So Dib walked over to the door, still feeling a little suspicious about what Zim was here for and what he's up to. When he opens the door, he found Zim standing right in front of him. Hello, Dib. Zim said sarcastically. Zim! I knew it. You're here for something aren't you? Dib said. Yes, and that something that I'm here for is to destroy you! Zim said as he pulled out and turned on his device.

You see, I gathered a certain amount of electricity from last night's thunderstorm and began testing it on certain living things, He said. To my surprise of this superior machine it'll destroy you in just about…TEN SECONDS

Oh yeah, well you're not gonna get away with…this. Dib said backing away from a near by claw. Uh, hey, can this thing really kill anything in just about, ten seconds? I believe so; Zim answered as the claws came closer to Dib and started to attack. But then he started to dodge them an escape through the door.

Come back here, you filthy earth stink! Zim said, as he began to chase after him. Along the way, Dib found a bunch of rocks and started throwing them at Zim. That should slow him down, he thought as he ran into a park. He then found a near by tree where he stopped and rest. I think I lost him, he sighed. Or have you? A voice said. He looked up and saw Zim standing in the tree. Now, lets get this over with ,shall we? He said as he jumped down from the tree and turned on his device once more

Then, when the claws were just about to race over and attack him, Gir came running in their direction. Hiya, master. thought I'd lost ya! He said smiling happily. Quiet, Gir. I'm trying to enjoy my moment of victory, Zim said. Hmm, okey dokey ,Gir said. But when he was just about to race off, he started to take notice of the Big, Shiney, red button on Zims' device.

Ooh…what that button do? Gir said reaching out to it. No, Gir. That's the- but it was to late. Gir had already pressed it. Self- destruct mode activated, self- destruct will commerce in 10…9…8, oh no, gimme that, Zim said quikly pulling the device away from Gir. Come on think,THINK! Then all of a sudden, he spotted a near by lake and quikly ran over to it and dropped the device in.

3…2…1…Beep. Zim just stared at the lake in confusion. That's odd. Surely I would've heard the sound of a huge explosion by (KABOOM!)