Disclaimer: All the characters belong to the wonderful Janet Evanovich. I am just borrowing.

Spoilers: Possibly all the books up to Twelve Sharp

Content Warning: eventually NC17, maybe?

This is my first try at fanfic, so please be kind.

I'm sorry it has been so long between posts. Dell currently has my computer and I hope they are fixing it, but in the meantime I am using my friend's computer to type up another chapter. I hope that it picks up all right from where I left off in the story. Please let me know what you think.

Stephanie's New Deal Chapter 3

I woke the next morning to the bleating of my alarm. I slapped it off and sat up in bed, running my hands over my face and through my mess of curls. I could barely open my eyes and I felt like I had been on a bender the night before, without any of the booze or fun to get there. Ranger had stayed for only a little while after Joe had left. He had said that he thought it would be best that we announce our engagement soon since he would be putting in his bid for the contract within a couple of weeks and it would make things seem more believable if our engagement didn't come the night before his bid. I couldn't argue with his logic, but it also didn't leave me feeling like I had a lot of time to prepare myself for the reactions I was bound to experience from my friends and family.

I grabbed my hairbrush and started trying to tame my hair. I didn't even know how Ranger planned on asking me to marry him. He was normally such a private man that I wasn't sure I could see him getting down on one knee in a restaurant. I laughed at myself as the idea of him using the Jumbotron at a game came to mind. Probably he would just put the ring on my finger and allow the 'Burg grapevine to carry the news to the entire city. No muss, no fuss.

And not a lot of fun to tell our kids and grandkids about.

Not that there would be any kids or grandkids, at least not Ranger's and mine. My hand stilled in its brushing as my gut clenched with what could only be termed disappointment, although it wasn't an emotion I was used to feeling when faced with the idea of having children of my own. Usually I was faced with a blind panic and the need to double up on my birth control dosage when I thought about having children. But here I was, feeling disappointment over the idea that Ranger and I wouldn't be having children together because there wasn't going to be a real engagement. I pushed back the disappointment only to be struck by a pang of guilt that the disappointment I was feeling was because I wouldn't be having Ranger's child when I had always run in fear from the same idea with Joe. I wanted to feel excitement over the idea of having children with Joe, but for some reason, even now, no matter how hard I tried, the only emotion that rose up was panic.

I brushed the thought away as I literally started brushing my hair again. I didn't have the energy to be dwelling on such impractical thoughts. Food, I thought. What you need is some food. I knew I was allowing my expert use of denial to yet again avoid an important issue, but it was morning and I was awake and it seemed cruel to face those kinds of questions under those circumstances.

I went to the fridge to grab something to eat for breakfast and my phone rang as I was passing it. My greeting was answered with a typical Ranger, "Yo."

"What's up?" I asked, rummaging through my cupboards for something other than hamster food to eat. A strand of hair flopped down in front of my face, and I pushed it back behind my ear, the gesture reminding me strongly of Ranger constantly doing the same thing.

"Joe Juniak is hosting a fundraiser tonight for his re-election campaign for governor. I got tickets and I thought it would be a good idea for you and I to go together."

"That probably is a good idea. It'll make it seem more likely that we're a couple when you eventually propose."

"That's the idea," he replied with typical Ranger brevity.

I waited for him to say more, but that seemed to be all that was forthcoming so I asked, "What's the dress code and am I meeting you there?"

"I asked Ella to pick you up something to wear. She'll be dropping it off early this afternoon because I know you like to have lots of time to get ready. It's formal so I've hired a limo to take us. Cocktails are until 7 so I'll pick you up around 6:30."

"Sounds good. I'll do my best."

I thought I could hear him smile on the other end of the line. "Babe, I've already told you that you never disappoint."

I smiled in answer and didn't even mind when he hung up without saying good-bye.

I decided that my day would be better spent primping for the night's event than spending even half of it out chasing skips and fighting off garbage cans, so I called Connie to tell her I wouldn't be coming in.

"What do you mean, you're not coming in?" she demanded when I got her on the line.

"Why? Do you have a lot of skips? So many that you need me to come in today?"

"Well, no," she admitted peevishly. "But that never stops you from coming in every other day, so I want to know what's going on."

I decided that telling her half the truth would be better than telling her nothing if I wanted to get her off my back. It would also be a small step on the path of convincing all our friends and family members that we were a couple. "Ranger asked me to go to a fundraiser thing with him tonight so I'm going to spend the day just relaxing and getting ready."
In the background of the office I could hear Lula pipe up and ask why I wasn't coming in to the office. Connie relayed my response to her and Lula grabbed the receiver. "So, you and Batman finally going to get over yourselves and get together now that you and the cop aren't together anymore?"

"You guys heard about that?"

"Girl, the entire city has heard about it. I especially liked the part where the cop came back over to your apartment last night and Batman kicked his ass to the curb for you!"

I had a feeling that Joe was going to especially hate having that part get out. I cringed at the thought of having to talk to him again anytime soon. If "talk" was even the right term. Probably "yell" would be a better one, but I wouldn't be the one doing the yelling.

