Medieval Love
By: Kendra and Rebecca Yoder
Chapter 1 – The Time Machine
It all started at Bowser's castle. Once again Bowser, the Koopa King, is completely devastated over not having Princess Peach's love, even after many attempts. So to fill his void, he has created a time machine to go back in time and start over with Peach so she would never even meet Mario, whom she loves. Bowser was working on his time machine when his son, Bowser Jr., comes in and interrupts.
"Hi dad, watcha doin'?" he asked.
"I'm working on a time machine so I can go back in time and change the past and win Peach over!" Bowser replied.
"For once that seems logical, accept for one thing." said Bowser Jr.
"What's that son?"
"Time machines were never invented! They're just a myth! How do you expect to actually go back in time and change the past? I mean, it's a nice dream dad, but aren't you going a little too far this time?" Bowser Jr. asked.
"Son, if I know one thing, it's that I will end that myth today! I will create the ultimate time machine and no one's gonna stop me! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Bowser laughed.
"Whatever dad, I'll just wait in my room until it happens."
Bowser Jr. left his dad and went to his room. Bowser continued to work on the time machine and surprisingly, he was done within two weeks.
"Finally, it's done!" Bowser screamed at the top of his lungs.
It was in the middle of the night so Bowser Jr. came down to find out what his dad was yelling about.
"What is it now, dad?" Bowser Jr. asked, yawning.
"I finished it, son!"
"Finished what?"
"The time machine! I broke the myth! In your face!"
"Did you even test it yet?"
"Well, no, but Peach will!"
"Okay, so you're telling me that you woke me up just to tell me that this stupid piece of crap is done? Couldn't you've waited until the morning?"
"No way! And it is not a piece of crap! It is the solution to my problems!" Bowser said.
"I can see your problems dad, really. Trust me on that one." said Bowser Jr.
"All Peach has to do is get in it and push the button that says 'push'. It is already programmed so that she will fall in love with me!"
"How do you know that if you didn't test it yet?"
"Because, well…I know things. Anyway, when she comes back, she'll love me!"
"I doubt it will work dad, no offense."
"None taken!" said Bowser.
"Well, if you're done blabbing, can you take us to Happy Koopa Pizza Place? I'm starving!"
"After I deliver this thing to Peach. Then we can have a brunch!"
"Wasting time…" Bowser Jr. said under his breath.
"I heard that!" said Bowser.
Bowser and all of his koopalings got into his overly sized koopa car. They drove to Peach's castle and dropped it off at the front gate. There were no Toads on guard duty, but it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
"My plan is already in motion!" Bowser said. "Now, off to Happy Koopa Pizza Place!"