Hey Guys! Long time no…see? LOL well here is a deleted scene in Titanic II. When Jackie is in the water waiting to be saved. I might write more deleted scenes but who knows.

Well I hope you like this scene.

Deleted Scene: 1

Jackie's POV

I didn't know what was going one while I was drifting on the wood. I rubbed my arms with my cold hands. Even though I was cold I was just thankful that Nikki had something to keep her warm.

I was thinking about my whole life, I felt like I was going to die because I was going down memory lane. I laughed at that. I still had a promise to keep that I made with Lucas, the guy I loved. I don't know why but I feel like singing something random. I don't even like to sing well at least in public anyways. But I'm all alone now so it didn't matter.

I feel really bitter right now towards the world. "Why did I even want to go on a ship like this, I knew this was going to happen. It's bad enough that I found someone that I love so much. If I never came on this rotten ship I would never meet Lucas and he would be happy without me. I wouldn't have to put my parents into pain again if I never went on this ship." I said really bitter.

Out of nowhere I sang.

"All I need is a bitter song to make me better. Much better.

All I need to write is a bitter song to make me better. Much better.

Mmmm Mmmm Mmm

Mmmmm mmmm mmmm

It found me to hold me, but I don't like it at all.

Won't feed it, won't grow it, it's folded in my stomach.

It's not fair, I found love.

It made me say that.

Get Back you'll never see daylight, If I'm not strong, it just might.

All I need is a bitter song, to make me better. Much better.

All I need to write is a bitter song to make me better.

I feel better, I feel better."

The song I just sang flowed out of me like water through a water pipe. I kept thinking about my life and then I felt some of my memories fading in my mind. I couldn't remember some of my most precious memories.

My head started pounding like a really bad headache. My eye lids felt really heavy and slowly I fell asleep. It felt like hours when I woke up to the sound of whistles.

Well there is one deleted scene. Once people review to this one then I will make a story just filled with deleted scenes for Titanic II. I hope you like it, if people really like it then I will start to think of deleted scenes that I felt that wasn't explained too much.

Song: A bitter song by Butterfly Boucher

Well Please review soon!