
~*~*~*~*~* Last Time *~*~*~*~*~

"And you came here and not to Alexa's because?" Adria asked.
"She wasn't home." her father said. The he looked Adria up and down and glared. "You're pregnant again?"
"Eh... hehehe." Adria said er I guess. Adria was well 7 months and Usagi was 9 months.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ NOw ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Trowa walked towards the door and stopped dead in his tracks at the site of Adria's father. Zero chose that moment to walk into the room next to Trowa. Astrial looked up and glared at Trowa.

"Hey mister who are you?" Zero asked innocently. Astrial looked at him then at Adria and Trowa. Then back at Zero.

"I'm your grandfather." Astrial said.

"Ooooh! Cool!" Zero said with a grin causing Astrial to smile. "Didja know my mommy is going to have a baby? It's a girl!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ years later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The scouts faught and defeated Hiroshi. Along with his mistress. LeeAsia, Trowa and Adria's daughter, was born a few week before the battle though they still won. Chibi-Usa was born two days after Astrials arrival. During the time the scouts were in the battle the babies and Zero stayed in the Time Gates and waited for their parents to come get them. Anyways, Today October 30th is Zero's 5th birthday I think and his first day of his new school.

"Zero I know it's your birthday but you have to go. We waited long enough." Adria said.

"But moooooom I don't wanna go to school no more. It starts way to early." Zero complained.

"But Zeeeeeero If you hadn't stayed up passed your bed time playing Chrono Cross then you wouldn't be so tired. Or complaining for that matter." Adria said.

"Adria lay off the kid. You did the SAME exact thing." Trowa said. Adria glared at him.

"And YOU encouraging him to stay up. You are sleeping on the couch mister." Adria said.

"Again?! That's the 3rd time this week." Trowa muttered.

"Well then don't give me a reason to send you to the couch." Adria said.

"Whatever." Trowa muttered.


THE END... I know the ending sucked but I had to finish it somehow right?