Chapter 6: Tuxedo Mask to the Rescue

At Serena's House

Serena woke up at about 6:55, and after looking at the time, she started freaking out about being late and rushed to get ready. She could just hear Rei yelling at her now, 'You meatball head, can't you ever be on time foe anything?' Serena grabbed her broach and ran out of the house as fast as she could towards the temple; thanking God for all those mad dashes to school in the mornings and her senshi training. It all made her unatureally fast.

At The Airport

After the plain landed, Darian grabbed his carry-on and exited the plain. He smiled ear to ear when he saw Andrew waiting for him. Andrew and Darian gave each other a big brotherly hug, while exchanging greetings. After Darian got his suitcases and loaded them into Andrew's car, they started the 30 minute drive home.

"So Drew, what's new?"

"Hmmm...lets see. Elizabeth is noe attending Tokyo University, I'm planning on proposing to Rita next week, and oh yeah...Serena's dad got promoted at work,so now she has to move to Kyoto with her family, because that is where her father is being relocated to." Andrew quickly readied himself for Darian's response.

"WHAT!?Whendidthishappen?Whenisshemoving?Doesshehavetogo?WhatamIgoingtodo?ShejustCAN'Tleave!" Replied Darian in a single breath.

Andrew then proceded to tell Darian everything that had happened. "Well...we just found out on Wednesday and so did Serena. She's really torn up about it. We don't know when exactly she is moving, but we do know that it is very soon. No, Serena doesn't have a choice because dhe doesn't have anywhere else to stay. She's in quite a predicament. Do you have any suggestions...?"

Back To Serena

Serena was halfway to Rei's when she heard a scream. She stopped and turned around and saw people running and screaming from the park. "Awww man" she wined, then grabbed her broach and ran into an alley. "Moon Eternal Power" she yelled and within seconds she was Eternal Sailor Moon.

Upset that she was going to be even more late, she arrived at the park thouroughly pissed off and ready to cause whatever youma was there, lots and lots of pain. What she saw made her want to throw up. This was definately the most digusting youma she had ever faced. It looked like a cross between a year old tuna sandwhich and a hobo, and it smelt just as bad. 'I think I'm gonna be sick!' "Stop right there ugly! I'm Sailor Moon, and on behalf of the moon, I shall right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you nasty!"

"Well Miss Moon Brat, I've been waiting for you. Prepare to die!" it yelled.

At Rei's Temple

The girls are sitting around the table waiting for Serena when Rei looses it. "I can't believe she's not here. Darian is going to be here any minute and there's no sign of Serena. Again, I can't believe her!"

"Well, then will just have to improvise a little, now won't we?" Came a new voice from the door.

Everyone look to see Darian standing in front of the door. "DARIAN" the girls yeld as they got up to give him a big hug.

While giving everyone hugs, he got this uneasy feeling that Serena was in trouble. "Girls, I think Serena is in trouble and needs our help." He comented to the group. Just then everyone's watches started beeping. Sailor Moon was calling for help. Every transformed and went to help Sailor Moon.

At The Battle

When everyone got to the battle, they saw Sailor Moon fighting off the youma on her own, and doing quite well too. Tuxedo Mask was stunned at the sight of Serena/Sailor Moon. He hadn't seen her in so long, and she just looked so beautiful.

Sailor Moon started to get a bit cocky with the youma, and when she went to strike it, it disappeared. Sailor Moon stopped in confusion. She looked around, but she couldn't see it. Then it reappeared behind her.

"Sailor Moon, look out behind you," yelled Tuxedo Mask as he headded into the fight.

Sailor Moon turned her head toward the familiar voice and was stunned. She couldn't believe it was him, Darian, her prince. He was actually here. Her eyes became cloudy with tears as she let her guard down. The youma caught her off guard and attacked. Sailor Moon took the full hit, and went flying into a wall across the street.