Breezy: "Here we are, another chap. What do you think of it so far, Axel?"

Axel: "How did you get me here?"

Breezy: "I don't know."

Axel: "Well, it's okay, but-"

Breezy: "That's fine. Anyway, KH and KH2 characters, plot, and meaning don't belong to me, whereas Elizabeth does. She's my OC and I'm not afraid to use her! Also, I just noticed; yesterday was July 4th! Anyone have a good holiday?"

Axel: "Could you just skip to the story? You're the one with the remote."

Breezy: "Yeah, sure. You there, READ!"

"That's seven dollars, Liz." Mr. Delaro told me. I handed him a ten, got the change, and took the bag full of apples, potatoes, and everything else needed for making a decent dinner. "See ya, Mr. Delaro." I called behind my shoulder. "You too." He replied. As I opened the door, the bell on the top rang from the blowing breeze. I walked off the porch and into the open sunlight. The bag shifted, then stayed put when I put it in the basket on my bike and started pedaling. The angle of the sun told me it was around five or six. I kept moving, looked around, and furled out my wings.

Going down a hill is so much fun.

As long as you avoid rocks and trees.

When I reached my house, I slipped my windbreaker back on. Our house was an old, yellow, vine covered Victorian, with a field behind it and a yellow barn beside it. Most of the field was used for our mare, Rosemary. I could only imagine how many times she'd been closer to me than mom. I suppose it was because she wanted a pair of her own wings. The rest of the field was for crops. We didn't grow much, just some corn, carrots, and in the summer, watermelons. I opened the front door, put the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter, and made dinner. Mom, Lindsey, and I ate in silence, as usual. I went to my room after dinner, and looked around. My room is on the second floor, facing the field. It's painted a light sky blue. A light blue bed, a nightstand, a few articles of clothing scattered around, your usual room for a 14-year-old. I put on a cooler shirt, and left the house. The familiar sent of pine and a whistle of wind in my ears came to me as I took off. In the middle of the wood, there's a lake. In the morning, it makes a great fishing spot. Once Lindsay caught a really big catfish, but we had to throw it back because of the face it made. I landed on one of the upper branches of a pine and sat down.

If you knew me, you'd know that when I close my eyes and put my fingers to my temples, I'm trying to solve a problem, or in deep thought. The man in the black coat kept popping up into my head. Somehow, he seemed familiar.

Sunsets at the lake always blend in wonderfully with the landscape. After the sun sets, the first stars come out, and some stray lightning bugs float around, lazily lighting up every now and then. After about an hour, I went home, only to be graced the next morning with rain pattering on the roof.

"-Soiled your reputation, disobeyed orders, and failure in your assignment!" Xemnas shouted into number nine's face. "And then, just for a second, you think I won't notice!" "Won't happen again, Superior." Demyx muttered. Apparently that was enough, because Xemnas turned to Axel. "Perhaps you could fetch her, number eight. Have her here no later than tomorrow night." "Yes sir, of course." Axel said with a cocky smile, seeming to still linger even after he disappeared into a black portal. "I'm not done with you yet, number nine." Xemnas said to a Demyx who immediately gulped.

Breezy: "Poor Demyx. But it's not like its happened before, right?"

Demyx: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Breezy: "Never mind. Please Review, you all. Bye!"

Demyx: "Bye everyone! And, please review!"