Chapter 2: Wednesday

"Alright Serena, you can go now." Miss Haruna said relieved that she could go home now because she had a date that night.

"Wooo-hooo!" Cheered Serena. "Bye Miss H." Serena hauled ass out the door, down the stairs, and out of the building. She was so relieved that her detention was over. She then proceeded to quickly make her way home.

When Serena got to her house, she grabbed the mail and went inside. She then started looking frantically through the mail to see if there was a letter from Darian. 'Aw man; nothing again. That's makes 3 weeks in a row that Darian hasn't responded back to my letter. What's going on?' After finding nothing, Serena sighed and then heard her mom (Ikuko) calling to her from the kitchen. "Serena is that you?"

"Yeah mom it's me." She called back.

"Could you come here for a minute, please? Your father (Kenji) and I have something very important to tell to you."

"Sure…what is it?" She asked walking into the kitchen and seeing her parents sitting down at the table. 'What's dad doing home so early?'

"You might want to sit down for this Serena." Replied Kenji

"Why? What's going on?" Serena started to get worried but pushed the feeling aside a bit.

"Serena, your father has been promoted and he won't be working in Tokyo anymore. He's being transferred to Kyoto…" she trailed off as she tried to gather her thoughts again.

"That's great! It's just what you've always wanted dad." Serena said with excitement for her father. Congratulations! It's a shame that you have to leave Tokyo though." She finished sadly.

"Thanks, but there's more." Her father said a little more sternly to show that he was serious. "It means that we are going to have to move. ALL of us. Even you." Kenji and Ikuko braced themselves for the outburst that was about to come.

"WHAT!?" Serena yelled. "Dad you can't be serious! This is some kind of a joke right? Mom? Dad?"

Kenji stood up and looked at Serena sternly, "I am serious Serena! This is no joke!"

Serena could feel the anger and tears welling up inside of her, and again as they ran down her cheeks. "But all of my friends are here. My school is here. My LIFE is here! I can't leave!" Serena started to cry hysterically. The anger inside of her building up more and more.

"It's not going to be that bad Serena. The school there is great, and you can always make new friend, and visit your old ones." Ikuko said walking up and putting her arms around Serena, trying to comfort her crying daughter.

Serena pushed her mom's arms away from her and stared at her parents with disbelief. "How can you do this to me? Doesn't anyone care about me or my happiness? What about Sammy? What about what he wants? His life is here just as much as mine is!" Serena yelled and then ran out the door. With tears streaming down her face she slowly made her way to the Crown Arcade, leaving her parents speechless.

Ding…ding…ding…ding. The arcade doors swooshed open as each girl walked in. Ami was the first to arrive. She went and sat down at their usual table. Then she pulled out a book and started reading until Rei walked in and spotted her. Ami didn't notice Rei walking up to her until she felt her book being pulled from her hands. Ami looked up in shock, that her book had been taken right out of her hands. She saw Rei skimming over the page she had been reading.

"Don't you ever get tired of reading Ami?" Rei asked sarcastically, because she already new the answer. Ami would never get tired of reading. She's too much of bookworm.

"Oh, hey Rei. No, I never get tired of reading." Ami smirked. 'Knew it' thought Rei. "Hey Lita." Ami called out as Lita walked through the door.

"Hey guys. So…I see Mina isn't here yet. What do you think the odds are that she'll be late again?" Lite asked jokingly.

"Hmmm…I'd say 6:10. 10:10, (6:10, 10:10, & 0:10 are ratios) if she runs into a cute Guy." laughed Rei.

They all started giggling. "I would say 0:10." replied Ami with a huge grin on her face.

"Why do you say that Ami?"

"Because I'm right here!" an all too familiar voice called out.

Lita and Rei turned around to see Mina glaring daggers at them with her hands on her hips and her lips pouted. "You guys have so little faith." With that, she plopped down in the seat next to Ami, and Lita sat next to Rei.

"Hey ladies. What will it be today?"

The girls looked up to see Andrew standing there with a big smile plastered on his face. "Hey Andrew." The girls greeted him in unison. They all starting laughing.

So…I take it you guys are here because of Darian?" Andrew asked excitedly, but trying to be as nonchalant as possible. He was so happy that his best friend was coming home.

"You go it. So what all are we suppose to do exactly?" Mina asked curiously. The rest of the girls nodded. They were just as curious as Mina.

Andrew proceeded to tell the girls everything that Darian had told him. As soon as he finished explaining everything, Serena walked in. everyone was quiet as Serena walked to the table. They all noticed instantly that Serena was upset and had been crying. They all watched her closely as she sat down next to Mina and sighed. Mina finally broke the silence. "Hey Serena, what's wrong?"

Serena looked up at everyone and started crying again. She buried her head in her arms and mumbled, "I'mmoving", but no one could understand a word she had just said.

"What?" asked Rei, still a bit confused. "Serena we can't understand you when you mumble."

Serena jolted her head up hand yelled, "I said, I'm moving!" Her crying quickly fell to whimpering as she tried to collect herself. Everyone gasped and then fell silent. Serena watched as her friend's faces went from shocked to sadness, worry, anger, and confusion.

"Are you positive Serena?" Mina asked worriedly, looking into her eyes trying to find some kind of hint that this was a lie or a joke, but couldn't find either one.

Serena nodded. "They told me as soon as I got home from school."

"But why?" Andrew asked looking at Serena. Everyone turned to face her as they waited for her to reply.

Serena did her best to hold back her tears as she began to explain. "My dad got a big promotion at work, and with that promotion came a transfer. The position he was given meant that he would have to move to Kyoto, and unfortunately where he goes, he makes us go too. I tried to get him to change his mind but he wouldn't budge. He's sooo DAMN stubborn, and right now he's being selfish! I doubt that he's even considered mine and Sammy's feelings."

"What about your mom Serena?" Ami asked with a bit of hope in her voice. "Why don't you try talking to her."

"Yeah, I'm sure she could get your dad to change his mind." exclaimed Lita. 'If anyone can get through to her father, it's definitely got to be her mother.'

"I already did!" Serena sighed, looking down in disappointment.

"And…?" Mina asked moving a bit closer to Serena.

Serena growled angrily, "She freakin' too his side! DUH!" she could feel the anger building up inside of her as she thought about how her mother had betrayed her when she sided with her husband. Serena broke down it tears. "It's NOT fair! NOT fair at all!"

Rei couldn't stand to see her best friend in so much pain and sadness. She gently wrapped her arms around Serena's shaking shoulders and hugged her tightly and protectively. "Everything is going to be ok Serena. You'll see. We'll figure something out.

"Thanks you guys. You're the best! Hmmm…I wish Darian were here…O.M.G., Darian!" Serena gasped as her head jolted up. A look of worry washed over her. "I still have to tell Darian."

Oooooooo…cliff hanger. Don't ya just love 'em. Tell me what you think so far.