This is the edited and fixed version I want to thank Firekyoakira26921181 sooo much thank you! all this is thank to her! now for all of you who wanted me to get this fixed here you go now shut up about it:P (just kiding!)
Rated M
Pairings: NaruxSasu
Chapter 1
A hand shout out and slammed down roughly, at the sound of the annoying alarm clock, but not rough enough to harm the clock, as the star of our story woke up groggily, and groaned tiredly.
"Fuck this!" he yelled, as the stupid annoying alarm clock continued ringing, not affected at all from when he previously roughened the device up. Finally giving up, he grabbed the god-forsaken alarm clock, and threw the damn thing across the room. With a satisfying, CRACK, he mentally smiled, when he was one more presented with silence. Soon he was drifting off once more to the land of dreams, his eyes slowly drooping close…
Than suddenly his bedroom door flew open, and a loud, booming voice of "SAAAAAAAAAASSUUUU-CHAAAAANN! My wonderful baby brother! It's time to get up!" …made itself known.
"Ugh…" Sasuke groaned loudly as he grabbed, and threw his pillow towards the door. "Get the hell out of my room Itachi, and if you call me adorable one more time, I'll hang you from the tree by your balls! Now leave me the fuck alone! I'm trying to get some sleep!" he growled menacingly.
Itachi just smirked and leaned against the door frame.
"Such fowl language, little brother." Itachi 'tsk'ed' and then added, "Mother told me to get you to wake up and get ready for school anyways."
Sasuke sat up in his bed and gave Itachi a bored look. "Che, As if I'm gonna be jumping for joy just to spend another day at that hell hole." Sasuke said, flopping back down on his bed, and snuggled into his comfortable covers.
"Come on Sasuke, High school isn't that bad. I remember when I was in high school, truth be told, they were the best years of my life.''
"Yeah? Well these are the worst years of my life, and you wouldn't be thrilled either if you were Konoha's biggest emo freak! "
"That's a lot better than getting stalked by girls 24/7; I actually wish my high school years were like yours!. . . Well, not completely."
"Why, I'm honored." replied Sasuke, sarcastically. Itachi just stuck his tongur out at him. They both jumped when they heard the terrifying yell of'
"YES, MOTHER!" they both yelled. In two seconds flat, Sasuke scrabbled out of bed and into the bathroom, as Itachi bolted down the flight of stairs.
Sasuke sat at the table wear nothing but black, heavy eyeliner drawn onto the corner of his eyes, chains hanging sluggishly, although a little bit stylishly, from his pants. When Uchiha Mikoto glance at her youngest son, all he earned was a big sigh. "Why must you wear such clothing? This is nothing like your sweet personality, Sasuke." Itachi started coughing for some reason and although Mikoto didn't quite catch it, Sasuke heard something along the lines of 'Sweet? Yeah right" Which earned him a rather hard kick to the shin, from underneath the table.
Hearing the painful yelp, he gave a satisfying smirk."… mother I know these clothes are not me, and I know that the way I look is probably the reason why I'm classified as the emo freak at school, but I want someone to look past that and like me for who I am, and not what I look like on the outside! To you, it may seem a little corner, but it kind of like…as test of some sort, ya know?"
Mikoto squeaked, then squeezed Sasuke in a tight, motherly hug. "Awww! My son is so romantic! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard!"
"M-mom! I-I can't brea-!" Sasuke managed to squeak out, as Itachi dashed towards Mikoto from assassinating her son, by cutting off his air supply. "Oh! I'm sorry sweetie!" She started, "Well, anyways, it's time for school boys! See you when you get home!"
"Hai!" Came the amused tone of Itachi's, and the raspy voice of Sasuke, as they grabbed their book bags, and left.
Another wonderful day at hell high! I'm sooo excited…!
'. . '
Pfft! Yeah right, I walked into my most hated building and sighed as I heard people whispering as I walked by. Damn! What the fuck is wrong with these people! You'd think they would get tired of doing the same thing over and over again!
I walked into my first period class after going to my locker and sat down in my usual seat in the back.
