Author's Note: Sorry about the long wait! There was a lot of stuff going on at school so I didn't have time to update.

Oh yeah, if any of you were wondering, I made a new gift called ActionCommand. It's a gift that allows you to command others to your will. The reason why it wasn't discovered was because it's like how the MageGift was confused with ForeSight... (Or was it FarSight?). People confused ActionCommand with Empathy.

But now I bring you the next chapeter... CHAPTER 3!

Chapter Three: Discoveries and Mayhem

Analia quickly got into a daily routine. Sleep, classes, homework, homework and sleep. She rarely had a moment for relaxation and soon began to appreciate the short times she had with her friends. Stasia and Bronti soon created an unbreakable threesome with Analia. Her year mates, all boys, soon became her friends as well. They all developed into a kind of family, a close nit one of their own choosing.

The classes Analia took were riveting. After Orientation, which quickly became Court Etiquette, all her courses flowed like a never ending river into her mind and dammed it with knowledge she never dreamed of. Due to the teachers' wonderful schooling, she understood the lessons quickly and efficiently. They were all impressed by her ability to learn. Some commented on her capability but Analia just reminded them of her Artificer parents. Analia would have been an Artificer if her parents hadn't… hadn't….


She had suppressed her deep sorrow for good now; had gotten over them a few days after coming to the Collegium. She didn't forget them all together, Analia still felt a wave of sadness whenever reminded of them, but never again would she outright cry from her lose. Dirkus' love, Stasia's friendship and Bronti's guiding took place of that deep, raw hole.

She wouldn't ever forget her mission though, a mission she swore to in her early days of the Collegium. She would get revenge, or a least find out who killed her parents. Her new status as a Herald-in-training came as a blessing and curse in that aspect. She had a lot of power now and could access confidential information that could reveal the mysterious name of the group. But being a Herald trainee meant she could not inflict outright harm on the organization and its members.

Heralds, Herald-Mage Leo had explained in Orientation, do not take sides. This would reflect badly on the Crown. If citizens of Valdemar or even outsiders feel you have favored one person over the other it would contradict all Valdemar's laws and values. Thus, even a person you know to have evil intent will be tried in a court or under the truth spell. Herald do not punish either, they will sentence a person but never mete out the punishment.

So the only option Analia had in her revenge was to find the organization and try its leaders in court. Analia was sure the punishment given by the Herald trying the group, (hopefully she), would satisfy her hunger.

But the trial would come later if it came at all. Now she had to figure out who this organization even was. Everyday, for the small hour she had for free, Analia would search the Palace Library for information. She had little luck, the only thing she found regarding her parent's murderers wasn't even relevant to one group. Little did she know the answer she was searching for would soon make itself apparent. The end to her search would not come from a book but from a totally unexpected place, a very close friend.

"1, 2, 3, switch! 1, 2, 3, switch! Keep the guard Paulen! 1, 2, 3, switch! Good Analia!"

It was another usual day at weapons practice, her friends failing while Analia flowed through the moves and techniques like a born fighter. The Weapons Master, Herald Hateya, loved Analia. He constantly praised his young pupil and reminded the other trainees constantly that Analia was the perfect student. "Be more like Analia!" was his favorite term. Analia was not without pestering words to her peers' amusement though, she was told time and time again of Herald Hateya's wish to make Analia his successor. Regardless of the pestering, she still loved the idea.

:You know Dirkus, I still don't understand why you were so suspicious about my interest in weapons class.: She asked jokingly after her round of sparring with Hateya.

:Well, unlike you, some people who are sane don't like getting beaten up everyday and run to the floor.: Dirkus replied with amusement. :You know, my Weapons Master, Alber-… oh never mind.:

Analia puzzled over his words, :Wait, I'm confused, do Companions have fighting classes?:

:Um, well, no. I just got confused.: Dirkus covered up hastily. But his previous words did not go unnoticed by his Chosen.

:You said something and it wasn't a mistake! Dirkus, what were you going to say?: But before Analia got a response, Herald Hateya yelled out to Stasia loud enough to break her concentration.

"Stasia, Stasia, be more of your friend. Quick, quick, be like speed!" He lunged with a cross cut aimed at her side, black hair native to his Shin'a'in origin streaming out behind him. With a yelp, Stasia jumped back and tried to block the attack.

