-1Disclaimer I do not own Kim possible

It was just like any other ordinary day in middelton the sun was shinning and it appeared that nothing exciting was going to happen. But

then again middelton was home to the world famous teen hero Kim possible, and her best friend and side kick Ron stoppable.

Ron was walking home from school thinks about what he had just learned.

I can't believe that kp would just leave me locked in the locker like that.

Why just because josh manky was there. We've been best friends since

Per k and she just forgot about me and what about all the missions that we've been

On. Ron grumbled as he walk.

So intent on his inter debate with him self that he did not see a young

Oriental girl that was sitting on the door step of his house until she

Called out his name

Stoppable-san yori said getting the grumbling Ron to look up at who had

Called his name.

Yori what are you doing her in middelton, the temple is not in trouble.

Sensei is not in danger is he, monkey fist has not done anything has he.

Ron asked working him self into a panic that was very easy for him to do

Stoppable-san calm down the temple is fine, monkey fist has not dared cross

Us since that battle and sensei is well Ron-san it is he who has asked me to come

To the states to collect you and escort you back to the temple to see him.

Why do you appear so distracted and up set stoppable-san. Yori asked him with a

Small frown

It nothing to worry your self about yori so what was it that sensei wanted to see

Me about yori. Ron asked

I don't know stoppable-san but he said that I had to bring you to him and that we have to

Leave here quickly and it might be some time be fore you can come back. She said

Ron took on a look of instances concentration before he came to his decision.

Ok yori just let me tell my parents that I will be gone for a will and to pack

Some things then we can leave ok. Ron asked yori hoping that she did not ask to many


Ok stoppable-san yori agreed but something was borthing her as to why her friend

Was so eager to leave his home and those that were his friends behind. As she thought

This an idea came to her she would be able to find out what it was that was bother him

Wile he was at the temple and she vowed that she would do anything she could to help him

With that both Ron and yori walked into Ron's house

Authors notes

What do you think of the first chapter of this new story. It is my first time writing one of these

Right now all that will be happing is some of the plot building but in later chapters and yes there

Will be later chapters the action and romance will start.