Summary: (FMA) Ed is captured by Tucker and transformed into the perfect chimera. Now it seems no one can keep their hands off him... even his worst enemies. Soon, his change triggers a chain of events, that leads to a war between chimeras.
Warnings: Lots and lots of Shounen Ai, okay?
Pairing: EdXRussell. Fans of this pairing, enjoy!
Chimera Ed
It was a lab. It looked just like Tucker's old lab, back when he had fused Nina and Alexander into an imperfect chimera. There were cages all around filled with unrecognizable animals, all staring at him hungrily. He was lying on a metal table, staring face up into a blinding fluorescent light, his eyelids beginning to throb. He could'nt even move his head. He was strapped to the table very tightly. Other than the blinding light in his face, all he could see was some unusual sharp metal insturments out of the corner of his eyes, which were making him extremly apprehensive.
He couldn't see the cages with chimeras and such, but he knew they were there. He could feel their dreadful eyes on him. He wondered where he was.
He had been out in the streets when some wild mutated animals came out of no where in an ambush. There was a fight. Something happened. It wasn't very clear, but he knew he had been captured by these demons. He knew that Al was out looking for him right now... he just knew.
But he didn't know where he was right now.
He heard the creaking of a door opening. He attempted to turn twords the sound, before remembering he still couldn't move his head. Then a slam. Someone was walking twords him. "Hello, Edward." The whispering voice was unmistakably, Shou Tucker. "It's been a while..."
"What do you want?" He yelled, struggling against the restrains.
"What do I want? You, of course. You are the perfect speciment for my latest chimera." He sounded excited. As anticipating as he could sound when he didn't quite have a voice.
"What? No way! You can't turn me into a chimera!"
"I'm afraid you are in no position to resist." Then he came into view. The grey trenchcoat and hat did not conceal his bulking chimera body. He had a gas mask in his oversized furry paw. "Just relax... It will all be over soon..." He placed the mask firmly over Ed's face.
Ed suddenly felt drowsy. Shou Tucker's looming face started to blur right before his eyes. His eyelids felt heavy. Everything in sight started to meld together until it all blackened and he felt like he was sinking into the ground...
Just before he was completely gone, Tucker's whispering voice floated into his ears. "You are about to become my greatest creation..."
To Be Continued...
A/N: Yeah, it's super short. But that's because it's just the prologue.