Never for the public…
Chapter 1 - Kaoru's Kidnapped… Again!
Chapter Summary - Oro? Kenshin mastered the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu's ougi... why is Battousai here?
This story has not been beta'd.
Summary: Kaoru's suffered a traumatic experience resulting in anxiety attacks. How does Kenshin plan to cure her? This story is based on the manga and anime up to the end of the Kyoto Arc, and ignores the Jinchuu Arc. However, sometime before this story, Kenshin does confide his past to his friends (same roundtable as in manga, different reasons irrelevant to this story)…
Note: The Japanese language is highly flexible and very beautiful. Although I do love mixing Japanese with English to try to keep the story true, I believe there is a limit which can severely decrease a story's enjoyment factor. I decided to ignore Kenshin's changes between his use of "sessha" versus "ore," although I felt it necessary to keep "de gozaru." Nevertheless, this story does contain MANY Japanese phrases. I've included a glossary at the end for reference. I apologize to those whom may not enjoy this story due to the intricate language mix.
WARNING! - In order to comply with Fanfiction dot net's guidelines, all lemons have been omitted, and extreme content watered down. Warnings are substituted in place of lemons. If you wish to view the entire contents, this story is posted in full at www dot MediaMiner dot org.
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor claim to own, any part of Watsuki Nobuhiro-dono's creations.
Rated: M
Kaoru yawned happily exhausted. She'd gotten an excellent workout teaching at the Maekawa Dojo. As she walked beside the river leading to her dojo, she looked up at the sun feeling its beautiful warmth and closed her eyes. Her eyes never opened as something hard smashed into the back of her head…
"Was the note delivered?" asked the man sitting in the centre of the dais.
"Hai… Battousai should be returning to the dojo and find the note," the henchman replied.
"Excellent… bring her," demanded the man. Kaoru, still unconscious, was dragged out and dropped in the middle of the large room's floor. The man on the dais stood and walked to her. He tilted her face side-to-side, examining her closely.
"Hmmm… young and nicely developed…" He reached under her gi's top and rubbed one of her bandaged breasts. "Battousai has excellent tastes. Too bad for him… it looks like he's never touched her," the man chuckled. He stood up. The man looked at the fifty drooling men around himself, and stared down malevolently at the unconscious woman.
"Itadakimasu…" Mauvais sneered maliciously.
Kenshin stepped out of the dojo gate as Sanosuke walked up to him.
"Heya Kenshin! Wus up?" he smiled. Kenshin looked up at Sanosuke. Sanosuke gasped and froze in place as Battousai's radiant amber eyes regarded him coolly. What the hell? Kenshin defeated his Battousai-persona when he mastered the ougi… Concern raged through Sanosuke.
"Kenshin! What happened?!" he yelled. Kenshin handed him the note and took off running, Sanosuke reading while he kept up with Kenshin. He soon growled angrily and crushed the note.
"Sano…" Kenshin started.
"URUSAI! The only way I'm not going is if you knock me out yourself, Kenshin!" Kenshin nodded. Halfway through the forest, Kenshin suddenly stopped and Sanosuke almost ran into his back.
"Perhaps you'd like for me to kill you first?" Kenshin smoothly spoke, startling Sanosuke. Saito emerged from behind a tree.
"Much as I would love to, I don't have time to play with you right now… Battousai," Saito drawled.
"Then get out of my way," Kenshin snarled and took off again, Sanosuke and Saito following him. Outside of their desired destination stood an army of guards. Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Saito stopped.
"There're only about 100 of them... humph, they're over-confident," Saito mumbled.
"They were expecting me to come alone," Kenshin said.
"Don't make me repeat myself," Saito reinforced, watching Battousai out of the corner of his eyes.
"Iko," Kenshin said. The three powerful men charged.
Raging kenki filled with wrathful fury blasted torrentially throughout the whole room, the accompanying bestial roar deafening the shocked, and very doomed men. A powerful whirlwind followed, flattening everything in its path. The trauma reached its peak… knocking Kaoru into welcome darkness. Two blades sculpted the air, rivers of blood cascading in all directions. Two pairs of hellishly amber eyes descended, leaving only death in their wake…
Battou-jutsu (Quick Draw Technique) by whipping the sword out of its sheath, one can increase its speed twice- or three-fold, which can kill with one blow without taking a single blow from one's opponent. This is a real-life kenjutsu technique.
Battousai Kenshin's name during the Bakumatsu Revolutionary War per his sword-fighting specialty, Battoujutsu… the -sai at the end designates him as a Battoujutsu Master, having perfected every Battou-technique possible
Gi A half kimono top worn during workout sessions or in battle with a hakama
Hai Yes
Hakama traditional Japanese pants which resemble a wide, pleated skirt
Iko Let's go. strong form
Itadakimasu expression of gratitude before meals purposefully used out of context in this case, for obvious reasons
Kenki "the air of a sword"… not the kind of air you breathe, but a swordsman's physical spirit, the source of his power projected outwardly into a physical appearance and/or manifestation
Ore " I " (typical brash male pronoun)
Oro an exclamation, only slightly similar to the English "huh?"
Sessha this humbled one
Urusai Shut up!