A/N: like I said before, this fic is based off of the FanFiction 100 challenge.

"It's the Little Things" chronicles various moments in the lives of the Weasleys, from the perspective of Molly and Arthur. Some such moments include when Molly and Arthur first meet, how they fall in love, their wedding, and many other aspects of their day-to-day lives as they raise their family and watch their children grow up in a world that they constantly try to make better. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: nothing is mine.

# 56 Breakfast

Breakfast Time Awkwardness

Molly cursed herself silently. She had woken up late for her first day of school. Ever since she was born, she had woken up late in the mornings.

She got out of bed and looked at her watch. It was only 8:30. If she hurried, she could still get down to the Great Hall in time to get some toast. She hurried to get dressed and arrived at the hall a few minutes later.

She scanned the Gryffindor table for an open seat. There was only one, right across from a small, red haired, bespectacled boy. She walked up and announced herself. "Hi! I'm Molly, is this seat taken?"

Molly had hoped for a nice response, and maybe even an introduction.

The boy just stared at her as if she had just taken his favorite teddy bear away from him. Finally he shook his head and said "Take it."

Feeling slightly awkward, Molly sat down. There was something odd about that boy, she thought, but there was also something cute about him too. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She looked at the boy and attempted to make conversation, but the boy just stared resolutely down at his bacon, deliberately avoiding the gaze of the beautiful girl sitting opposite him.

A/N: So, like it? Dislike it? Let me know! Do the second "R" and review!