"Yeah, it's definitely over," I told Lula.

"Well, it's about time! And now with Batman taking you out somewhere all classy, you're going to finally be getting the attention you deserve," she announced decisively. "I say it's about time you got with a real man. Like me with my Tank. Now we just have to find Connie a man so she'll stop snapping at me every time she sees Tank drop me off and give me a bit of that extra special Tank lovin' before he leaves."

I heard Connie object loudly and then she was back on the line. "So you're not coming in today," she asked to confirm.

"No, I'm getting picked up at 6:30 and it's already almost 10 so I'm going to have a long soak in the tub and then start getting dressed for tonight."

"All right," she said. "You just make sure you get in here tomorrow so you can tell us all about it."

"And tell her to bring donuts with her," I heard Lula yell in the background.

I laughed and hung up after saying a quick good-bye before doing as I had said, and going to have a long bath.

I woke to the sound of banging on my front door. Loud banging. Groggy, I sat up in the now tepid bathwater and reached for my watch, which I had set on the lid of my toilet tank in case I wanted to see the time. I blinked my eyes a few times so I could read the dial, and then blinked a few more times to get the time to register. Twelve o'clock. Noon. I had fallen asleep in my bathtub for two hours.

"Oh no!" I yelled as I fought to get my body to co-operate so I could stand up and get out of the tub. The banging was still happening and I realized it must be Ella, here to drop off my dress for the night.

"Coming!" I yelled as I quickly toweled off, just enough so that I wouldn't drip water across my floor when I went to the door, and then wrapped a short robe around myself. I figured that since it was just Ella, it would be fine not to get dressed. And if one of my neighbors happened to be at their door when I opened mine for Ella, chances are they would be too near-sighted to see anything important anyways.

"Coming," I yelled again as I walked to the door, cinching the belt on my robe along the way. I got it tied and pulled open the door, saying, "I am so sorry, Ella. I completely ..." I trailed off as I got a look at the delivery person standing in front of me. Not Ella, but Ranger himself.

His eyes ran the length of me, taking in my still wet, and completely bare legs. I could see his eyes darken and thought his breath started coming a bit deeper, but he didn't say anything to acknowledge my current state.

He handed me the dress bag he was holding in one hand, "Ella had some other errands to run so I told her I would drop this off for you. Caught you in the shower, did I?"

I blushed. "No! I mean," I trailed off again, trying to organize my thoughts. "I fell asleep in the tub and you woke me up." I thought for a moment. "And you never knock."

He smiled just slightly, a tiny lifting of the corners of his lips. We were still standing in my doorway and he took a step closer to me. I found myself looking up into his eyes, eyes that were crinkled at the corners as though he was happy.

I shook myself slightly and took a step backwards. Ranger took advantage of the space to enter my apartment and it was only then that I realized he was carrying another two bags.

He saw me looking and said, "Shoes and stuff to go with the dress. I'm told that they're very pivotal pieces to the final effect."

I smiled, knowing he was laughing inside at the thought that the wrong shoes or jewelry could possibly wreck how I looked. "You'd be surprised. Thank Ella for me, for picking up all of this." I went to my purse and pulled out my checkbook. "How much do I owe you for the dress and stuff?"

Ranger stepped closer to me and wrapped his hand around mine that was holding the checks. "You don't have to pay me back for this. You're helping me out and I appreciate it."

I smiled. "According to you, this is payback for the Lamborghini."

He returned the smile. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to be out of pocket to play along with it."

Ranger tilted his chin down just slightly and suddenly his lips were within kissing distance, only a couple of inches away from mine. I felt my chest tighten as I unconsciously held my breath. He stood there, looking down at me, but not making any move to close the distance between us. I was flooded with pleasure from the heat of his body being so close to mine and my eyes drifted shut. I tilted my chin up and leaned closer just enough for our lips to meet. At first it was just the barest brushing together of lips, but then Ranger took the final step toward me to close the distance between us and the kiss deepened. My hands went limp and I felt the checkbook drop out of my hand.

His arms wrapped around me, and my hands were grasping the material of his t-shirt, bunching it up as he pulled me even closer to him, so that we were thigh to thigh, and chest to chest. I felt his tongue touch mine and I think my eyes crossed behind their lids.

His hands slid across the skin of my back, running down the sides of my robed body and over the flair of my hips to my bare legs. His hands touched my bare skin and slid up to my behind and I heard him groan, "Babe," against my lips.

And then, as quickly as it had started, the kiss was over. Ranger pulled himself away from me, leaving me dazed and breathless. My only solace came from the fact that he looked as disappointed to be pulling away as I felt.

We stood there like that, just looking at each other, both of us trying to get control of our breathing. Ranger's eyes were as black as the night sky and even from a few feet away I could see his pupils were dilated in desire. Our eyes were locked together across that space and I found myself hoping that for once his ESP was failing him because otherwise he would know exactly how disappointed I was he had stopped, and how hard I was fighting at that moment not to launch myself at him and tear his clothes off with my teeth if I had to.

