Anon notes: Hello anon is back! I LOVE GALS! "Especially the love story of RanXRei… sorry for all those who oppose. This is my first GALS story just be honest on what you think. Well that's all I can say on with the story…

Street#01: A Saturday Fun Trip…

Saturday [10:00 a.m.

"man am gonna be late!"

Ran shouted as she rush down stairs to the kitchen to get a piece of bread for breakfast.

"what the hurry?... it's Saturday there's no school or duty…"

Yamato and Sayo said at the same time while they rubbed their sleepy eyes.

"exactly! Me, Miyu and Aya have plans for the whole day… it starts at 8… we're gonna go shopping, go around Shibuya, eat delicious food and at noon we're gonna meet up with Yuuya, Tatsuki and Rei for arcade and karaoke..." (she said all this with just one breath)...

"well you better hurry it's already 8:45 you know"

Yamato said pointing at the wall clock.


Ran ate her bread with one big bite that it almost choked her good thing that Sayo handed her a glass of milk to wash down the bread in her mouth.

Meanwhile at the Shibuya train station…

"This is it Shibuya…"

a lady said confidently, she was wearing a light brown jacket, a blouse that had an ocean design. She also wore heels. Her hair was a bit darker than her jacket.

"Fuyuko… are you sure we'll find someone here…"

a man said beside her carrying a large brown bag, he wore a cap, a simple black shirt with jeans.

"don't worry… we'll find someone"

At the park…

"Ran's taking a long time isn't she?" Aya said with a worried face

"Hey you know how Ran is even if she's the one who set the time, she's always the one last… that's why she's always late at school… I'm sure she overslept again…"

Miyu answered with a smile.

"giggle… I'm sure your right…"

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!"

Ran came running through the crowd waving at them, and when she got to Miyu and Aya she was out of breath.

"pant, pant, I'm…pant…sorry…guys…"

"hey take it easy Ran, to need to breath, slow down…"

Miyu told Ran as she patted Ran's back to calm her.

"Miyu's right you shouldn't push yourself to hard"

Aya said as she observed Ran breathing heavily.

"Okey I'm all better.. LET'S GO AND HAVE SOME FUN !"

Ran shouted as she raised her fist to the sky.

Shopping Mall…

"wow so cute…"

commented when she saw the light brown teddy bear with a red ribbon tied to it's neck like a gift.

"hey, I think I'll buy this for my Yamato-dear"

Miyu said while holding a red shirt with white letter that says 'I'm with my pretty girlfriend'.

"man your nuts about Yamato aren't you"

Ran told her frankly (as she sweat-dropped anime style) she thinks that boys are a waste of time. Since she never experienced true love or any serious relationships ever since she started high school.

"I'm beat let's get something to eat shall we…"

Aya said as she was about to tell Ran that she hadn't had a serious relation in ages.

Buggie Tasty…

"wow, this place is cool"

Ran said as she entered the glass doors. The restaurant had a tropical yet elegant theme, it had pictures of sunsets and other painting that would definitely get anyone's eyes.

"wow…I'll take the…uh…um… I CAN"T CHOOSE THEY'RE HAVE SUCH TASTY NAMES!"

Ran burst out and dropped the menu on the floor she held her head as if it was in a lot of pain. All the other customers stared as they all sweated-dropped at Ran who couldn't make up her mind on what to have for lunch.

"RAN! Calm down I'll order for you okay..?"

Miyu suggested.

"okay… Aya let's grab a seat"

Aya nodded and followed Ran to the table that faced the giant window.

At the other table a lady with a light brown jacket and a man that wore a cap, caught Aya's eyes. Aya thought that they might be foreigners and returned her attention on Ran who still had a headache on just choosing what to eat.

"Fuyuko I'm starting to doubt that we'll find anyone here to meet the expectations of our superiors."

"we'll find someone. Don't lose hope my dear Mori. I have a great feeling that we'll find someone here… I'm sure of it."

A man wearing a black hooded shirt came running and grabbed the man's bag then dashed through the door.

"Hey!? My Bag! Somebody stop him" Mori shouted.

"Ran!" Aya called out to Ran.

"leave it to me guys…"

Ran said with full confidence and dashed out chasing the hooded man.


Ran shouted through the crowd as she kept up with the pursuer.

'Shit.. Ran Kotobuki..' the man thought as he kept running through the crowd.

"that's it! I'm pissed of!"

Ran shouted as she released her high-heeled boomerang attack. Her boot shot the guy straight at the back of his head And fell hard on the ground. Ran approached the guy and grabbed his shirt, just enough to sit him up and Ran looked straight at his eyes.

"Listen buddy! Nobody is allowed to poison the peaceful air here in Shibuya! Your making a big mistake crossing my territory if all your just gonna make a mess here! I'll let you go for now but if you ever do something like this again… I won't hesitate to let you live to see another day!"

Ran finished her speech and dropped the guy on the ground with a 'pissed of' look. Then the guy ran away and never dared to look at Ran.


Miyu and Aya came calling out to Ran who picked up the bag that got taken. Miyu and Aya were followed by the lady and the guy wearing a cap.

"here this yours?"

Ran asked the guy wearing a cap.

"yes thanks a lot… that was amazing…"

"nothing's impossible for a kogal"


They all paused as they heard the grumbling sound which seemed coming from Ran's stomach.

"sorry…I'm really hungry"

Ran said in an apologetic way.

"well be careful okay we got to go now"

Ran said as she waved goodbye to the two people.

"she's pretty amazing isn't she Fuyuko?.."

"Yes… amazing indeed…"

Anon notes: well that's what I thought of so far… if you don't know Tsukasa… find out in the next coming up episodes. Please review and tell me what you think okey…

Anon Azure signing off….