Ok so I know I have updated pretty quickly, but I on a road trip right now with the family and I am extremely bored so…I thought I would write another chapter! I hope I get more reviews as I write more chapters so please review! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or story line of the show One Tree Hill.
Flashbacks are in italics.
Chapter 2
Brooke's POV
The drive to the hospital was silent. No music playing and no street noise, but all the thoughts in my head were so loud, therefore giving me a headache. The louder the voices in my head got the faster I drove. The normal twenty-minute drive was cut in half because I was going at about ninety. The tires screeched after I made a sharp right hand turn into the Tree Hill Hospital. This place totally gave me the creeps and reminded me of the last time I was here.
"Well Ms. Davis, you are definitely pregnant," Dr. Tina Watson told me as she walked into the small, exam room I was placed in.
"Oh my god…" I whispered, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, while my shoulders slumped forwards and my head rolled forwards. "There is no way this is happening to me," and "what the hell am I going to do," were some of the thoughts that were running through my head.
After getting over the initial shock of the fact that I was knocked up, I looked up to the doctor and opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted when she said, "They're other options. You don't have to keep the baby."
"I know, um is there any way to…I don't know, um to maybe come back later with my decision."
"Yes, of course! Why don't we schedule another appointment and you can tell me your decision then. Um how does next Thursday at 2pm sound?"
"That's fine," I replied timidly, while unconsciously rubbing my stomach. Coming to this appointment just made my whole situation even more real and that scared me. I had no idea what to do! I would be the worst mother ever, probably turning out like my parents! Oh god! Help me please!
My thoughts were interrupted when Dr. Watson said, "Is the father in the picture?"
"He doesn't know," I replied nonchalantly.
"Well do you have someone we could contact incase something happens to you or the baby?"
Well it couldn't be Peyton, she decided to tell me she has more than friendly feelings for my boyfriend, Haley just got married and I couldn't bother her with my problems, Lucas doesn't know so that isn't an option, Nathan is in the same boat as Haley, Mouth would fell really guilty knowing and would make me beg to tell Lucas, no one from the cheer squad would be trust worthy with this info, wait…Rachel. Ok so were not best friends, well not really friends either, but she seems different. If she threatens to tell anyone I can just follow through with my plan of Used to be FAT Rachel. Ok, Rachel it is. "Um, Rachel Gatina, her number is 629-7328 (That is just a random number I chose)."
"Ok, thanks again Ms. Davis I will see you next Thursday at 2 pm," Dr. Watson said before tucking my chart under her arm and leaving me alone to register everything that just happened.
End Flashback
By now I'm the elevator heading up to the 8th floor, which is the ICU. Since I was in the elevator all by myself I started to walk in small circles and talking to myself. "Seriously how can this day get any wor…" I couldn't finish my sentence because in front of me I saw Lucas and Peyton hugging. "God who was I kidding, he couldn't even stay one day away from his precious Peyton could he. Seriously," I thought as I rushed out of the elevator and started walking around the hospital, not knowing where I was going.
Lucas's POV
"This whole ordeal is awful," I said as I pulled away from Peyton's embrace, "um Brooke should be here by now don't you think? I mean I called her what like forty minutes ago."
"I'm sure she is fine. She was probably, I don't know in the middle of doing something and had to finish it up before she got here. She'll be here soon, I'm sure," Peyton replied making my worry start to go away.
She was probably on her way, just like Peyton said. "Yea, your right I shouldn't worry, I'm sure she was doing just what you said, thanks Peyton."
"That's what I'm here for," she said with a smile on her face, while playfully punching my shoulder. We both laughed and decided to go take a walk and maybe get some coffee, while waiting for Brooke's arrival.
Brooke's POV
After seeing Lucas and Peyton, I walked around the hospital for a couple of minutes and found myself in front of the nursery, where the new babies are placed after they're born. It was weird a couple of days ago, when I found out that I was pregnant, I really didn't think I wanted to keep the baby. I mean I love Lucas and I would love to start a family with him, but I didn't think I was ready and with the whole 'Peyton loves my boyfriend' scenario, I just thought Lucas would leave me to be with her once he found out about her feelings for him. That would leave me alone with a baby and I could not deal with a baby by myself, no way, no how. But, the longer this baby is inside me, the more I'm starting to love it, and wanting it to be apart of my life. I know who would've though when Brooke Davis got knocked up she would've kept it. Ha.
