I DO NOT OWN SM OR DBZ I DO HOWEVER OWN EVERYTHING ELSE. just kidding Kyia-chan well on with the story.
MarsMoonStar and Kyia walk outside. Mamo-baka I mean Mamoru shows up.
Mamo-baka: Hey Ladies. How about I show you how strong i am?
Mars-chan: HAHAHA you strong? mr. rosey.
*Mamo-baka changes into Tuxedo Kamen and throws a rose. He meant to hit Mars-chan but hit Lady Kyia instead.*
Lady Kyia: I dare you to throw a rose at me again.
*Mamo-baka being the baka that he is threw a rose at Kyia-chan. Kyia-chan then does Final Flash and Mamo-baka dies then disappears.*
Mars-chan: That was cool auntie i couldn't have done better myself.
Lady Kyia: Thanks.
*Mars-chan then hears the phone and goes inside leaving Lady Kyia outside.*
Mars-chan: Hello... yes... stop stop stop... where are they... okay.. bye. *hangs up the phone and goes into the kitchen gets a cookie and brings it outside then hands it to Kyia-chan.*
*Lady Kyia takes the cookie and stares at it.*
Lady Kyia: what is it made of?
Mars-chan: Chocolate chips i think. Eat it.
Lady Kyia: Why? *She asks looking at Mars-chan suspisiously.*
Mars-chan: I want you to tell me how it tastes.
*Lady Kyia takes a small bite*
Mars-chan: Did i mention Usagi made it? *Lady Kyia spits it out and glares at her laughing niece. Lady Kyia then throws a ki blast at Mars-chan who stops laughing and dodges.*
Mars-chan: what?
Review and tell me if i should continue