Reviews are much appreciated!
Disclaimer: I own nothing! Only the main plot and ideas are mine, but I own none of the characters, they're all J. 's!
Chapter 4 - Goodbye, Forever
"Release me you filth!" Uncle Vernon was yelling at the top of his voice.
"Shut up will you!" growled Mad-Eye moodily "If you keep yelling, you're going to attract..."
"...Attention." Finished Mad-Eye looking grumpily in the direction of the shout. Harry turned around too, and a huge smile erupted on his face as he saw, and recognised, the two figures running towards him...
"You're here!" screamed Hermione as she ran up to Harry and hugged him. Behind the long bushy brown hair, now in his eyes, Harry saw his other best friend Ron, a couple of metres a way, having just caught up with them.
"Hey Harry," Ron said, clapping him on the back when Hermione had let go, "How are y..., what the hell are they doing here?!" Harry didn't need to follow Ron's gaze to find out what he was talking about, he knew immediately that Ron had caught sight of the Dursley's, fortunately, Harry was saved the trouble of explaining when Lupin jumped in,
"Voldemort turned up at Harry's house, we had no choice but to bring them too." he explained. However, before he could say anymore, Vernon Dursley's anger erupted once more...
"I DEMAND THAT YOU TAKE ME AND MY FAMILY BACK TO MY HOUSE THIS INSTANT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT-" but what exactly they had no right to, we will never know, for at this point, Harry noticed that the vain in his Uncle's temple was becoming dangerously close to boiling point, something that hadn't happened since Dobby had dropped a cake on Uncle Vernon's bosses wife's head 5 years previously, Uncle Vernon had been angry then, now, he was furious, Harry new that, if he didn't step in now, Uncle Vernon would, most likely, beat his Advance Guard to a pulp.
"Uncle Vernon, calm down," he said desperately, but desperation didn't help his Uncle's temper.
"Calm down, I'll give you calm down boy, it's your fault we're stuck here in the first place, and that mad-man's running around MY house, I wouldn't be surprised if it's nothing but rocks and dust by now, if that's even left of it!" Uncle Vernon screamed. Harry gave up, knowing that, if he said anything else, he would just make it worse, instead he suddenly realised, for the first time, that Aunt Petunia, Aunt Marge and Dudley were being extremely quiet, he turned his head in every direction, before his eyes finally fell upon three limp figures, lying on the ground shortly behind Uncle Vernon, at first he thought them dead, but then Tonks came up behind him, and whispered into his ear,
"Don't worry, they just fainted from the shock. All the better for us, I wish that Uncle of yours would faint!" Harry laughed, he turned his attention back to Uncle Vernon, it seemed that Moody was finally getting control of the situation.
"Listen," he said in his usual growl, "not all is lost, we can still get you back safely, if you will just stop squirming for two minutes, we can wipe your sisters' mind, and she won't remember a thing, the only problem is, working out where you can stay, Voldemort knows that you have come with us, so it is not safe for you to live too far from wizards, I suggest that you stay in the village a couple of miles down from here, that way, you are in a position that we can hear your screams."
"WHAT!" shouted Uncle Vernon, he had remained calm until Moody had mentioned the final part.
"He was just joking," Remus assured him, he gave Moody a contemptuous glance, before signalling to 4 members of the Order to Apparate Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Aunt Marge and Dudley down to the village, apparently, there was a house for sale down there, that they could get easily. After instructing one of the four to mind-wipe Aunt Marge the moment the job was finished, Lupin turned back to Harry, Ron and Hermione,
"We had better get into the house, it is not safe out here in the open, and Molly will be extremely worried." he said to them. The three friends nodded, and together they turned around, and started walking towards The Burrow, Ron and Hermione walked through the door ahead of Harry, as Harry stepped over the threshold, he turned on the spot just in time to see 4 members of the Order disappear one at a time with a POP, each one carrying one member of the Dursley family, and as Kingsley Shacklebolt Disapparate with Uncle Vernon, Harry realised that, it was finally the end, he would probably never see the Dursley's ever again, he wasn't a boy anymore. The protection that had given him even the slightest bit of comfort being at the Dursley's, was gone, and now nothing was standing between him and Voldemort.
However, his thoughts were interrupted, by the most delicious aroma you could ever imagine floating through the door, it was the smell of Mrs Weasley's amazing cooking. Forgetting all of his worries, Harry turned in the direction of the smell, and followed Ron and Hermione into the kitchen of The Burrow, after all, he would have time to worry about that later.