The Journey
Help! Help! Melissa yelled she was traveling with Jackson, Abby, and Eric to The North shore and they had just started to make camp when she started running trying to get away Jackson and crying her eyes out. When she slipped down a cliff. This wasn't the first she found herself at the bottom of a cliff though, when Taylor blasted her tape across the island telling everyone that she liked Jackson. She found herself at the bottom of a different cliff. I can't stay down here forever. It's felt like I've been here for hours. Help!
Melissa! Melissa! Where are you Jackson yelled Eric and Abby yelling behind him. Melissa disappeared hours ago were did she. I hope what Eric said to her didn't make her leave for good. Ow my feet hurt Eric Screamed irritadly. We wouldn't be here if you just kept your mouth shut Jackson said looking at Abby. I agree plus I just hate drama. So keep walking. She was already mad that they up camp to go find a drama queen even if Mel did calm her down,
Wow I do not feel good at all. She hadn't had food or water in hour's especially water. I'm so thirsty my throat hurts and I'm so tired. Help she yelled one more time before she passed out.
Sorry for the short chapters but I just wanted to get my ideas down first. If you want to see what happens read the next chap it will get better sorry if it was confusing. Reviews are then welcome but remember this is my fist story so be nice please.