Title: Long Time Coming
Author: Sarah
Summary: AU. Veronica's father is Jake Kane. Future Fic. LoVe.
AN: Woohoo for quick updates!I hope you enjoy! And thanks to every one who reviewed.
Chapter Two
Under The Influence
I nibble precariously at a piece of camembert cheese listening to the gentle lull of Duncan's voice. He arrived in Neptune last night jet lagged and sporting a rugged beard. Celeste nearly had an aneurism when she saw it and had sternly warned him to have it shaved off before the party. Apparently beards were only for "hobos" and "people who had something to hide". The only remark Duncan had made in response was that, "Meg liked it". Celeste had glowered and he compiled shaving it all off. So he is now clean shaven and looking crisp and suave in his tuxedo. I move away from Duncan promising to catch up later at the club in LA that Lilly is dragging us all to.
I have always made an effort to keep up to date with my sibling's lives, Duncan and I email regularly and Lilly calls every now and then, but I am more likely to find out what she is up to by flipping through People magazine. Duncan is still going out with his high school sweetheart Meg Manning. She has also gone to Princeton with him and they are sharing an apartment near campus. I know it is only a matter of months before he proposes; there have been hints in his emails about finally settling down and making an honest woman out of her. I can't wait for when he finally do; Meg and Duncan are the perfect couple, seriously. They are straight out of a fairytale. It is like they are no longer two distinct people; it is Duncan and Meg or Meg and Duncan, they don't exist without the other. I sometimes feel a pang in my chest when I see them together, wishing I could experience half of what they do. Lilly just rolls her eyes and says, "God, could they be any more boring."
I have been at the party for an hour and Jake has already introduced me to all of the "important" people. Making sure to mention how I am the top of my class at Hearst. It is nice seeing how proud of me he is, I feel guilty about how little I show him my affection in return. I have never called him Dad even though I know it bothers him every time I call him Jake.
Finding some reprieve from skeazy business men and their trophy wives I think about what my Mom and Dad are doing tonight, they are probably washing the dishes together right about now. I can picture them, Mom with her pink gloves scrubbing away swaying to the 'mood' music while Dad dries making jokes every now and then. I savor the thought and wish I was home and not standing at this party in an extremely uncomfortable little black dress and heels. The dress had been Lilly's doing, I already had a black dress planned out for the party. A modest, elegant, relatively comfortable black dress with sensible heels, of course. When I had shown Lilly the outfit last night she had a fit.
"What the hell! You are not wearing this! God what are you, a forty year old house wife? You do realize we are going to LA after Celeste's snooze fest. You need something sexy, something that shouts 'I'm badass and insatiable. Take me now".
She had rushed off to her old bedroom and returned minutes later with a far smaller and sexier little black dress. I let her win and am wearing the dress, much to my utter discomfort now, at least I look OK.
Speak of the devil, Lilly approaches me wearing a scrap of material that is passing as clothing these days.
"Veronica, come on the real party's about to start." She is smiling mischievously and her eyes are more shiny than usual, a sign that she has already had a few to many glasses of champagne.
"What? You're leaving?"
"Correction we are leaving and my birthday party can really begin!"
"Wait, have you even cut the cake yet?"
"Yeah, I did that half an hour ago while you were having that scintillating conversation with the fifty year old divorced lawyer."
She grabs my hand a pulls me out of the Hotel ball room where the party is being held. I feel bad about not saying goodbye to Jake, but I know it is useless trying to get Lilly to let me go back now that she has already pushed me halfway through the door.
I slump back in the limo finally releasing some of the tension in my shoulders; fancy parties are not my thing. I feel out of place among those types of people and I am self conscious about the gossip and whispers that are constantly circulating about me. The illegitimate child.
Lilly pours two glasses of champagne, hands one over to me and raises hers in a toast.
"Best friends forever! V. Friends first and sisters second." She knocks back her champagne while I take a large sip of mine. I know she is more than a bit wasted when she starts spouting corny platitudes.
"So who is going to be at this gathering of yours?" I ask curiously, I need to be prepared for the worst. Lilly has been known to hang out with some fairly shady characters in her past.
"That really clears things up for me Lil."
"Hey, when am I going to meet your new boy toy?" She says changing the subject casually.
"Piz is meeting me at the club"
Lilly begins to giggle and I shoot her an amused look. What the hell is wrong with my sister? If she is plastered by the time we get there I will be slightly pissed.
"What?" I ask, eying her inquisitively.
"What…giggle kind of …giggle…name is giggle…Piz?" She bursts out laughing and tears leak out of her eyes. I shove her lightly annoyed by her immaturity but knowing a lot of it has to do with her alcohol consumption.
"Pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" She draws out the zzzz like an airplane sound and I am suddenly wishing she will pass out.
End Chapter Two
So the mystery BF was revealed. Sorry to Lorelei Candice Black I was almost tempted to make Weevil her BF but alas, no. Just to let you guys know I REALLY dislike Piz! However I will not let that influence my writing….to much :) As always please tell me what you think, and thanks to all the people who reviewed the last chapter, it makes me write faster.