Chapter 7
Kit and Tai were at each other's throats again… for the third time that night.
There was a faint sound of a bell ringing, Matt yelling, "I'm coming!"
He opened the door to find Ash and Izzy standing there.
"Oh, hey guys. Come on in. Ash, you think you could get Kit off of Tai?" Matt asked, closing the door.
Ash and Izzy both just snickered at this. Matt sighed, and Ash laughed an "Okay," at him. He just watched as she pulled Kit away from Tai. Katie was pushing Tai back, and soon had him pinned against the wall, her drum sticks magically appearing in one hand. She was keeping him at stick-point. It couldn't get much funnier than this.
"Okay, everyone, to the park! It's too cramped in here!"
Everyone got quiet and stared at Matt.
"What? It is," he said innocently, raising his hands in defense.
They all walked out of the apartment, and into the cool, night air. They all walked towards the park, Kit at the back, and Tai at the front. The large group moved down the sidewalk, the still, quiet night air suddenly becoming noisy.
They had soon reached the park, Katie running around at the front of the group, trying to get Kit to follow her. Kit finally did, only for Katie to pounce on her and wrestle with her. Matt and Tai were now laughing at them, trying to remember when they ever did that, and not because they were mad at each other.
Matt and Tai had managed to stop them, and struggled to keep Kit away from Katie. Matt then pulled a blindfold out of his pocket, and quickly put it over Katie's eyes.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"You'll find out," Matt said, steering her towards a tree.
On the tree was a piñata, and it was shaped like a snare drum. This would turn out ugly.
"Okay, Katie. We have a piñata on the tree in front of you. And, it's shaped like a snare drum. We have a stick that you can use - "
"No, I'll use my own sticks," She said, pulling out her sticks.
"Okay, you can use your sticks. Now, when I let go, have at it."
"And, when Matt lets go, everyone hit the dirt! Kit instructed, getting ready behind a bush. Matt let go, and everyone ran for cover.
"YEAH!" Katie yelled, suddenly pounding on the piñata viciously. From the safety of a group of nearby bushes, the rest of the group looked on in horror.
"It's a piñata massacre," T.K. muttered as it was bashed open from one blow.
"It may be even more gruesome than one of those T-Virus victims on Biohazard," Kari said, shivering at the thought.
"What? You play Biohazard?" T.K. asked, looking at Kari in shock.
"Yeah, but only when Tai's not paying attention," she giggled.
"You WHAT?!" Tai half yelled, turning to his sister in shock.
"Yeah, how do you think you got that far in the game?" She teased, grinning.
"And, you were helping T.K. in my game?" Matt asked, amazed at how far she had managed to get them in it.
"Yeah, I - "
She was cut off mid-sentence by a loud Crash! Kit's head immediately popped up, only to see Katie now air-drumming.
"Katie," Kit said, looking at her as if she had lost it, even though she had, "Try hitting the ground."
Katie had stopped, then grinned.
Everyone watched in horror as Katie went into a berserk drummer's rage.
"Think we should stop her now?" Tai asked, concerned about what, no one could have guessed.
"Nah, not yet," Kit said, grinning. "I'll stop her in five minuets."
"That's gonna be a scary five minuets," T.K. said, looking fearfully at the female drummer.
"Okay…. But, Kari why did you touch my games, more or less, go in my room?!" Tai yelled again, turning to Kari. She just grinned in response to this.
"Felt like it! Besides, now you have someone to tell you where to go!"
Tai just sighed at this. Then, he suddenly remembered the beginning of Half Time.
"Matt, come here."
"What?" Matt said, crawling towards him.
T.K. just scowled as Tai whispered something in his ear - he heard his and Kari's name, and immediately knew that it was about Half Time. He looked over the bush, only to see Katie still drumming.
"Kit, don't you think you should stop her?" T.K. asked, beginning to become a little scared - she could take on a Digimon, and on her own, too. Just give her a set of sticks….
Kit popped up over the bush, looking at what had once been a piñata.
"Katie, it's broken now."
Katie pulled off her blindfold, looking at the shredded remains of the drum.