I saw his eyes widen slightly and his breath hitched. But instead of closing the distance between us, he took a step back and toward the door.

"I have to go, Babe." I think my disappointment must have shown on my face because he added, "It's the last thing I want to do, but I have to. Morelli wouldn't be happy if I were to stay right now."

I flushed again, embarrassed that I had lost my head yet again with Ranger. "I'm sorry," I said softly.

He walked back to me and tilted my chin up so I was forced to look him in the eye. "I'm not," he said.

He kissed me again, softly, and let himself out of my apartment.

I thought about giving into the wobbly feeling in my knees and letting them collapse beneath me, but it seemed overly dramatic so instead I decided to check out the dress Ranger had brought.

I sat down on the couch and unzipped the bag, noting it was from the finest dress store in Trenton – about five steps above Macy's, and completely out of my price league even at the best of times. More guilt, since now Ranger not only would be spending money replacing his new car but he had spent money on buying me a dress to pay him back.

I pulled the sides of the bag apart so I could see inside of it and gasped. The dress shimmered even in that small bit of light. I pulled it away from the bag and marveled at the silkiness of the black material beneath my fingers. It was a long, fitted gown with a slit that would go half way up my thigh, and with sleeves that would sit off my shoulders. The material was shot through with silver threads so every move I made in this dress would shimmer in the light. I pulled out the shoe box from the next bag and shook my head at the Manolo Blahnik label on it. The shoes were open-toed, three inch heels with slim ankle straps, and they were downright sexy in an understated way.

I looked at the last bag and I was hesitant to open it given how much Ranger had already spent on my outfit for the night. I was praying that it wasn't jewelry because if it was, I was going to be in hock for the rest of my life so I could pay him back.

The bag was pure, shiny black, no logo on it. I tentatively used the edge of a finger to lift it open just slightly, hoping I wouldn't catch sight of any padded jeweler's boxes, but instead all I could see inside the bag was more black. I sighed, my impatience getting the better of me, and poured the contents of the bag out onto the couch. A black lace thong and matching strapless bra tumbled out. The tags were still attached and said La Perla, but there were no prices to be seen. It was the no prices part that scared me the most. Even more than the sheerness of the lace of the thong. I heaved a deep sigh and realized I was going to have to work in some time for a bikini wax into my plans for the afternoon.

Ranger knocked on my door at 6:30 on the dot, just as I was finishing putting in my earrings. I walked across the apartment, loving the feel of the dress against my skin. I had to admit that Ella had chosen well and I looked great in the dress. My hair was up in a french twist and I thought that I looked polished, nothing like the normal Stephanie Plum.

I opened the door and smiled at Ranger in greeting. The corners of his lips curved in a smile.

"You look beautiful."

I wanted to return the compliment to him, but the sight of him had my tongue practically hanging out of my mouth. He was dressed in a black suit that looked very expensive, black shirt and black tie that was striped through with a different shade of black. He had on simple black dress shoes to complete the suit, but I was willing to bet they were as expensive as the every other part of what he was wearing.

Ranger's grin widened at my reaction to him. "Babe. You're going to give me ideas."

No need for that, I thought. I already had lots of my own.

I gave myself a shake and said, "Let me just grab my purse and we can go." I walked to the kitchen counter where I'd placed it, said good night to Rex, suggesting he not wait up, and turned back to the door. Ranger's eyes were following my every movement and I felt myself flush.

"Okay," I said, trying to gain control of myself again. "Ready."

He offered his arm to me, which I accepted after locking the door, and we made our way to the elevator. The ride down was painful. I could feel Ranger watching me as I tried to keep my eyes on the doors ahead of us. I finally gave in and looked over at him.

"What?" I wanted to know.

"You look beautiful," he said, "but I still prefer your hair down." He ran the tip of one callused finger down the side of my neck and I felt goose pimples rise on my skin. He leaned closer and I could feel his hot breath on my neck and I shivered for a different reason entirely.

"Although, I do enjoy the fact that I have easier access to your neck.

The doors opened to the lobby, I stepped out, trying to gain control of myself yet again. I didn't know what it was about this man that made me constantly have to fight for decorum. I squared my shoulders and then found myself coming up short. A stretch limo was waiting for us outside the door.

I looked up at Ranger and found him smiling down at me.

"Come on, time to go enjoy ourselves," he said before opening the door for us to go into the night.

Please let me know what you think. I really appreciate all the feedback, and I want to thank every person who was nice enough to let me know if they enjoyed (or didn't enjoy) the story. Special thanks to Kate, Linda, and Haleigh for being so nice and offering to beta the story for me. I still plan on taking you all up on your offers, as soon as things are back to normal again.

I hope to have my computer back in the next couple of weeks, but I may ask to borrow my friend's computer again before that, it depends on how much time I have. Thank you for reading!