I'm sorry

Fye smiled as he watched the sun rise from the hotel room he and Kurogane shared. The ninja was still asleep on the bed and the mage was curled up in a comfy chair by the window. He watched the warm colors cover the sky one after another and stared intently at the red he saw. Smiling, Fye glanced at the sleeping form, clearly imagining in his mind's eye the color of the ninja's eyes. It was the same.

Smiling a genuine smile, Fye stood and stretched with a cat-like grace. Walking over to the bed he stared at the man, watching the colors of the sunrise touch tanned skin, highlight dark strands, and deepen shadows. His smile slowly became sad, surprising himself. But he was alone, Kurogane wouldn't wake up yet and-Fye stepped to the side-he was blocking the sun from disturbing the ninja's sleep anyway.

Hands held behind his back, Fye leaned over and gently let his lips caress Kurogane's-he refused to call it a kiss as that would mean some type of attachment and, though he did feel affection for the man, he couldn't allow any feelings to resonate through the touch. He pulled back and returned to his former position, curled back up in the chair, and finished watching the sunrise.

It was becoming routine, he realized, but didn't put much forth to stop it. After all, one day Kurogane would have his wish granted and he'd stay in his world. When he did that... Fye decided he'd just have to enjoy his time with the man until then.

When Kurogane woke up, Fye slapped on a smile and bounded over, jumping on the bed and startling the ninja. Said man glared at him and quickly got out of the bed, muttering something of idiotic mage and sugar. He disappeared into the bathroom and Fye slowly lowered himself on the bed. He buried his face into the pillow Kurogane had used and smiled sadly to himself.

"I'm sorry I'm an idiot and too scared to say it."

'To say I love you.'

Somehow, even with all the pain that he suddenly felt at the thought, Fye couldn't seem to find the strength to cry.

Review please.