Too late. The practice sword smacked against her upper ribs with a sickening thud that sent her to the ground.

"Stasia, oh gods, Stasia!" Analia ran to her prostrate friend, fearing the worst. She couldn't afford to lose another loved one. Stasia lay unmoving, her chest gasping with every breath.

"Kusa!" Hateya swore in his language. "She forgot the amour of chest when putting on protection! Move to side Analia," Hateya said, exasperation clearly in his voice as he knelt beside the injured trainee, checking her pulse. "Stasia, Stasia." He slapped her face slightly. She didn't stir.

"Paulen!" The summoned immediately came to the Weapons Master side, brown eyes filled with worry.

"What is it, Weapons Master? Should I call for help?"

"No, not yet. She not too hurt. Just get bucket of water." Paulen scrambled to the faucet by the running area and filled the ever-present bucket with the cool liquid. As he dragged the bucket to the waiting crowd, Stasia groaned as if expecting the icy water. She still did not waken.

"Quick, quick, be like speed!" Hateya said again, strangely reminiscent of his previous words. Grabbing the bucket, he splashed the contents on her face.

Finally, Stasia came to. Opening her eyes, she coughed then groaned in pain. "Holy Iftel! That hurt!" Stasia said with her usual cheerfulness.

The collective sigh of the class sent the trainees into laughter.

Analia followed the Healer through the twisting, cool hallways of the Healer's Collegium. Kiddy, in her usual laziness, had come plodding slowly to the scene without a look of worry. Through much groaning and pain, the Weapons Master and Analia had gotten the injured Stasia on the Companion's back to be taken off to the Healer's Compound. Now Analia was at the Compound herself after the continued weapons class was over.

The male Healer stopped in front of a plain door to the right of the hallway. Another Healer, a woman Analia recognized as Laurella, exited the room.

"She's all right Analia," Laurella said to Stasia's worried friend. "Go in whenever you wish."

Analia nodded her head in thanks, opened the door and stepped in. Stasia lay in a small but seemingly warm bed illuminated by the light through the window under which it lay. She looked up at Analia's entrance.

"I didn't think you would come! I thought that the Healers wouldn't let you in here. You know, that woman diagnosed me with a bruised rib. It hurt so much I thought it was broken! But I guess not." Her face fell as if she wanted a broken rib.

"Wait a minute, you wanted it broken? I don't get you Stasia." Analia replied. She laughed and sat on the bed next to her friend.

"Well yeah! Then I would have gotten out of that class even longer. It would have been worth the pain. So where is Bronti do you know? Does she know I got hurt?" Stasia closed her eyes for a moment in pain; her speaking had brought an unexpected ache to her chest.

"Is something wrong?" Analia asked. Stasia shook her head so Analia continued. "Well, I don't think anyone told her. Want me to find Bronti for you?" Before Stasia could reply, the wanted person came barreling into the room.

:Gods! Stasia are you alright? I came as soon as I could!:

"Bronti, it's alright, it's nothing serious and I'm fine." Stasia replied. As Bronti rushed to her side, Analia took herself out of the room. She would leave the two friends alone, Analia would be ignored by her friends anyway. Besides, she had to celebrate. This current incident just proved her long-standing theory correct.

Bronti and Stasia were lifebonded.

She had suspected before that they had an interest in each other, but just a few days ago when Bronti cut her finger, Stasia had rushed to her side. But Stasia had run to Bronti from across the compound, holding her finger as if it was hurt as well. Nothing but a lifebond could give her friends enough connection to feel another's hurt. And just today, no one had alerted Bronti of Stasia's accident. Bronti hastening to her lifebond's side proved without a doubt of their link. Hopefully if she left them alone, they would finally admit their love.

Stasia's injury it seemed, was a blessing.

Bronti sprawled lazily on Analia's bed, head in Stasia's lap. Stasia absently stroked her lifebond's head while quizzing Analia on her upcoming test.

"Okay, Analia. Name the main economic superpowers that were in supremacy when the Mage Storms hit."


"Analia! Earth to Analia!"


"Analia," Stasia sighed, "if you pass this test you can be done with Economic History, alright? Don't you want to take Religions with the really gorgeous Herald Cole as the teacher? Pay attention!" She snapped her fingers to get Analia's notice. Analia, jerked out of her current thoughts, jumped in her seat by the fireplace.

