments." She chuckled as she saw all three companions trot into their stalls when they were in place she pulled a thin rope in each stall and watched as the outer doors closed. She continued her walked down the stable sipping her drink, looking over companion and horse alike, making sure that they didn't need anything. Hearing straw moving around her feet she looked down and saw the dog sitting beside her feet and wagged his tail when she looked down at him. "You aren't much more then a pup are you?" She commented as she knelt down to give his ears a scratch. "What's your name? And where did you come from?" She asked frowning in concentration to pick up his thoughts.

:Warm, safe, good food. I call myself Quick Foot.:

"Do you remember anyone else calling you anything else?" She asked, wondering if he had wondered off another farm.

:No one else, see many people pass by but no one stop. I spend time chasing rabbits to feed and chasing other animals for fun.: Quick foot replied. :I have been watching you for awhile, you are the only one I can hear. Many animals are grateful for your warning last night, saved many.:

"I am glad to hear that." She smiled at him as she scratched the base of his tail and chuckled at his antics as he flopped over showing her his belly to scratch.

"Who are you talking to?" Dirk asked as he hurried into the stable.

"You shouldn't be out of the inn, it's going to snow soon" Tarsha warned him looking over his shoulder looking for Travis.

"Travis has been commandeered by both parents to help out with the guests. I offered to keep you company." Dirk told her when he saw her looking towards the inn. "I brought some more food too." He pulled out a bundle from his cloak and set it down by the stove. "You seem a little wary around me, Tarsha." He said looking curious as she slowly stood up, mug cradled in her hand.

"I don't mean to be." She sighed as she turned and stroked a mare's nose. "I am just used to people not knowing about my gifts. I am used to being on my own a lot, with no one around me to hear if I suddenly start talking to animals."

"That is understandable. Do your parents know that you can hear them?" He asked as he sat down in the hay.

"They suspect, which is why I was taken off server duty and moved to the stables." She nodded.

"Can Jessica?"

"No, she doesn't hear them." She shook her head. "As far as I know Jessica, Annabell and Devid have no gifts." She turned and joined him. "I find that gifted people feel slightly different from those who have gifts, and they have always felt a little different from the family. They just have a few knacks for certain chores." She frowned a little. "Though Annabell always feels warm to me, so she might have a gift, some times it is almost as if she is hiding it away" She dug through one of the baskets and pulled out an apple and bit into it. "It's almost as if she is afraid."

"I am not really all that surprised, having a gift like she does I would be frightened too." Dirk nodded slightly. "Can you sense all the gifts that the others have?"

"No," She shook her head as she stood up and fed the core to Jona. "I can't tell what gift anyone has, only if they have one, like I said they feel different from everyone else."

"Tell me honestly, can you do anything other then see the weather and talk to animals?" Dirk asked watching her carefully. "Your parents have asked that I test you all for gifts and see if I can help you train them up a little so you can control them."

"Not that I have noticed." She shook her head as she turned to face him again after scratching Jona's neck. "But some times I can sense Travis if he is brooding on something."

"If you will take a seat I'll tell you what you have and whether you need training." He gestured for her to take a seat.

"I guess I'll have to do it sooner or later anyway." She sighed and sat back down beside him and turned a little so she was looking into his eyes.

"Lower your shields if you would please." He asked after a moment and smiled as she quickly apologised and lowered her shields.

She felt something a little strange as he looked about her mind and felt him withdraw.

"Well you have the weather gift and animal speech but you knew that already, but you have something else as well, something that I'm not so sure about." He told her with a small frown. "But you have it all under control, and not just by instinct…how did you manage that?"

"I read quiet a bit, but Healer Meren also taught me to shield years ago now…" She bit her lip.

"When he found out about your animal speech?" Dirk prodded gently.

"I've had both active since I was little, he said that it was best to learn then while I still couldn't do much" She explained quietly. "I made him promise not to tell, it is easier to hide something that no one knows nothing about." She sighed with a shake of her head. "Little did I know that mother had actually asked him to keep an eye on us all."

"Your parents have over the years asked us all to keep an eye out for budding gifts. But the animal speech I haven't picked up before."

"How strong are my gifts?"

"Pretty strong, I would say that you are quiet a bit stronger then Travis but you don't need any training, you've taught yourself very nicely." He told her honestly with a smile. "Have you taught anyone else how to shield?"

"I taught Annabell." She admitted quietly. "I couldn't show her what to do but I told her how it all looks and feels and it took her a few days to figure out what I meant but she got it." She smiled as Quick foot flipped her hand so she would scratch his ears.

"Would you mind if I got Talia to have a look at your gifts? She might be able to see what that third gift is."

"I don't mind." She shook her head, chuckling as Quick foot wormed his way on to her lap and rubbed his belly.

"I think you have made a new friend." Dirk chuckled as the pup licked her face.