The night was cold

Sarah and Lynne made it to the throne room, an empty room at that. Goblins were no place to be seen. Just as the hand on the clock turned to five minutes before the thirteenth hour, you hear footsteps. Lynne looked at the clock and Sarah saw what she did not want to see. Jareth and Anamaria walking hand in had down the stairwell.

"What did you do to her you basta…."

"That is not a way to talk to your future king."

Did Sarah hear what she think she heard? Anamaria speaking of Jareth in a decent and kind manner? Jareth planted that smirk on his face. Lynne walked up to him, wanting to knock it off, Anamaria stepped in and took the hit for him. That sent Jareth fuming mad and he grabbed Lynne by the arms and pinned her to the wall.

"You little witch! You do not ever treat her like that again. Understand me?!"

Lynne had tears streaming down her face. Anamaria got up off the ground and walked over to him.

"Sweetheart, I am fine."

Jareth put her down and faced his queen.

"Are you hurt darling Ana?"

"Not really, I had worse from my father."

While Jareth was comforting her, Sarah ran over to Lynne. She was in shock at what she was seeing. After taking care of Lynne, she got up and looked at the two of them.

"So this is how it is?"

Anamaria and Jareth turned to face her. Jareth was the one to speak up.

"My darling Sarah, your sister saw in me what you did not. She saw what I tried to give you and she took it. She loves me."

She walked over and placed her arms around the king's waist. He smiled and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"What is going to happen to us?'

"You will remain here. Ask your friend, which is exactly the fate she suffered. She also lost her brother and now he is part of my royal army."

Sarah sighed.

"Come Lynne, we are here, we might as well make our home in the city."

With that, the two left. Anamaria was happy that she got rid of her sister. Little did she know that her brother, now all grown up and not the baby he was before would be calling for the king himself soon enough.