"What? Um… oh, yeah. So what was the question?" Analia asked guiltily.

Bronti answered instead of Stasia, broadcasting to both of her friends, :Name the main economic superpowers when the Mage Storms came. Seriously though, what were you thinking about anyway?:

"My parents."

These days, after a month of being a Trainee, she had all but forgotten her dead parents. But suddenly, a few nights before she had had a dream, a dream of that fateful night. But this dream was different from the usual dreams she once had after the incident. Her dream involved only the sights she had seen, the whole nightmare was silent. Silent but for a single voice. Stasia's.

Saying she knew what had happened on that night.

"Well, I never found out who killed them. And lately, I've forgotten to search the library for hints on the culprits."

Bronti sighed and sat up, looking at Analia expectantly. :You told us they died, but never told us how or that they were murdered! What exactly happened?: A feeling of worry and curiosity crossed through the mind-link, signifying that she meant no harm in her blunt question. And yet…

"Bronti, don't ask questions like that!" Stasia interrupted, looking disapprovingly at her lifebond. Her usual cheerfulness was lost in this serious discussion.

"No, no, it's all right." Analia protested. "I probably should tell you guys. It's time I told someone other than Dirkus what happened." Taking a deep breath, Analia explained the story of her parent's death.

"So an organization killed your parents?" Stasia questioned. Nervousness and fright emanated from Stasia, of which Analia could sense from her small, yet untrained gift of Empathy. Why would Stasia feel that way? I mean, she can't know what happened! That dream can't be true! Stasia can't be involved with that evil group, she's a Herald, right? Well the only way to find out is to ask.

"Yeah, that's the impression I got. Why?"

"Just wondering." Stasia responded.

Guess my dream was wrong.

:No Chosen, that dream was not wrong.: Dirkus spoke now. :She Projected that dream to you, she knows what happened.:

Before Analia could convey this astonishing news, Bronti beat her to it.

:No you weren't 'just wondering'.: Bronti shook her head. :You know, I can tell if you are lying or not, Stasia. You have something on your mind, so tell us.: She chuckled at Stasia's surprised face, but that face quickly turned into defeat.

"Gah, alright, alright!" She threw up her hands. "But I'm probably wrong."

Suddenly, Analia leaped from her chair and threw herself at her fellow Trainee. Placing her hands on Stasia's shoulders, Analia looked straight into her eyes.

"Spill it, Stasia. Now is not the time for excuses. Are you trying to drive me crazy?" She shoved Stasia against the backboard of the bed and stood expectantly waiting for Stasia's story. Getting nothing, she spoke again. "You're probably right, anything you know is probably wrong."

The look of shock in Stasia's icy eyes nearly made Analia start to cry. But no, she was not going to pity her now. Stasia sometimes really grated on her nerves and Analia was annoyed. Would she never get to the point?

"Hey now, that's hardly fair! Analia what's gotten into you?" Stasia responded in the only way she could, attacking back. "Lately you've been all moody. It's hurting us you know, we are your friends."

"I don't think you should be asking questions." Analia snapped. "I think right now you need to tell me what you know. And after, maybe we can talk. Just please don't take forever."

"Well alright, all high and mighty, whatever you say." She shook her head, "You need some serious attitude adjustments Analia."

That did it. Analia erupted, throwing anger and resentment at her friend through Empathy. The small pressures of her everyday life, the thought of her parent's murderers and this sudden attack from Stasia had sent her over the edge. But what was over the edge was entirely unexpected.

Her untrained, fully awakened Animal MindSpeech broke loose from her hold. All of a sudden, millions upon millions of birds began to peck at the windows, trying to get in. The dogs of the Palace went berserk, the horses cried out in fear and literally all the animals in Haven went wild. But she couldn't stop the madness that was happening around her and least of all stop her words.

"Why the hell do you have to be so clueless? All you ever do is act all nice and happy, when have you ever done anything to contribute? You have no damn right to say I need an attitude change when it's you that really needs one. Why don't you guys leave now, I can't handle you people!" Analia stared venomously at the two lifebonded, breathing hard from her outburst.

But her Gift was still going wild.

It happened so suddenly, he didn't have time to react.