"Hey, look Ino! Its' that creepy guy who wears more make up on his face then I do!" squealed a voice, from the semi-front of the class. 'Oh great, just what I need, the bitch sisters.' Yep, that's Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino. The girl with the really ugly pink hair and stuffed bra is Sakura, whereas the blonde bimbo with a big mouth is Ino. God I hate them sooo much! They, for some reason find it fun to just work my nerves. Let's see about that.
"Are you sure about that?" I asked, venom laced with the tone of my voice, "Of course! I think he wears more than you and I both, Sakura!" Then they both burst out laughing really loudly and annoyingly after that even though that coment was far from funny. You know what? That's it! "Is that so, then I guess I should let you borrow some of mine cause god knows you need it a LOT more than I do." I said mockingly, the two girls gaping at me like a fish out of water.
The whole class started laughing after that comment, but I could really care less. These bitches just pissed me off, it wasn't like I was trying to be funny.
God, you have no idea how much they really work my nerves
This one time I was so pissed off, I was ready to just stab that pink bitch with a pencil!
"Y-yeah? Well you…y-you" stuttered Ino, as she tried coming up with a good come back.
"Wow…nice come back." I commented dryly. You could practically feel the sarcasm off of my voice.
"Alright class! Settle down every one!" said the teacher, as he walked into the classroom, not even looking at what just happened. "Alright for today's lesson, I want you all to turn to page. . .
I just tuned out the rest of what the hell he was saying. Its not like I give a fuck anyway, I get straight A's even if I don't listen to this shit.
'Oh, well…Time for a nap.'
Sasuke jerked awake when he heard the bell. "Mmmm, that was nice." Sasuke mumbled to himself as he stretched and yawned. Standing up abruptly, he walked out of the class room. He made his way to his locker, where he put away his book and grabbed the supplies he need for his next class. Closing his locker, he turned around to leave, when he was rammed up against the lockers behind him by a couple of big guys, mostly the people known as jocks.
Then, noticing Sakura and Ino standing behind them looking smug, he cursed silently to himself as he glared at the men holding him in place. 'Those little..." Sasuke thought. "What the fuck do you want?" he spat at the two jocks. They just smirked and said "Che, tough guy, huh? Lets see how tough you are when we beat the crap out of ya!" one of them yelled. The guy pulled his fist back and was about to strike when a voice said, "Leave him alone."
"…and what if we don't?!" one of the guys yelled, eyes looking frantically around for the source of the voice.
"Then you'll have to deal with me." The voice said finally showing himself, and they were surprised to see Naruto there.
"Captain!" the two jocks yelled together immediately releasing Sasuke. Then they both took off down the hall.
"Naruto!" Sakura and Ino yelled. "Why did you do that? This loser deserved what was coming!" Sakura yelled, but Naruto didn't even glance at her, as he walked straight over to Sasuke and asked "Are you ok?" he asked, sincere concern shown in his eyes. Staring up at Naruto, Sasuke only managed a small, "Yeah… I'm fine. T-thanks."
"Naruto! Why aren't you listening to us!" Sakura and Ino complained, but he still didn't even look up.
"Hey, no problem! You're not hurt right?"
"No… I'm fine, Thanks again. See ya." said Sasuke, starting to walk away, but then stopped when Naruto crid out
"Hey! W-Wait!"
He turned around and looked at him questionably
"Wel,l don't I at least get to know your name? I mean I did just save your ass." asked Naruto.
Sasuke looked taken aback. "YOU want to know MY name?" he exclaimed ignoring the insult to his pride.
Naruto looked confused and then asked. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Sasuke just shook his ahead and said monotonously, "Uchiha Sasuke." With that, he turned and walked back down the hall. He was headed to the roof tops since he was beyond late for class. 'Might as well skip...'
"Sasuke…" I breathed out, as I then watched him walk away down the hall. Wow, this guy was well…cute well, for a guy. I mean if you look beyond the whole wannabe, scary, depressing-ish thing he's got going there, you'll see what I mean.
For some reason I'm hoping to see him again! I think we could probably be great friends!
He doesn't seem like he has too many friends, so this could be good.
Sasuke, huh?
Well Sasuke, you're going to be seeing a lot from me from now on.
So what did you think of this one its got more detail and I added a few thing to but really this was all thanks to firekyoakira26921181 so I bow to her (or him) well anyways see yas!