Too Late
A/N 11/12/06: Hey! Well I know I should be working on Reveries of Truth right now, but I had this idea and needed to write it down! This was originally supposed to be a oneshot, but I decided to make it into several chapters. So enjoy and tell me what you think!
A/N 11/13/06: Repost...why? Because I can! Plus, repostmore comments! (hopefully)
When Winry had strolled into Central Headquarters earlier that morning she didn't know the reason she was called there, how could she? But out of all the possibilities that had played through her mind, this had not been one of them.
It had seemed strange upon entering the building why people she had passed in the hall had avoided eye contact, the familiar faces giving her looks of sympathy before quickly removing themselves from her presence. But now she understood.
Riza Hawkeye's soft and barely audible words rang continuously in her mind, "I'm sorry Winry, but Edward is dead."
Upon hearing that phrase she had stared in shock before crumbling to the ground, her trembling legs no longer able to support her. She couldn't even cry right away, she was too overwhelmed by the unbelievable concept.
Edward was invincible; there was no way he could die. It felt as if her heart had stopped beating in her chest and she was seized by panic. Her mechanic's instincts kicked in as she searched for the facts.
"But…how? Wh-what happened?" Riza opened her mouth several times, unsure of how to go about this touchy subject.
Winry tried to keep her shaking words steady, but was unsuccessful as she asked again, louder and filled with more hysteria this time, "What happened to Edward?"
She didn't wait for a reply, her voice rose shrilly as she screamed, "WHERE'S EDWARD?"
She was now a forlorn wailing mass of confusion at Riza's feet as she sobbed uncontrollably, her slim shoulders heaving with the effort. The older women slowly bent down until she was on the floor with Winry and enveloped her in an awkward embrace, tightening the contact as the girl cried harder.
She didn't know how long it had been; it could have been minutes, or even hours before the mechanic had bawled herself into exhaustion.
Winry quietly asked, "Please-what happened?" Her face was coated with a glaze of constantly flowing tears, and she made no attempt to wipe them away.
Riza took a deep breath, regretting the story she was about to tell, knowing it would only cause the young girl more pain and suffering. In her concise and straight-to-the-point way, she began.
"He had been on an undercover mission helping to quell a rebellion in the east along with several other troops. Everything was going smoothly and negotiations were being made in a peaceful manner until things got out of hand one night. Some of the rebels started a fire, sending the town and the military encampment into a panic. The citizens were in a mass hysteria, and they began attacking and shooting at the soldiers who were trying to help them put out the large fire. While aiding civilians in escaping from a burning building, Edward was shot by one of the rebels. The wound wasn't fatal, but it slowed down his movement and the structurally weak building collapsed, killing everyone that was inside. His death was confirmed by witnesses at the scene."
As Riza finished, her usually controlled emotionless expression wavered as her eyes began to tear up slightly. She fiercely blinked away the approaching wetness. Now was not a time to get emotional about things.
"I'm so sorry, Winry." Was all she could manage to say.
They sat quietly, Riza comforting the girl as best as she could.
Winry was still in denial, the fact that her childhood friend was no longer alive was too much for her to bear. When so many things in her life had gone wrong, Ed was always there. Even though his own life was a disaster, he managed to remain strong. His mother had died, he had lost his limbs and his brother's body, and so many unsettling events had occurred to him while working for the military, but like a tree in a violent wind, he bent with the strong gusts that came his way instead of breaking.
He was the one thing she had always been able to count on; she had always known he would be there. But now he was gone.
The idea just seemed so alien, the fact that a person could exist one moment, and then be gone the next. There were so many things she had wanted to share with him, so many thoughts left unsaid.
She had always thought that there would be time to discuss these things, that they would have all the time in the world together.
And now he was gone.
Gone. The dull word resonated throughout her brain, mocking her suffering.
"Miss Hawkeye…" she hesitated, choking back another sob, "I-I think I loved him."
Riza smiled sadly at this declaration.
"I know."
Winry looked surprised.
"We all knew. Everyone was just waiting for the two of you to figure it out."
A/N: Soooo how was it? If I get enough comments on this I'll continue with it. So share what you thought! Criticism welcome, just provide reasonable arguments, not flat-out flaming. Thanks!