Herald Cole was walking down the hall of the dormitories to get a wanted Trainee when all hell broke loose. A powerful, untrained Gift had suddenly gotten out of control. The power emanating from a closed door down the hall was so great it rocked the Palace. But most strange off all was who is unsettled. The animals had gone berserk.

Gods, what a strong Animal MindSpeech! It's greater than even my fully awakened ForeSight!. Rushing off to the room, Herald Cole came to the rescue.

"I can't stop it!" Analia screamed, but blinded by the fury of which her Gift had released, she couldn't see her friends. Struggling was futile, the Gift responded to her struggles by fighting back with more ferocity; she was slowly losing her mind. Very faintly could she hear the mayhem caused by her own power, but soon even that would be blocked out by the roaring in her ears created from her Gift. Using the last of her energy, she screamed out to Dirkus.

:Dirkus! Help, Dirkus!:

The response came very faintly. :I'm trying… but I- I- Analia!:

Unexpectedly, warm arms enveloped her in their grasp. The shock of a touch and a strange feeling of being forced to stop what she was doing finally controlled her rouge gift.

"Analia, are you alright? Analia?"

Too tired even to speak, she slowly slipped into darkness. But before she completely lost her mind to unconsciousness, she caught a glimpse of her rescuer. Tall and handsome, his warm, gray eyes soon put her to sleep.

"So when you got to the room, Stasia and Bronti were already knocked out by the shear power of her Gift?" Herald Leo asked his friend.

"Yeah, her Gift was amazing. The Animal MindSpeech was so powerful it pushed me back physically. I could have really been hurt if I didn't shield!"

Herald Cole and Herald Leo sat next to Analia's bed at the Healer Collegium while the Dean Jahn stood beside them. After the Gift had been contained, almost all the Heralds and Trainees currently living at the Palace had been dispatched in an Emergency Rescue effort. Thousands upon thousands of animals from domesticated to wild had gone out of control and only three had been spared to take care of Analia; Cole, Leo and Jahn.

Dean Jahn spoke. "It was good that you were there. Any other Herald and who knows what would have happened. Without your rare Gift of ActionCommand you wouldn't have been able to stop her."

Herald Cole stared at Analia's pale and pain-ridden face. "It's as we expected. We knew that trouble would come from this powerful gift, did we not? And yet we did nothing to protect her."

"What are you talking about Cole?" Leo asked.

"Oh, nothing."

At that moment, an elderly Healer came in to check up on her new patient. Thankfully, Herald Cole had managed to catch her just as she was leaving to take care of animal disaster.

"Well now, nothing can be done from talking in here. Why don't you boys all go outside now. This patient needs to rest without you in here." The Healer scolded.

The Dean and Herald Leo turned to go, but Herald Cole stayed. "I think I should be here to tell her what happened when she wakes. I was the one who saved her. Besides, one person is not going to affect her sleep."

Herald Leo gave his friend a speculative look and exited with the Dean. The Healer seemed to accept Herald Cole's presence and went about her business as if he wasn't there.

:What were the odds that it was Analia whose room I was just passing just as she lost control of her gift?: he asked his Companion, Sherri.

:A million to one? It was pretty lucky,: she said back.

:Lucky, you say? How was it lucky? I'm with Ayley now, I shouldn't be feeling like this to a girl I've never talked to. It would be best for me to stay away from her.:

:Have you ever thought the maybe Ayley isn't for you?: Sherri questioned.

:Oh don't start this again, Sherri. Ayley is a good woman and she treats me well. She one of the only people I've been with who understands that I take duty over love.:

:But do you love her is the question. I don't trust her, and as your Companion you should listen to my better judgment!: Sherri sniffed in his mind.

:Better judgment? You are just plain jealous!:

:That may be so, but I like Analia better than Ayley. Whatever you choose I will support you; that is how deep my Bond goes, but I do hope you make the right decision.: She sniffed again and broke contact.

Aw, stupid horse. She just doesn't get it. I love Ayley and not this girl. I don't even know Analia and she is so young! Maybe I should go to a Shay'a'chern for some help one of these days, I think I have a delusional mind.

But something told him that what he was feeling for Analia was correct, and that what he was feeling for Ayley was wrong. That feeling followed him out the door as he exited the room and stayed with him until he lost his mind to sleep.