okay, so it's my first songfic, and I'm not sure if it's all that great. It's just short, and sweet, and, I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA, or the song.

"YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU!?" screamed Winry as Edward was about to leave her again.

Out on your own

Cold, and alone again.

can this be what you really wanted baby?

"NO WINRY! I REALLY DON'T! WHEN I COME TO SEE YOU, YOU YELL AT ME BECAUSE SOMETHING'S BROKEN. AND THEN YOU CRY WHEN I HAVE TO GO! SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Edward clenched his Automail fist that Winry had made from scratch. "Why do you always do this to me?"

Blame it on me!

And set your guilt free!

Nothing can hold you back now!

"DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK!" were the last words she said to him before he left. She realized that maybe she meant it. She felt used, and worn each time he came to see her. If he would just come to her without anything being broken…but that's not like Edward. He would always have something broken. Winry just wanted to know why it couldn't just be his Automail.

Now that you're gone

I feel like myself again

Grieving the things I can't repair, and willing…

To let you blame it on me!

And set your guilt free

I don't want to hold you back now love.

Again he showed up and nearly collapsed at her door; beaten, broken, and chilled to the bone from the rainstorm. Winry couldn't help but cry at his appearance. Though part of her wanted to run to his aide, she almost wanted to leave him there. She knew he wasn't going to stay with her, so she wasn't going to force herself to care more then a friend would. 'Fix him up, and send him on his way.' was what she had planned on doing. He was still searching out there for the Philosopher's Stone, so no matter how she felt, he was going to leave.

I can't change who I am

Not this time!

I won't lie to keep you near me,

And in this short life

There's no time to waste on giving up!

My love wasn't enough!

"you can go now." Winry said with a blank expression. Edward didn't seem , or rather, didn't want to notice Winry's dreary mood. "Huh? Oh, you're done. Heh, I guess I can finally get outta this place, and get back to the city! Where the real action is!" All that came from Winry was an apathetic sigh, as she started to put her tools away. "Winry is something wrong?" She stopped for a moment to consider his question. "Actually.." she said with half a smile. "there really isn't." Edward now looked puzzled. "You mean, you're not going to complain about how I'm just going to leave you now that my arm is fixed?" Winry just rolled her eyes. "Why would I care about something as routine as that? I don't expect anything else to come from you." Edward seemed to understand what Winry was getting at. He didn't like her not begging, and crying so he wouldn't go. He felt wanted when she did.

Blame it on me!

Just set your guilt free, honey

I don't want to hold you back now love!

A/N: Well, I hope you liked it! I wanted Alphonse to be at least mentioned somewhere in there, but it didn't work out that way :'( But maybe I'll end up revising the story later on. Who knows! Well, please tell me what you think!