Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or Linkin Park no matter how much I wish I did…

This is the end of Photograph, I hope you enjoyed the story. I want to thank all of you who reviewed and read until this point. Thank you sooo much! Here's the last chapter.

-(It starts with)
One thing / I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing / I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter-

"In The End" By: Linkin Park


Hisoka woke up feeling rather drowsy. He looked around his cell to realize that it felt bare. He wasn't sure why, nothing seemed out of place, and it wasn't like there was anything new.

He got up off the clothing and walked around. The past month was like a blur, he couldn't really seem to remember it, but for some reason the thought of that time stirred a warm feeling inside. If only he could remember why…

He walked over and looked out the small window and saw a cherry tree. He quickly pulled away, breathing heavily, but didn't know why. He cautiously looked back out the window amd stared at the tree. It seemed so familiar, but he turned away as a darkness seemed to seep into his very being by the sight of the tree. Today was just too strange. He walked back over and sat down on the his bed.

He didn't understand it; he had never felt so alone before, it almost felt as if someone really close to him was just taken away. But who? There wasn't anyone for him to miss, there never was anyone. Yet, every time he looked at something it seemed as if a memory was trying to surface, but never did.

'What happened…' was all he could think.

The place even seemed to smell different, as if someone's scent still lingered, but that was crazy. He was being ridiculous, wasn't he?

He laid down and reached his hands back over his head, stretching. He felt his hands touch the cool stone of the cellar. He moved them over the cool floor, but then there seemed to be something on the floor, it felt like paper. He opened his hands to grab it and brought it around to face him.

He was looking at himself, only he was smiling.

It was a photo, a photo of him with a smile, an actual, true smile on his face.

Hisoka was stunned. Apparently he had missed something. He turned the photo over and realized that there wasn't a date, but there was a messy note. It read:

Dear Hisoka,

I'm sorry for everything. I know that you don't even know who I am, but I will never forget you. I wasn't able to keep my promise and for that I'm eternally sorry. There is only one thing I want you to remember Hisoka, if anything, is that you smiled. You smiled Hisoka…

That was it, no name, no other explanation. Yet, looking at the photo brought a small smile to his face, but he didn't know why. There were so many questions but at least he knew one thing: he had smiled, he had been happy if only for one instant that he couldn't even remember.

He took the photo and put it inside his shirt right next to his heart; he felt as if that's where it belonged. His body hurt all over, but for some reason his chest was warm, as if the photo itself was warm.

Remember you smiled…

Yes, he would remember even if he would never know why…

He had been happy...

-End Epilogue-

That's it for me. I wanted to have the entire song at the beginning of this story, hope you didn't mind. I wanted all of you readers to have some closure after the last chapter, so I hope I succeeded. I guess I could keep going from here if you wanted me to, a sequel? I think it'd be fun to write- what would happen if they meet again and how Hisoka's life would play out? Now I really think it may be fun. Please let me know if you want one and I'll do it. Thanks so much for reading Photograph and please review! Til Next time!