So, after watching all of the babies for about a half an hour, I already knew what they were going to be when they were older. James was definitely going to be a soccer player with the way that little man kicked, Sally was going to be a rock star because she could definitely scream forever, Brad was going to be a comedian because he make a movement or do something funny to make the nurses laugh and Ella was going to be a ballerina because she wouldn't stop twisting and turning. That makes me wonder what parents that walked over to the window thought I would be when I grew up. I'm sure if they saw me now they would clearly be disappointed. Sigh, well I just have to put on my game face and keep trudging along.
Speaking of I should probably go to Rachel's room and tell her I'm preggers! I mean she is my contact person and if something should happen to me, well I would rather her know that I was knocked up than have her find out through a phone call. As I rounded the corner I ran into something really hard and fell on my ass. "Ow," I whine as I stand up and rub my ass my hands. I look up and see Peyton and Lucas, together…still. "Luke," I breathe out with a hint of sadness in my voice, that they didn't seem to notice.
"Pretty girl," he replies with a smile on his face as he wraps one arm around my waist and the other is at the base of my head. His face is pressed against the top of my head as he places a feathery kiss in my hair, "I've been so worried about you, I had no idea where you were and…I'm just so glad you're here." I bury my head into his chest and slowly pull him closer to me wanting to be as close as possible. I forgot how safe I felt in his arms and the thought of him and Peyton together started to leave my mind, until she speaks up, ruining our perfect moment.
"Um, I hate to ruin this (she said while pointing between us, we broke apart as soon as she started to talk), but Luke we told Haley that we wouldn't be long and I hate to leave her alone in the state that she is in," she said with an underlying tone of happiness, because she was breaking Luke and I apart, that I would only recognize because Lucas was so oblivious.
"Yea. Let's go," he says and starts to walk away, then turns around and says, "Brooke aren't you coming?" I was just standing there with my hands to my sides and looking at the ground until I spoke up, "Ugh, I gotta go somewhere first, I'll be right there," I saw Lucas give me a questioning look before I said, "I promise." With that I left as soon as I could. When I rounded the corner I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the cold tile of the deserted hallway. I drew my legs into my chest with my arms wrapped protectively around them, similar to the position I was in earlier today. One tear slipped down my cheek, then another and another, soon I was crying. "God Brooke, pull it together, you used to be so good at not showing your emotions, what happened?" I yelled at no one in particular.
"I don't know, but if you kept your emotions hidden I wouldn't have been able to see the beautiful heart you have."
"Lucas," I whispered, not looking at him and wiping my eyes, trying to erase any signs of the fact that I was crying. He sits down next to me, puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. My legs loosen and fall so there slightly bent while I'm sitting on my hip and my head resting on his chest. His arm that was around my shoulder is currently stroking my arm, gently and his other arm is supporting himself. I told myself I wouldn't break down, that I would hide how I felt so I did. I lay stiffly in his arms, even though more than anything I wanted to break down and tell him everything that was going on with me. I couldn't. I couldn't give that last piece of myself to him and I had to protect my heart. After thinking about what Peyton had told me a few days ago it made me come to a decision. I would not let myself be hurt like I was last time, so I have to end my relationship with him before it happens again. "Luke," I said while sitting up and turning to face him, "I'm sorry, but I can't so this anymore."
The look on his face showed that he was shocked and confused. "What…you can't be with me anymore?" I nod, and he says "Brooke what is going on? Seriously, earlier you tell me there is so many things going on with you, but you won't tell me, please…Pretty girl, tell me what's going on," he replied with concern in his voice.
"It's nothing," I tell him, "I just don't feel like we should be together anymore. We just aren't right for each other, I'm sorry," with that I start to walk away, but I hear him say, "
"Is this about the kiss I had with Peyton?"
"No, it's not," with that I walk away in search of Rachel's room. As soon as I find it, I open the door and see that she is still asleep. "Perfect," I thought. "I so need your help right now," I said as I took a seat next to my used to be worst enemy and took one of her hands in mine, "I'm in big trouble."