Chapter 1
A girl sat beneath an oak, a laptop sitting on the ground in front of her. She was typing away, appearing to be making a code of some sort. She sighed, pushing red, messy, shoulder-length hair out of her brown eyes, frustration showing. She smoothed out her blue skirt . She kept her blue, white, and black sailor collar neat, which matched the blue-trimmed white shirt. Black boots came up under her knees. She looked up, laughing at her friends on the soccer field. Her ten friends, that is.
One of her friends was wearing a red shirt with an orange crescent moon on each sleeve. Her brown cargo pants were covered in grass stains. Red goggles hung around her neck, her red tennis shoes pounding the earth. Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement, a challenging look in her eyes. She quickly looked over to her left. "Hey, Katie! Over here!" She yelled, looking at the girl.
She looked over, yelling, "Okay, Kit!" She had shoulder-length, wild blond hair and blue eyes that shone with fiery knowledge. Her green t-shirt had two lightning bolts on the back, one shaped like a "L,", and one shaped like a "T". the front read "Lightning Tigers". Black hiking boots were nearly completely covered by blue jeans that were torn at the knees, and frayed at the bottom. She kicked the soccer ball towards Kit.
Kit now had the ball, and heard a deep voice, yelling out "This way!" She looked in the direction, seeing a male with messy, red hair, a black baseball cap, that had been flipped around backwards, that pushed his hair down on his head, his brown eyes almost hidden. A yellow long-sleeved shirt had been patched by grass stains, along with black denim pants. Black goggles were pulled up over his cap. Kit kicked the ball, and shouted out a warning at him.
The girl sitting beneath the oak laughed when she saw Jodi and Aaron struggling to keep up. Even Casey was doing better than them.
Casey was the youngest of them all, and she was out-running Jodi, who was six years older than the small twelve-year-old. Casey wore a purple skirt, brown tennis shoes, and a tan t-shirt. Se had short, straight brown hair, and green eyes. Jodi had been brought up "properly," and thus looked like a geek… in a way. She wore a white sweater vest over a dark blue polo tee, khaki pants, white boots, bore a digital watch on her right arm, and glasses. Her hair and eyes were blue, so she often stood out. But not any more than Aaron, who had purple hair and eyes. Aaron wore white gloves, denim cargo pants, and white and black boots, It was surprising that he couldn't keep up with a twelve-year-old girl.
A boy stood at the goal, ready to block the on-coming soccer ball. His white-gloved hands were on his knees. He wore a red zip-up jacket, white pants, and white boots. He had tidy brown hair, and red-brown eyes.
"Hey, A.J.," he said, looking to a girl next to him, "try to stop them, would you?"
"Sure thing, Marcus," A.J. replied, running off with a boy and a girl close behind. A.J. wore a pair of khaki shorts, a green t-shirt, accented with white lining, black boots, and a silver sun on a silver chain hanging around her neck. Her blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail. This allowed her blue eyes to show - they were identical to her sister's, Katie's, eyes.
The boy was A.J.'s age, and was the younger sibling of Kit, His name was Kevin, and he showed some resemblance to Kit. He had brown hair and red-brown eyes. He wore a red-and-black tank top, black pants, red sneakers, and two silver dog tags hung around his neck on a silver chain.
The last girl was named Debby. She wore a black zip-up jacket with sky blue flames on them, baby blue gloves, a white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and navy blue and black boots. She wore a pair of goggles around her neck. Dark brown eyes stared out from dark brown, shoulder-length hair. She yelled for Ash, the girl beneath the oak, to join them.
/On the other side of the field…\\
A boy sat down on the bleachers, typing away on his laptop. He was searching for information about some digimon. He wore a green jacket over a white, oxford shirt, and green pants - his school uniform, none the less. His red-brown hair was spiked, as it usually was, yet his brown eyes showed some anger - he couldn't find exactly what he wanted. His head jerked up when he heard two familiar voices that had suddenly grown loud.
The voices belonged to two boys, who, once again, were arguing.
One of the boys was wearing goggles that were pushed back, so that they sat on his head. He had short, brown spiky hair, wore a blue jacket with red flames on the bottom of it, yellow gloves, khaki shorts, and red and white boots. His brown eyes threatened with promising anger.
"T.K., why can't you just admit that she likes me more than she likes you?!"
"Because, she doesn't like you!"
T.K. wore a white fisher's hat, allowing some of his blond hair to expose itself. He wore a yellow shirt, with a pastel green color covering the body of it. He wore khaki shorts, and a pair of green boots. His blue eyes were filled with anger and concern.
"Um, you guys…I'm right here, ya know."
There was now a girl standing close to them. She had short, brown hair, and red-colored eyes. She wore a pink and white tank top, with pink gloves that started above the elbows and was cut off at the fingers, blue shorts, and pink boots.
"Sorry, Kari. T.K. was-"
"Trying to keep you safe from a maniac."
"Ugh…WHAT DO YOU MEAN A MANIAC?!" Davis yelled, clenching his fists.
Both T.K. and Kari were now laughing.
"Hey! Let's get back to playing soccer!'
The owner of the voice was another boy. He wore a blue shirt with orange stars on the sleeves, brown cargo shorts, and blue-and-white tennis shoes. He had brown eyes and brown hair, and wore a blue headband underneath a pair of white goggles.
"Besides, I don't want my little sis to be hurt."
"And I don't want my little bro to fight a dork. Do we want them to fight, Tai?
"No, we don't Matt."
