A/N: Wow! Thanks to EVERYONE who reviewed….18 reviews for my first chapter! Ok. So here's the 2nd chap, and I hope everyone is pleased with this. For those of you asking for more MerDer, expect it. J And I think I actually will go with Addisex, and more Cristina bossiness. Read on!

Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, Addie and Derek would be together and Mer would have died last episode. ((Ducks flaming objects))

Rating: T, for now.

Chapter 2

Take-off was bumpy which put Cristina in an even worse mood. All around her was chatter from her fellow surgeons. The Chief and Miranda continued to sleep. Cristina shifted in her seat and looked behind her, her eyes wandering the elite private jet.

Where the hell was the booze?

If she started on the drinks now, and fell asleep maybe she could wake up just before landing, and avoid everyone and their soon to be problems.

Ah ha!

In the corner of the jet sat a tiny little refrigerator, which to Cristina, seemed to call her name. She hopped out of her seat and dashed to the small box.

"Oh thank god." She whispered, whipping it open.

There, in the refrigerator, sat wine, beer, champagne, brandy, scotch, and best of all, tequila. She pulled out the bottle and returned to her seat. Alex gave her a look as she passed, which she brushed off.

"Really, Yang…drinking at this hour?" Mark called to her.

"One more word and you'll be peeing from a catheter the rest of your life."

Mark shut up and sunk down in his seat.

Once she reached her seat, she popped off the top and lifted the bottle to her lips. "Oh thank the heavens for booze." She whispered just before taking a long swig. She felt better almost instantly. Meredith turned around in her seat and her face lit up when she saw the tequila. She tried to reach for it, but Cristina lurched the bottle farther from Meredith's grasp.

"Oh hell NO, Meredith. Get your own damn bottle."

Meredith stuck her tongue out at Cristina and turned back around, settling into Derek's arms.

The rest of the group seemed to be quietly following Cristina's 'rules' and they were each engaged in their own thing. Mark and Alex chatted away. Obviously about Addison. George and Izzie were playing a game of cards, causing either one of them to cheer every so often. Quiet cheering, Cristina could handle, so she left it alone. Callie and Addison were nearly both asleep, same with Preston. Cristina couldn't see what Mer and Derek were doing, nor did she want to.

She took another sip of the fabulous life saver in her hands and laid back in her chair. Maybe if she slept, an hour or two would go by.


"Psstt! Addison!" Mark whispered, tapping Addison's shoulder, causing her turn around.

"What, Mark?" She questioned. "I was nearly asleep."

"I have to talk to you."

"Sure you do. I told you, I'm not having sex with you." Addison said defiantly, and turned back around.

Mark looked at Alex, defeated. Alex grinned and mouthed back at him 'watch this!'

"Add, there's something we need to talk to about. Come to the bedroom with me?" He pleaded

Addison rolled her eyes but turned to stand up, anyways. "Make it quick, Karev."


Alex looked triumphantly at Mark and stood to follow the beautiful red-head to the bedroom at the back of the jet. He hoped he'd grab what he had in mind.


"Awww Mer, I did NOT want to know that!" Derek pushed Meredith away.

"But you love me anyways." She pouted.

Meredith and Derek were quietly conversing and had gotten onto a topic Derek wasn't interested in, to say the least.

"Of course, baby, but please never talk about that again."

Meredith laughed and leaned in to kiss Derek. He quickly pulled back, to which Meredith was surprised.


"Yang." He looked back and saw that Cristina was sleeping, the bottle of tequila squeezed tightly in her grasp.

"You can't tell me you're afraid of her!" Meredith said, incredulously. 'She's an intern, Derek! You're an attending…"

Derek shrugged. "Hell yes, I am. She's fucking scary when she isn't happy."

Meredith nodded. Since Cristina was sleeping, they had an all-go. Meredith kissed her boyfriend on the lips, passionately. Within 5 minutes it had turned into a full on make-out session. Derek's hands in her hair, Meredith's hands in his shirt. They pulled away, panting.

"Bedroom." He whispered, grabbing her hand. The two of them rushed to the back of the plane, causing Izzie to look up from her card game with George.

She chuckled. "Haha, looks like Mer's about to feed the beast."

George looked like he wanted to throw up and dropped his head in disgust. Izzie patted his shoulder and laughed.

Meredith and Derek pulled open the door to the small bedroom, not expecting to find what they did.

Addison. Alex. Naked. Together. In a bed. 32,000 feet in the air.

"Holy fuck!" Derek covered his eyes and backed away. "Addison, what the hell?!"

"Looks like they had the same idea we had." Meredith shrugged, not bothered by what she was seeing.

Addison pulled apart from Alex when she realized they had been caught. Her face was the color of her hair, and she threw the blanket over her exposed body. Alex dropped down in the bed, not wanting to be seen.

"Derek! Get out!" Addison cried.

"Leaving. We're leaving." Meredith grabbed Derek's arm and started to pull away.

"No, wait. Are you joking? Addison, this is disgusting. Sex on a plane when we only got divorced 5 months ago…honestly…" Derek fumed. He was angry. Angry at his ex for going at it with an intern in front of his eyes. At least he and Meredith had the decency to do it in private.

"Derek, leave. We'll talk about this later!" Addison screeched. She didnt care to mention that Derek was sleeping with an intern, too.

All the commotion had awoken a certain someone at the front of the plane.

Cristina stood up, wobbly from all the tequila and made her way to the back of the plane. Meredith saw her coming. "Oh fuck."

Cristina pushed Derek and Meredith apart and peered into the bedroom. She gagged when she saw a naked Addison and a naked Alex. And she looked pissed, to say the least.

"Oh fuck." Alex mimicked Meredith's cry of 'we're screwed.'

A/N: A weird place to stop? I dunno, it was the only way I could think of. Hope you guys enjoyed this chap as much as the other one. Please please review, I greatly appreciate all the reviews I get! Next chap will be up soon, with more drama and fun, and hopefully longer than this one.