Hey you guys! Whats up! Gosh I claim to hate these authors notes so much but I tend to send them a lot. Anyway this is an emergency. Oh wait good news first! Its summer woooo! That means no more school and more time to write and guess what I'm pretty sure I'll be updating one of my stories this week! And quite frequently now. Ok now bad news.
Like super bad!
Anyone interested? Because apparently my other beta was whisked away to a magic island or something because I haven't heard from them in months.
For anyone whose interested in this job the terms and quirks of it are listed below.
1: If you become by beta you will completely become my partner in crime. (Aka right hand man/girl)
you have just the amount of right I do to offer any suggestions or change anything just make sure to run it by me first.
2: We'll be doing this by email ok so when ever I finish a chapter I'll send it to you, you edit change or whatever and then send it back. I'll reread over it then post it. (of course giving half the credit to you.)
3: Hmm I guess thats all.
Please people I'm desperate!