Dislaimer: I don't own So Weird, Disney does.

Jack thought about what Rebecca had told him and decided to check on his sister to make sure she was doing alright. He peered his head through his sister's doorway to find nothing out of the ordinary. Fiona was sitting calmly at her desk, with her laptop open in front of her.

"What's up?" she asked casually.

"Uh, nothing," Jack said, slightly startled. From what Rebecca had said, he thought Fi would be in a bad mood, but she seemed fine.

"Watcha doin'?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"Taking down the So Weird Webpage," she replied.

"So it's official, then?" Jack asked as he walked into the room, "You giving up on weird stuff, I mean."


Now, Jack could see what Rebecca meant. Fiona's nonchalant tone worried him. He knew that she wanted to be a normal kid, and he was glad that his sister had decided to check into the world of reality, but she just wasn't the same. At least when she was exploring the paranormal, she was excited and her whole face lit up and there was a glint of determination in her eye to figure things out... she was happy.

"What?" Fi asked as Jack realized that he was hovering over her shoulder.

"Look," Jack sighed, "I'm worried about you. I know that we haven't really talked about Mom's death or anything, but maybe we should."

"What gives you that idea?" Fi asked, suspiciously.

"Because ever since mom died, you've been acting weirder than usual. I mean, before mom was killed, you decided to give up on the paranormal, but after the crash you went back to it and then after making me chase after you to a warehouse you say that you're giving it up for good." Jack sighed, "Listen... the first couple weeks after dad died, every night after mom put you to bed she would stay up with me and we would talk..." his voice trailed off as he saw Fiona roll her eyes.

"What?" he asked, beginning to get frustrated, "I'm just trying to be nice to you. Why do you gotta act like that? I'm starting to think Rebecca's right; you're not acting like yourself."

"I'm not acting like myself? Well, you're no better. Ever since mom died you've been a complete control freak!"

"That one time when you wanted to go to the warehouse and I told you not to? That one incident makes me a control freak?"

"It wasn't just that one time! I'm so sick of you... all these years whenever I went out to solve a mystery, you always taunted me and then played hero, acting like you were trying to look out for me. What do you think you are- a knight in shining armor?" Fi glared at him evilly before continuing, "Cause you're not. You've just been jealous that mom always took my side and dad contacted me instead of you. All this time you denied that he was there, but he was and you knew it. You just chose to ignore it. You're a liar; for years you've been telling me to check into Hotel Reality while you're the one who's been living in a fantasy world, ignoring what's right in front of you! Well, I hope you're happy because you've finally got what you wanted, whether you still want it or not. I'm done with the paranormal."

Jack was speechless and at a complete loss. He had no clue why his sister had become so cold and cruel or how she knew that he had always known she was right but just didn't want her to be. All he knew was that if mom were still here, and Fiona talked to her like that, the result would be the two most feared words a teenager could ever hear: "You're grounded."

When he said this to Fi, she just laughed, "Good one. Like you actually think I'll listen to you."

"You don't have a choice but to listen to me," Jack said as he grabbed her laptop, "I'm you're legal guardian and have complete authority over you so for the next two weeks, you're not going on your laptop and your not leaving the house except for school."

"How do you know I won't sneak out?"

"B-because..." he said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. He was completely oblivious to the laughter emitting from the mouth of Fiona Phillips. But it wasn't the laugh of Jack's sister. It was the laugh of a certain Scottish spirit, amused that Jack didn't have a clue that he had fallen into a perfectly planned trap.

Soon after leaving his sisters room, Jack was in the living room with Carey, watching an old movie on T.V. while IMing with Gabe on Fi's confiscated laptop. Suddenly, Carey heard a THUD coming from the direction of Fi's room.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?" Jack replied, too engrossed in his conversation to pay attention to anything else.

"Never mind; I'll go check on Fi," he said, getting off the couch and hobbling away without his crutches.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting that leg?" Jack asked, looking up from the laptop.

"Did that. Got bored," he called while knocking on Fiona's door.

"You shouldn't be getting bored, though," Carey commented from Fi's room.

"Why's that?" Jack asked, absent mindedly.

"The prisoner has escaped."

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked, annoyed that Carey wouldn't give him a straight answer.

"Look," Carey beckoned, "I heard a thud from in here... there's an open window, a note, and no Fi."

Jack typed a rushed goodbye to Gabe and investigated his sister's room. Lying on top of an old book from one of his aunt's plays, a short note read:


Since you're probably not bright enough to figure it out on your own, I've left. Don't even think of going for the whole knight-in-shining-armor act this time because it'll be impossible for you to find me.

- Fiona

"This can't be real," Jack said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, obviously it is; she's not here!" Carey told him.

"No, I mean this doesn't look like Fi's handwriting..." he said while re-reading the note and comparing it to a notebook he found at her desk, "The e's and r's are different."

"But if Fi didn't write this, then who did?" Carey questioned, "Nobody else was in the house, we would have known. And you were just in here talking to her, did you see this?"

Jack thought for a moment before replying, "No, but..." his voice trailed off as he got an idea. His sister was pretty amused that he grounded her, she might have set this up as a joke. So Jack searched under the bed and in the closet to no avail. His sister was gone.

"What are we gonna do?" Carey asked him.

"Well, I don't wanna call the police. The social worker told me that if we get into any trouble involving the police, it'll be a reason to send Fi to social services. I guess I should just call her friends to see if they've seen her." Jack said.

"Good plan, Jack," Carey said supportively, "Only I have a question for you: Do you even know any of her friends phone numbers?"

"No, but I have her laptop and when I took it, she was still logged onto the Internet. I can use that," he replied.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Carey asked.

About 30 minutes after the discovery of Fi's absence, Rebecca arrived to help Jack and Carey figure out where Fi might be. Jack told her the conversation he had with his sister before her disappearance and showed Rebecca the note.

"Hmmm... interesting," Rebecca said, slyly.

"What is?" Jack questioned, uncertain that he wanted to know the answer.

"Well, in both the conversation and the note, Fi teased you about being a 'knight' and 'playing hero'... and those dreams you've been having were about-"

"A knight in a castle, I know," Jack said impatiently, "But what does that have to do with Fi?"

"Everything," she told him, "I told you to look after her for a reason, you know."

Rebecca's brown eyes bore into Jack's blue eyes and Jack received a vision similar to his dreams. He was walking down a long, dim, cold hallway with pictures of his mom's side of the family hanging on stone walls. He saw a black, billowing curtain and pulled it back. He found himself facing a mirror, showing the reflection of...

"No..." Jack whispered with his eyes closed, "Make it stop, make it stop!"

When he finally opened his eyes, Jack found himself back in his living room. "What the heck was that?" he asked.

"That was insane!" Carey said, "You looked like you were in a trance."

"That was telepathy," Rebecca told him.

"But... no, there's no such thing," Jack said.

"Do you want to save your sister?" she asked him.

"Of course I do!" he exclaimed.

"Then you must first believe in yourself," she advised.

"But can't you tell me-"

"I've already told you more than I should've. Besides, you know this already; you don't need me to help figure it out."

Jack stared at her blankly.

"Okay," she sighed, "What did you see in your dream?"

"Me... I was a..." a sudden look of amazement and confusion spread across his face, "Are you trying to tell me that I'm really a knight?"

"You were a knight," Rebecca corrected.

"What do you mean by 'were'?" he asked.

Rebecca hesitated for a moment before telling him, "You'll know soon enough. Now that you know the truth about yourself, let's work on tracking down Fi."

Author's Note: Sorry if the first half of the chapter was a little confusing, seeing as how the last chapter left off. Next chapter you'll find out what happened to Fi.