In a frantic frenzy, Davis leaped over the bush and ran towards the rubble. He slid to a stop and fell to his knees, searching futilely for survivors. Dejectedly, he picked up a handful of the multi-colored powder, tears welling in his eyes.
Slowly, the rest of the group approached, frightened by the carnage they had witnessed.
"Uh, Katie? You kinda murdered our candy," Matt said slowly.
Katie smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. You shouldn't have told me it was shaped like a drum."
At this comment, everyone sweat dropped.
"Figures. Oh, and T.K., I kind of borrowed your money to pay for it. Remind me to pay you back later."
T.K.'s face paled. "How much did it cost, Matt?"
"Oh, I'd say about twenty dollars."
Upon hearing this, T.K. leaped at Matt, tackling him. The two brothers rolled down a hill, landing in a pile of leaves. The rest of the group stood at the hill's crest, staring in awe at the normally-docile boy beating up his older brother.
"Man, I didn't know he could fight like that," Debby and Izzy said in unison. Kari smiled.
"Yeah," she said, "this is the first time in a while I've seen him act like this. He's usually pretty good at controlling himself. I guess Matt's been annoying him more than usual."
"Whatever he did, it must have been pretty bad," Cody stated. Everyone else nodded.
"Uh, shouldn't we break them up before they kill each other?" Kit asked.
"This coming from the chick who tried to kill Katie earlier? And yeah, you're probably right. Who wants to go down there?" said Ash.
Automatically, everyone backed away, leaving only Tai and Kari.
"Have fun!" called Kit and Yolei as they shoved the two siblings down the hill, unable to wait to see how they would stop the struggling brothers.
As they walked down the hill, Kari looked at Tai.
"How are we gonna stop them?"
"Well, I figured that I'd just hit Matt. I don't know what you'll do about T.K., though."
Kari looked down, lost in thought. How was she going to stop T.K.? He was difficult to stop when he went into one of these rages.
When they reached the bottom, the two stood in silence.
"Ready?" Tai asked.
Tai pulled T.K. off of Matt, then grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him behind a tree. Pulling back a fist, he threw a hard punch at Matt's face.
"Get a hold of yourself!" the leader shouted into his friend's face. Matt shook his head, seeming to come to his senses.
"Thanks," he said, "I needed that. Is it just me, or do you have deja vu?"
Tai thought for a moment. "Now that you mention it, I do."
/With T.K. and Kari\\
Kari had pulled T.K. to the side, and was trying to get him to calm down. She was trying to hold him still by his arms.
"T.K.," she pleaded, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "stop. Please, calm down."
T.K. suddenly stopped, and turned to look at her. He saw a hurt look in her eyes, and suddenly realized what he had done.
"Kari, I'm so sorry that you had to see me like that, and please, please forgive me for doing that. I wish you hadn't have seen me like that…." T.K. just looked away from Kari, obviously as hurt as she was. "I've tried to protect you from seeing me snap like that, and I don't want to hurt anyone, especially you…." He trailed off again, still looking at the ground.
"Takeru, what do you mean?" Kari asked, a look of confusion in her eyes.
"Kari, you remember how I had said earlier that I wouldn't let you go without a fight, and how I care about you? A lot?"
"Yeah…. Why?"
"Because, I love you," T.K. said, after a few awkward seconds.
Kari was just quiet for a few seconds, trying to take it in. She looked up into his blue eyes, just searching for something. But, all she turned up with was a look of truth - he wasn't joking.
"Um, well I-" she stuttered before being interrupted by Tai and Matt reappearing.
"So, Kari, I see you calmed down T.K." Tai said casually.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did."
"Let's start climbing back up," Matt suggested. Before getting a response, he broke into a run up the hill.
"Hey! Wait up!" Tai called after him, giving chase. This left T.K. and Kari alone again.
"As I was saying, I love you too," Kari said softly enough so that they wouldn't be overheard. T.K. smiled, grabbing her hand briefly and letting go. Between them, there was an unspoken agreement to let their new relationship be a secret. Laughing, they ran up the hill, joining their brothers and friends.
