Here's the next chapter for you all. Real quick though, I've been asked a few times if this is actually a Harry Potter story. My answer is yes. I'm sorry it's taking so long to get the HP element in; I certainly didn't plan it to be this way. I just need a few more chapters to move along the storyline and then the magic will come.
Thanks to my beta, Tendrilofthough, and of all my readers.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, period.
And remember, REVIEW!
A few days later, Kendra sat on a fuzzy, bright blue chair in her room. She glared at a spot on her green wall, thinking.
After she had passed out, Kendra had woken up on her bed, with her mother's worried face over her. Her mother had said that a nice young man had carried her home. He said that he had found her unconscious in the middle of the street, but he didn't know why. Kendra had merely scowled, knowing it was Darren who had taken her home. He may have thought that this was the way to smooth things over between them. Boy, was he wrong.
The rest of the week had been just as awful. Kendra had been mad at Darren, and Darren seemed confused about how to handle this new Kendra. Their dancing wasn't dreadful, but it hadn't been amazing either. They had done every move in the perfect mechanical sense, but the emotional part of each dance had been lost to the pair, and was seemingly nowhere to be found.
Kendra could tell that Ms. Sine noticed the difference. When she introduced one of the dances, she put extra emphasis on passion. Kendra could also swear that she saw the teacher give a pointed look towards she and Darren.
Finally, on Friday, Ms. Sine held Kendra and Darren behind after class. Kendra walked to a corner of the practice room with her, trying to ignore Sophia as she gave Darren a long good luck kiss. When they were "finished", Darren walked to Kendra and Ms. Sine, an embarrassed look on his face.
"Alright, what's happened to the beautiful couple I saw on Monday?" The dance instructor asked, getting straight to the point. "That first day, you two glided across this floor, lost in each other's eyes. Now, Kendra, you look like a board when you're dancing. And normally you dance as freely as water. And Darren, you look as if you're unsure on how to hold Kendra. You've always been good with the ladies, and know exactly how to move with them."
"That's what you think." Kendra said, masking her comment with a (obviously fake) cough.
"What was that, Miss Mastiff?" Ms. Sine asked.
"What she means is that we're just going through a little rough spot. I'm sure we'll work through it soon," Darren intervened, swinging his arm over Kendra's shoulder. Kendra was shocked and excited until she felt him firmly pull a piece of her hair. "Right Kendra?" he asked through his large, fake smile.
"Of course. This will be resolved very quickly," Kendra said through gritted teeth. "Especially if I went ahead and killed him," she thought mischievously.
Luckily, Ms. Sine seemed to accept Darren's answer. "All right, you two. By this time next week, I expect you to be the phenomenal couple I admired on Monday. Do I make myself clear?"
Both Kendra and Darren nodded.
"Good. I will see you two next Monday. Dismissed."
The two students headed to the deserted dressing rooms together, and Ms. Sine went on her way to her office.
It was then that Kendra realized that Darren's arm was still slung over her shoulders. No matter how much she told herself she should, she couldn't seem to push it off.
"Answer me this, Kendra," Darren spoke up. "Are you just trying to make me look bad, or have you completely forgotten how to dance?"
"Neither," Kendra responded casually. "I'm just still really upset with you. Now that I think about it, though, the first option seems very tempting."
She looked up at Darren with a smirk. It faltered, however, when she saw Darren's concerned face.
"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Darren asked, turning her around to face him. Kendra could see a mysterious emotion glowing in his eyes.
"It's just…" Kendra paused, thinking of the right words to say. "When I saw you and Sophia kissing, I felt like I was intruding on something. Since I know that you and Sophia are together, I just feel awkward dancing with you. I don't want your girlfriend to get the wrong idea."
That was a complete lie, but there was no way she was telling him the truth. Kendra couldn't tell him that seeing he and Sophia in that dressing room had shattered her fragile heart into a million pieces. It would just be… well, wrong… to do. Fortunately, Kendra was a very good liar.
Kendra realized that she was getting lost in thought, so she hesitantly looked up at Darren, seeing if he bought her story. Darren was staring intently into her eyes, his piercing blue gaze seeming to penetrate through her very soul.
"What?" Kendra asked, slightly annoyed. She didn't like people staring at her, especially if she hated the person staring. She began to worry, however, when she saw Darren slowly close his eyes and sigh. She wondered if he knew she was lying.
"I'm sorry, Kendra." Darren said softly, looking at her again.
"That's it, 'I'm sorry'?"
"Right now, that's all I can give. I know this must have been a real shock to you, and I feel really bad for not telling you sooner. I will make it up to you though. I promise," Darren said, sadness and remorse filling every word.
"Fine," Kendra said, tired of the conversation, and just wanting to go home.
They separated and went to their dressing rooms, both thinking the same thing:
How was Darren going to earn Kendra's trust again?