Matt had his arms crossed. He had spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a green shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots.
Davis suddenly kicked the ball out of frustration. It rolled towards the other group.
"I'll go get it," Tai offered, running after it.
/Other side of the field/
"Hey! You can't kick it onto that half!"
"Prove it, Kit."
Kit walked off, grumbling something about younger teenagers. She looked up to see a boy running towards her.
"Ouch!" Watch where you're going!" they both said in unison. "I was! Why weren't you?!"
They were both ready to kill.
"Hey! Kit! What's going…on?"
Katie now stood to Kit's right and was looking between her and Tai in a confused way.
"If he's bothering you," Katie said, quickly pulling a pair of drumsticks out of nowhere, "I can always give him a headache…if you know what I mean."
"Tai! I…okay…"
Matt stood to Tai's left, looking into what he could've called a mirror. To him, it was weird enough that she looked like him, more or less, the fact that she had a set of drumsticks in her hands.
"Hey…aren't you Yamato Ishida from Teen-Age Wolves?" Katie asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah. And You're Kaki Yosuke from Lightning Tigers!" Matt said excitedly, holding out his hand. Katie stuck her sticks between her arm and her side, taking Matt's hand and shaking it.
Kari was now walking towards the four, stopping when she reached Tai's right side.
"Tai, who are they?" Kari asked, looking at her big brother.
"I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling that Kit doesn't know you three."
Kevin had now appeared to Kit's left.
Suddenly, Garurumon and Pegasusmon walked up behind Kevin, Kit, and Katie. Matt began looking around, as if trying to figure out what had happened.
"Garurumon, what are you doing?!" he hissed, clenching his hand into a fist.
T.K. ran up at the sight of Pegasusmon.
"I told you, no armor digivolving here!"
A.J. and Ash walked up, laughing.
"Calm down," Ash laughed, clicking on something that caused Garurumon and Pegasusmon to immediately disappear.
"What did you do to them?!" T.K. asked, lifting a laughing A.J. off the ground by her shirt.
"We're ok, T.K.," Patamon said, flying over to T.K. He let go of A.J. and hugged Patamon.
"Yeah, after what happened to poor Agumon, we know better than to do that now."
Gabumon was hugging Matt, a confused look dominating his face.
"I've been working on making a hologram program for school," Ash laughed, closing her laptop and tucking it beneath her arm.
"so, you're Ash… Weren't you doing that for some sort of carnival?"
All the excitement must have caught Izzy's attention, for he had come down, but not without his laptop.
"Hm? Oh, yeah… I was."
Davis was soon running towards the group.
"Hey! Where's the ball at?"
"It's right here."
Debby was holding the ball in here hands, smirking.
Davis walked towards Debby, and attempted to grab the ball, only for Debby to hump backwards.
"Give me the ball."
"Why should I?"
Davis suddenly tackled Debby.
"Hey! You can't hurt a girl!" Debby exclaimed, pushing Davis off of her. She then suddenly pounced on top of Davis.
A.J. abruptly began chanting for Davis, T.K. chanting in turn for Debby.
Debby drew back a fist. Davis was soon seeing stars.
"You look pretty…"
Davis had apparently lost it. However, he soon got it back when Debby slapped him.
A.J. and T.K. stopped chanting and glared at one another.
"Do you want Davis to die?" A.J. questioned T.K.
"Well, I'm assuming that you want Debby to die…"
A.J. and Kevin suddenly started chanting for Davis, T.K. and Kari chanting for Debby in turn. Ash, Izzy, Kit, Katie, Tai, and Matt were all laughing so hard that they were in pain. Katie stopped laughing when she felt something brush up against her leg.
She looked down, only to see Kittenmon, her digimon's rookie level. Kittenmon's large, golden eyes were looking up at her, suggesting that something was wrong. Her orange fur was streaked with black stripes, her tail swishing furiously.
"Katie, we're being attacked again!" She mewed, pawing at her pants leg.
"Kittenmon, what did I tell you about doing this?!" Katie whispered in a hushed voice, squatting down.
"But it's an emergency! That dinosaur and wolf are back!"
At this Katie got quiet, and then nodded.
"Okay, head on back, I'll tell the others."
She watched Kittenmon run off, then stood back up, and faced the others. She whispered in Kit's ear, who nodded as she spoke.
"Well, it was nice to meet you guys-" At this, Debby and Davis stopped fighting, and everyone turned to look at her. "But, we have to go - we forgot about having to go to Sam's place and help with his mom's shop. We'll be back, though. See ya!"
Kit waved, and Ash suddenly understood. Greymon and Garurumon were back, and were fighting with their digimon. She sighed, and pushed a small button on the side of her laptop. It would prepare the digital portal.
They all ran towards Kittenmon, who was standing behind a tree, watching them. Ash propped the laptop up behind a tree, hurryingly flipping up the screen. She quickly typed in a few numbers and letters in a small box, and hit the 'enter' key. She stood back, and nodded. Everyone pulled out their digivice, and pointed it at the screen.
"Digiport, open!" was said in unison among the eleven kids, a sudden flash of light emerging from the screen. They were sucked in, only for Izzy to come running around the corner a split second later. He just stared at the laptop, fear and shock suddenly striking him.
"Oh, no…."
It was Ash's laptop.
A/N: CLIFF HANGER! Don't ya just love 'em? Well, you're gonna have to read the next chapter to find out what happens! It should be up sometime soon!
Written by Kokou and Biryou