Summary: Kendra and Darren become great friends and maybe something more, but in another world, they're enemies. What happens when they find out about their secret identities? Will they stay friends, or will they lose the only love they ever had?
This practically has nothing to do with the books. I may have some references to SS, CoS, and PoA, but I'm taking out the Triwizard Tournament and pretty much everything from GoF. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and I will not, ever. However Kendra (sort of), Darren (sort of), Mrs. Sine, and Sydney are mine. Don't take them!
The music seemed to carry her as she glided across the polished wood floor. She counted the steps in her head and stared at her reflection in the wall mirror, watching her posture. She jumped, kicked, and swirled until the song faded away. The applause seemed faint because of her heavy breathing and pounding heart. She smiled, bowed and sat back down at her seat, bottle of water in hand.
Kendra Mastiff blushed humbly under the congratulations she received on her performance. Her thin blonde hair had almost completely fallen out of her messy bun and she pushed a few pieces out of her face. Her pale green eyes were still bright with excitement and her red face hid the freckles on her nose and cheeks. The fifteen-year-old gave a sigh of relief; she had been nervous about that performance, but she had done it.
"Very good, Miss Mastiff." Kendra's teacher, Ms. Sine had moved to center stage and smiled warmly at Kendra. Mrs. Sine had short dark brown hair with eyes to match. Her skin was the color of roasted almonds and was clear of any blemishes.
Once again, Kendra blushed at the praise. Kendra was very modest and wasn't a big fan of the spotlight. She was never the first of her class to beg for the lead role, even though she was one of the best dancers, and got the lead anyway.
"I will see everyone tomorrow. Good night." Ms. Sine dismissed the class. Everyone packed up their clothes and headed to the locker rooms. (I haven't had dance lessons since 2002, so I really don't know if there are locker rooms or not.) As Kendra was putting her shoes into her bag, she heard a voice from behind her.
"Nice job Kendra." She felt her face get hot as she turned around and looked into the ice blue eyes of Darren Tawn. His brown hair was swiped to the side and his white smile made Kendra's heart melt.
"Oh, th-thanks Darren." Kendra mentally cursed herself for stuttering. "You also did well." She cursed herself again for sounding like her mother.
Darren grinned sheepishly. "Thanks. I really don't think it was my best performance, but it's just dance class right?"
"Yeah, right." She laughed nervously. They fell into an awkward silence, Kendra staring hopelessly into Darren beautiful eyes.
"Well, I'd better go, my dad's probably already waiting outside." Darren said quickly. After he left, Kendra slumped down in the chair and groaned loudly.
"What is my problem?" She asked no one in particular. She stood up and sadly walked to the locker room, mulling over her trouble with Darren Tawn.
The sun stung Kendra's eyes as she walked out of the dance studio. The neon sign above her read "Silver Toe Dance Co.". A giant silver ballet slipper, the studio's symbol, hung right below it. Kendra really loved Silver Toe; she had been going there since she was six. She received her first gold medal when she was seven. In the same year she received her very first pair of toe shoes. Then, she was eight when she was chosen to play the lead role in the Level 3 production of Swan Lake. When she was nine, she met Darren, and-
Kendra slapped her forehead in frustration. No matter what she thought about, Darren always came up. She just didn't understand him. Every time she so much as looked at him, her knees became weak and her face got hot. He was nice and cute and absolutely perfect. The problem was, she didn't know how to talk to him. All the girls in her dance class were always talking about their boyfriends and how they seemed to have dates every week. Kendra had never actually had a boyfriend.
She became really discouraged whenever she thought about her not having many friends or never having a boyfriend. Her parents were always telling her not to be so hard on herself, but she couldn't help it. She never could do anything with her hair with it being so thin, and her eyes were really pale and not very pretty at all. Her freckles were really ugly and she didn't even have the structure of a dancer. Her thighs were too big and her shoulders too broad. She was also a total bookworm. Not many people knew because she tried to hide it most of the time, but she loved to read. She was also really smart, but not many people knew about that either since she didn't go to school around here.
Kendra lived in a small town in Kentucky that no one had ever heard of before. She had become accustom to calling it Nowhere, Kentucky, since it really was out in the middle of nowhere. However, she only lived there during the summer. During the other seasons, she went somewhere totally different, but no one knew. Actually, no one really asked her where she lived. They were all too focused about their beauty and popularity to think about little nobody Kendra Mastiff.
There she went, belittling herself again. Kendra sighed and just brushed all thoughts out of her head as she walked home. She began thinking about nothing. It was if her mind was completely blank, but she could think about it. She really liked this ability because then she could just push the world away from her, if only for a few moments.
Kendra was so wrapped up in her thoughts about nothing that she didn't hear a voice calling behind her. Finally, she was jerked out of her pointless ramblings when someone yanked on her arm. Kendra spun around to see if she needed to defend herself, but she relaxed when she realized it was just Sydney Parker, her best friend.
"Ken, I've been shouting to you for the past, like, five minutes. Where'd you go?" She asked breathlessly. Kendra grinned sheepishly.
"Sorry, I was off in my own world again."
"Of course, you always are. But, you seem a little down today. What's up?" Sydney asked innocently.
Kendra sighed, her thoughts turning back to her earlier encounters. She told Sydney, who, luckily, was a great listener, everything down to her degrading thoughts of herself. When she finished, she was surprised to find tears burning the back of her throat. She swallowed hard and waited for her friend's advice.
Sydney was thinking hard, her sky blue eyes squinted in concentration. She absently twirled a bit of her mousy brown hair as they continued walking in silence. Finally, Sydney just sighed and turned to Kendra.
"Look Ken, I don't know what to do for you. I'm not really good with this kind of stuff."
Kendra snorted. "Yeah right! You have almost every guy on your block wanting to go out on a date with you."
"Well, that's because I just have a really outgoing personality. You're a lot shyer than I am, so that's probably why a lot of people don't know you exist." Sydney explained. Kendra wished that Sydney wasn't so frank about some things. It kind of hurt, although she knew her friend didn't mean for it to."
"Well, if you were in my situation, what would you do?" Kendra asked, hoping to get some semblance of an answer.
"I would just go up and talk to him. About anything. Talk about the dance class, school, music, even the weather. What you need to do is avoid awkward silences. I know, it's hard, but an awkward silence is the best way for someone to get out of a conversation." Kendra nodded. She was glad her friend actually knew what she was talking about. "Also," Sydney continued," you need to not be so self-conscious. That's another thing that brings you down. If you're always thinking about how terrible and ugly you are, you're going to start turning emo. And nobody likes emos. (but i have nothing against emos) Just, be happy and friendly. It's really all you can do."
Kendra sighed, Sydney was right. All she had to do was talk to Darren. But it was so hard! She always got super-nervous around him and she was always afraid that she would say something stupid or offensive.
Kendra and Sydney lived on different streets, so, promising that they'd call each other later, the girls split and headed home.
Once Kendra reached her house, she threw her bag on the floor and ran up to her room. She jumped onto her bed and just laid there a minute, staring at her gold ceiling. Even though Sydney's advice was hard to chew, Kendra knew she was right. She had to talk to Darren; it would be the only way he would ever be hers.
I know that right now it doesn't sound anything like a Harry Potter fanfiction, but it is. We just have to work our way there.
I apologize for any mistakes. I'm sort of my own beta. (but if anyone would like to be my beta, please let me know hint hint)
I really hope that I can continue with this story. I always feel really bad about leaving stories hanging because I lost interest. Support from reviews will probably spur me to write! wink wink