A.J. and Kevin were grinning - they had seen it happen - and they knew exactly how happy they must be. If they wanted to keep their secret quiet, fine by them. Kit and Katie had found out about them, even though they had really tried to keep them from finding out. But, it hadn't worked. They had still found out.
T.K. and Kari had gotten to the top of the hill, only to see Tai and Matt palling around. They were laughing now, and couldn't help but wonder how they would react if, and when they found out.
Izzy was closely watching Ash, as if trying to figure out what it was about her - he just seemed drawn for her for some reason. He couldn't quite figure it out. He just stared at her, still unsure what it was. She turned around, and he quickly pointed his gaze somewhere else. After all, it would not do to be caught staring.
Ash stared at Izzy. He had been acting strangely lately, and she didn't know why. Of course, her own behavior had been odd lately as well. Around the technology whiz, her breath caught in her throat, and the inside of her stomach fluttered lightly. To her, these sensations were both awful and somewhat pleasing at the same time. (A/N : For those of you who might have your minds in the gutter, GET 'EM OUTTA THERE!) She walked towards Izzy, somewhat nervous.
"Izzy, you haven't been yourself lately," Ash said, a concerned look overcoming her face.
And neither have you, her nagging voice said, snickering.
"Um, yeah, I guess," Izzy said, trying not to seem like there was something wrong with him,
"Izzy, something's wrong, and I know it."
Izzy grew quiet, and sighed.
Well, you happy now, Koushiro? She knows!
"Um, well…. Teku, truth is, I - "
There was a sudden Beep, beep, beep! coming from Ash.
"What's that?" Izzy asked, looking around wildly.
"Oh, that? That's just my cell phone - I put a copy of my computer's Dark Tower alert program on here."
"Oh." Stupid beeping!
"Hey! We've got a new Dark Tower!" Ash announced, turning to the others.
"What? Why is she attacking this late?" Kit questioned, turning her attention away from Tai and Matt.
"I dunno, but if we can get to a laptop or a computer, I can easily install the program, and give us all the exact coordinates."
"I have my laptop in my car," Izzy said, pulling his keys out of his pocket.
"Thanks, Izzy," she said, grinning.
The two walked towards his car, an awkward silence between the two.
"So, um… You make anything to alert you about new towers?" Ash asked, trying to make some conversation.
"Yeah, but it didn't go off. I would just have to check it…."
They both fell silent, and didn't resume their conversation until they reached the car.
"All I'm going to do is hook up my phone to your computer, and run the program from there. I'll install it - it gives a more detailed map, and it should combine my map with yours."
"How did you do this?" Izzy asked, his eyes growing wide.
"I have plenty of time during Technology Class - Believe me, being good with technology, and all."
Ash was now madly typing away on his laptop, numbers and letters racing across the screen. He just stared in amazement as she simply hit the 'enter' button, and a 3-D map of the digital World that they had explored, while she worked on a code to make a 3-D map of the digital World that they had explored.
"I've got the coordinates! And, they're in… the middle of the two areas that have been explored?" Ash said, kinda curious.
"You don't think that they've already teamed up, do you?" Izzy said, a worried look spreading across his face.
"I hope not! If they did, then the enemies would be even harder to defeat…"
They just looked at each other, and realized that hoping wasn't gonna save them. Ash grabbed his laptop and her phone, and quickly ran back towards the others, Izzy fumbling to lock his car back, trying to keep up with her.
The others just turned around when they heard the two running towards them.
"Well, bad news - we think that Ken and Kelsey have teamed up!" Ash announced, panting heavily.
"WHAT?!" Tai and Kit said in unison, apparently out-raged.
"Yeah," Izzy said, nodding.
Ash handed Izzy his laptop, pulling out her digivice. The others followed suit. Izzy began typing something into a box, and hit the 'enter' button. A screen popped up, and all the digivices were pointed at it. Izzy pulled out his own digivice, pointing it at the screen.
There was a flash of light, and everyone disappeared.
A/N : Okay, this was our longest chapter ever, we know. It was a pain to write, with Kokou's little sibling in here Plus, Happy New year from Kokou and Biryou!
Written by Kokou and Biryou